St. Freya Academy.

Weekends, Valkyrie dormitory.

“Bud clothes ~~~”

“I won’t do this question!”

“I won’t do ~~~”

Kiana looked at the homework on the desk in pain.

She didn’t understand.

Why become a Valkyrie.

There is also a torturous process of exams.

There is this strength.

She would rather kill a few more Honkai beasts.

Bud Yi smiled: “Then Kiana take a break.” ”

“Stupid Kiana, you’re too loud.”

“Bronia’s train of thought has been disrupted by you, and this question can’t be done.”

Fu Hua pushed his red-framed glasses.

“Kiana, it seems that you need separate tutoring again.”

Kiana’s face darkened.


Class grown.

At this moment, there was a clanging sound in the void.

Four Valkyries raised their heads at the same time.

Above the dormitory, a white light curtain appeared.

Bud Yi: “Kiana, what is this?” ”

“Sister Bud, don’t be afraid, Bronia will protect you.”

Bud Yi nodded softly.

Kiana on the side was not happy.

Competing for favors, huh?

“Bud Yi, come behind me.”

And then whether Bud Yi refuses or not.

Directly pulled her behind him.

Fu Hua frowned.

Look at the white light curtain above.

“There seems to be writing on it.”

The three looked together.

Sure enough, lines of font appeared in the light curtain.

And this scene.

It wasn’t just in Kiana’s dormitory.

Teresa Office.

Teresa and Infinity Towers were chatting about something.

It was also interrupted by a sudden prompt.

Look at the white light curtain that appears overhead.

The two looked at each other.

They all saw the confusion on each other’s faces.

“Himeko, be ready for battle at any time.”

“Teresa, do you know what this thing is?”

Teresa shook her head: “I don’t know, but it’s definitely right to be ready for battle.” ”


Himeko felt that what Teresa said made sense.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared in his laboratory.

There were also Urandel and Rita in the laboratory at this time.

“Otto, have you figured out what this thing is?”

“It looks like fun.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“Rita, what about you?”

Urandale looked at Rita.

Rita also shook her head dumbly.

The eyes of the three looked warily at the light curtain.

Before the second collapse.

In one room.

“Mr. Siegfried, please come behind me.”

“I’ll protect you if anything happens.”

Cecilia shielded her husband Ziegfried behind her and looked warily at the white light curtain that appeared in their home.

Ziggy flew forward.

Keep Cecilia behind herself.

“It should be me protecting you.”


“Our children…”

Ziggy glanced at Cecilia’s slightly bulging belly.

There was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

“Zigfei, look at it….”

“There are words on it…”

Pre-civilizational era.

Fire Moth Headquarters.

Thirteen heroes are waiting for the battle.

Look at the white light curtain that appears in the conference room of their headquarters.

“Mei, is this your new weapon against the Lawyer?”

In response to Kevin’s question, May shook her head.

Mebius dragged his chin with one hand and said with a very interested expression: “It seems quite interesting.” ”

Grace: “Can a good white canvas paint something on it?” ”

Hua: “I always feel that something is strange…”

Alicia: “Oops~ It looks like something interesting is going to happen.” ”

Hua: “Above, something seems to have appeared. ”

Thousand Calamities: “It’s the word…”

Pure white light curtain above.

Paragraphs of text begin to appear.

When you see the text above.

Thirteen Yingji and twelve others.

And Mei.

They all looked at Kevin in unison.

Kevin’s face was like an iceberg.

There were also slight mood swings.

[Kevin Kaslana. 】

[In the former era of civilization, the United Nations was the first of the thirteen heroes of the collapse organization “Moth of Fire”, ranked “I”, and was engraved as “salvation”.

[The ancestor of the Kaslana family, the most powerful protector of mankind, the closest to the vision of the fire moth, and the “hero” recognized by all. The world is convinced that he will eventually lead humanity to victory over Collapse. 】

At the back of the text, there is also a personal photo of Kevin’s handsomeness.

He has flowing white hair and azure eyes.

Wearing a black and white cloak, he held his strongest weapon, the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor.

In this way, who looks at it is not confused.

Valkyrie dormitory.


The Misanjia and Fu Hua looked at the introduction of Kevin in the light curtain.

“Kiana, do you know this person?”

“It says that it is the ancestor of the Kaslana family, that is, your ancestor.”

Bud Yi looked at Kiana dumbfoundedly, and Kiana shook her head.

“I don’t know.”

“Stupid dad should know…”

Compared to Nha Yi, he focused on Kiana.

Kiana noticed something else.

It’s not so much noticing, though.

It’s better to say that I can’t understand.


“Pre-civilizational era?”

“Squad leader, do you know what that means?”

In Kiana’s opinion, the class leader Fu Hua is erudite and talented, and he must know it after reading so many books.

Unfortunately, Fu Hua also shook his head.

See Kiana looking at herself.

Bud Yi was also Mune’s shaking of his head.

Bronia gave her own guess.

“If I’m not mistaken, it means that there is a civilization before our civilization that is fighting against collapse.”

“Unfortunately, they failed.”

“How do you know they failed?”

Kiana looked at Bronia curiously.

“Stupid Kiana, if they succeed.”

“It will not be the pre-civilization era, and we will not have to continue to fight against Honkai.”

Bud Yi understood.

Fu Hua understood.

Kiana’s small head, big doubts.

“Huh? Why…”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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