[“The squad leader … Never a loser! ”

The grand brilliance dyed the whole world, like the sun shining on the earth.

In this world as clean as white paper, an ethereal silhouette appeared in front of Kiana’s eyes.

“Thank you, Kiana.”

At the last moment, under the collision of two energies, Fu Hua opened the passage to the body of the Law of Knowledge: “The Law Master, leave it to me.” ”

“The illusion is about to be lifted, you – go back.”

Fu Hua looked at the person who knew the law in the distance, and seemed to have made up his mind: “This time, it is really a farewell.” ”

“Wait a minute, squad leader!”

Kiana hurriedly spoke: “Perhaps, we have other ways!” ”

“Maybe, but—”

Fu Hua shook his head lightly and resolutely stepped forward: “This is my mission. “】

Kiana hugged Fu Hua on the side: “Squad leader! Do you have to sacrifice yourself! This kind of thing, don’t ah! ”

Alicia also persuaded her: “Hua, let’s think about this kind of thing again!” ”

Eden: “Hua, life is a very precious treasure, it is not good to discard it at will…”

Pardolphyllis hugged Hua on the side: “Ah Hua! No, Ah Hua! ”

Hua: “Pado, it’s not me who wants to sacrifice, it’s me in the future…”

Fu Hua: “Ditto…”

Kiana: “The future me!” Stop the squad leader! Nope! You can’t let the squad leader die like this! I haven’t learned the super cool Tai Void Sword Qi yet! I haven’t paid back the money I owe to the squad leader! ”

Fu Hua: “Don’t you say I forgot…”

Bud Yi: “Kiana, look at it!” What are you doing in the future? ”

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked up.

[In the illusion of falling apart, countless feathers have fallen one after another, floating in the void space.

“It’s like this again…”

Kiana stared at the feather that fell in her hand, her voice trembling and sad.

“Sacrifice in exchange for so-called victory, this kind of thing-”

The past flashed in Kiana’s mind, she thought of Bud Yi, thought of Bronia, thought of Teresa, thought of her father, thought of… Himeko-sensei.

“I won’t accept it!”

Kiana clenched her fists sharply and glared at the ethereal illusion: “Give me back the squad leader!!! ”

She resolutely rushed to that fantasy realm, allowing invisible obstacles to stop her steps, and advanced step by step!

The memories belonging to Fu Hua flashed in front of Kiana, and tens of thousands of years of time washed away like a waterfall.

“Red Kite Immortal-”

A familiar voice and person appeared in the illusion, Kiana raised her head, and a blond man stood in front of her, and the Heavenly Fire Saint in his hand was aimed at her forehead: “I didn’t lie. ”


A gunshot rang out, and the huge impact force slammed Kiana to the ground, and the pain was empathetic.

“- I have experienced too much betrayal and deception.”

“Squad leader.”

Kiana got up with difficulty but firmness: “I will never deceive you!” ”

The howling wind mixed with the blizzard blowing, a spear of Yakon was inserted upside down on the snow in front of Kiana, and she looked up – she was greeted by a Valkyrie who was pierced by the spear of Yakuna.

“I’m sorry, Master. Lixue, I can only accompany you here. ”

“- Whoever trusts me is also affected by me.”

“It’s okay, I’m strong.”

Kiana stood up hard and faced the violent storm: “Don’t worry about me!” ”

The moment she stepped forward, the earth under her feet collapsed, and Kiana suddenly fell into the dark abyss.

Countless fragments turned into Fu Hua’s memories for ten thousand years, and they fell one after another.

“- No matter how hard you try, you will block the passage of time.”

“—In the end, I’m still alone.”

“Squad leader…”

Kiana clenched her fists, and at the moment when she was about to fall, she smashed hard into the pitch-black ground: “I won’t leave you alone!!! ”


For a moment, the entire earth cracked into cracks like spider webs, and countless bright lights escaped from the cracks, and finally accompanied by a huge roar.

Burst shattered!

“Squad leader!!”

In the pure white space, Kiana found her squad leader, and she stretched her right arm to grab it.

Fu Hua was slightly stunned and turned around in surprise.

“Kiana…? Why are you here? ”

Staring blankly at Kiana who appeared in front of him, Fu Hua subconsciously stretched out his hand forward, but realized something… He retracted like a retreat: “No, no. If the seal is broken…”


The domineering president Kiana grabbed the wrist of the Red Iris Immortal and pulled her to his side, with a confident smile on his face that he had not seen for a long time: “Then I will burst her again!” ”

“I want to escape from my body…” Kiana squeezed Fu Hua’s hand and said every word: “There is no door!” ”

——The sun and the moon rise and fall, and the vicissitudes of the sea.

– After parting, I am used to despair.

——I don’t know what time is.

Dying in endless reincarnation, just for – mission.

And here everything has been done – changed. 】

Kiana: “Woohoo! The future me is so handsome! Attaboy! ”

Bronia: “I have to admit, it’s really handsome. ”

Bud Yi: “No, no, it’s good…”

Fu Hua: “I didn’t expect that I would be saved by Kiana in the future…”

Kiana crossed her hands at her waist: “Hey, hey, squad leader!” What do you mean! Don’t look down on Miss Ben! ”

Fu Hua nodded helplessly: “Yes, yes, Classmate Kiana, thank you.” ”

Alicia: “Sure enough, beautiful girls together, just look quite beautiful~”

Alicia pushed people single: “Yes, I agree too.” ”

Pardol Phyllis: “First of all, I’m not a white pufferfish… The latter one forgot. ”

Mebius: “I said you guys are almost done, don’t forget, although Kiana saved Hua, the corresponding seal was broken!” ”

Although Kiana managed to save Fu Hua and pull her back from the shadows of the past, she also broke the seal of the Law of Knowledge.

Considering the power of the Law of Knowledge, I am afraid that if I do it again, Kiana will most likely lose!

Kiana: “You said this, didn’t I say it in the future?” – Then burst her again! ”

Bronia: “Bronia doesn’t feel very profane. ”

Fu Hua also nodded: “Indeed, the seal was broken by Kiana, and the one who knows the law may make a comeback.” ”

Hua: “Guys, look… A new scene has appeared in the picture! ”

After hearing this, everyone quickly raised their heads and found that two figures with the same appearance appeared in the picture, standing with their backs to each other.

It is the one who knows the law of Fuhua and knowledge!



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