“Wait a minute, wait a minute! I have a problem! ”

Kiana took the lead in raising her hand, looking confused: “Is there any inevitable connection between Bronia becoming a lawyer and revoking her driver’s license?” ”

Fu Hua: “In theory, it doesn’t seem to be. ”

Bud Yi: “Kiana, have you forgotten that after Bronia became a lawyer, didn’t her mount become a motorcycle?” ”

Hearing Nha Yi’s words, Himeko and Teresa widened their eyes in unison and said in unison: “What? Motorcycle? ”

Although I barely understood what happened in the Q&A space through the explanation of the Royal Sanjia before, after all, this is only a general description of words, and it is naturally impossible to cover all the key details.

For example, Bronia’s mount after becoming a lawyer is a ghost fire motorcycle.

Himeko narrowed her eyes and stared at Bronia unkindly: “Hey, Bronia!” What’s going on with motorcycles? Your age… Not old enough to drive, right? ”

Teresa crossed her hands at her waist, and also fully exuded the majesty of the principal: “Bronia! Answering Himeko’s question, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be evidence in court! ”

As Bronia’s teacher and part-time acting guardian, Himeko and Teresa never expected that Bronia, who is usually just a homegirl with some game addiction, would become a ghost girl riding a motorcycle in the future!

It’s worth it! If this is known by her unknown parents, how will they make a difference?!

Bronia: “Teacher Himeko, Principal Teresa Academy, Bronia knows that you are in a hurry, but don’t worry about it yet.” ”

Teresa was dying: “How can you not be in a hurry!” Bronia, although I know that you like to play games on weekdays and spend most of your time immersed in the game world, you must not be addicted! Tell the difference between game and reality! ”

Himeko was also a little anxious: “Bronia, don’t look at it easy to play racing games on the Internet, but reality and the Internet are different, you can’t confuse ah!” What’s more, you are still young, not yet old enough to ride a motorcycle…”

Bronia suddenly had the feeling of listening to the old mother’s broken thoughts, and couldn’t help but cover her head.

If it goes on like this, I’m afraid that Himeko and Teresa can verbally educate her to start in an hour!

There was no other way, Bronia could only temporarily summon the heavy bunny and aim the cannon at Himeko and Teresa.

“Himeko-sensei, Principal Teresa Academy, please listen to Bronia’s explanation first-”

Facing the black hole of the reloaded rabbit, Himeko and Teresa raised their hands in unison, and their faces changed instantly.

“Bronia, I suddenly felt – after all, you are also a full-fledged Valkyrie, there are some things that we really don’t want to say too much, as long as you think it’s OK, we won’t interfere more.”

“That’s right, this kind of thing is not a dangerous behavior for the Valkyrie, but a good means of relaxation~!”

Bronia: “……………………”


“So that’s the case, now I totally understand.”

After listening to Bronia’s explanation, Himeko and Teresa were also relieved – since it was a reloaded rabbit, there was no problem.

After all, strictly speaking, this is also a combat tool.

Teresa coughed twice: “So to get back to the point, who will be the person who revoked Bronia’s driver’s license?” ”

Everyone looked at the options on the screen and began to analyze.

First, the worm began a wave of random analysis: “I guess it must be the law of knowledge!” Haven’t you seen the plot about her before! Miss Ben saw her defeat Bronia! She also blew up her car! ”

Bronia nodded: “Well, it’s a person who knows the law of Bronia ‘not very familiar anyway’.” ”

Fu Hua: “………………”

“However, this option C … What does the law of a thousand people mean? ”

A trace of doubt appeared on Bud Yi’s face: “Lawyer, how can there be so many 1,000?” This kind of thing is absolutely strange! ”

Alicia: “The words of the law of a thousand people should refer to the law of domination~”

The people of St. Freya’s Academy all looked puzzled: “The one who dominates? ”

Alicia snorted: “Actually, in our civilized era, the Dominating Law is not one, but a group. They are made up of a group of human beings, and each of the thousand-person lawyer contains a very small number of lawyer cores that are used to connect them as a group. ”

Fu Hua clasped his hands to his chest and analyzed rationally: “Since this name appears on the option, that is… Is it very likely that we will encounter this type of lawyer in the future? ”

Bud Yi was a little worried: “I always feel that I somehow know some very incredible intelligence…”

Kiana was full of confidence: “Hey~ Isn’t it a thousand weakened version of the law~ Look at Miss Ben when the time comes!” Get them all done! ”

She has just received the experience card of the Law of Flame, which means that she can become as dashing and handsome as she is on the screen at any time!

Even if you are facing the lawyer head-on, it is not at all vain!

Bronia leaned over the confident Kiana, and then looked at option B of the options, Ciel Fraai.

This name, she will never forget for the rest of her life!

That was her best sister who used to be in the Kokolia orphanage, and it was the only reason why she made up her mind to help Kokolia’s mother go to Changkong City to recover the Third Lawyer Raiden Bud Yi!

The purpose is to do everything possible to save Xi’er from the Quantum Sea.

But why does Xi’er’s name appear in this Q&A? And it just happens to be a question and answer about yourself?

Is this implying something?

“Bronia, what are you thinking?”

Himeko’s inquiry brought Bronia’s thoughts back to reality, and she shook her head slightly.

Immediately focused on the remaining options and began to analyze it carefully

“Bronia thinks the most likely option is option A.”

“Option A?”

Not only everyone in St. Freya’s Academy, but even Fire Yingyi felt a little surprised, and did not understand why Bronia suddenly said this.

“Yes.” Bronia nodded: “Actually, what Kiana said before, Bronia felt that it made sense. ”

“That is, whatever the question is, what the options are given, the final answer is almost always one of those who are here at the moment.”

Bronia looked at option A, the name Kevin Kaslanna: “In addition, Bronia remembered that the squad leader said before that Kevin in reality had been locked up in the quantum sea, and combined with the intelligence and speculation that Bronia herself had, Bronia thought that the correct answer to this question was A!” ”

As if to confirm her conjecture, Bronia raised her head and looked at the options on the screen: “Bronia chooses option A – Kevin Kaslanna!” ”



Good morning everyone! The new day is also as always, asking for flowers and asking for evaluation votes~ (bowing).

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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