Kiana’s strong appearance after being disciplined.

Those who are watching also really feel it.

Especially the last glance at Kiana’s eyes.

Himeko really felt a sense of crisis.

“Our students, how come one of them has become a lawyer again?”

The previous one, it was bud clothing.

The Law of Thunder.

How many lawyers?

Two of their students have already appeared.

Who can stand this.

Teresa was also helpless.

A small school.

There are not a few students, and there are two lawyers.

At the same time, I feel extremely guilty.

“Obviously I promised Cecilia to protect Kiana well…”

“Now it seems that I am derelict in my duties!”

Thinking that Cecilia is also watching this video now.

She couldn’t tell what it felt like in her heart.

“I hope Ziegfried can comfort her well…”

Siegfried and Cecilia.

Looking back at Kiana inside the light curtain.

On the faces of the two, the emotions are also extremely complicated.

Cecilia touched her belly.

“Kiana, mom will definitely do her best to protect you.”

Zigfei also said in a low voice: “I will never let my daughter become like this.” ”


The highest level of Honkai.

The enemy of all mankind!

“Cecilia, you don’t have to worry too much.”

“These are things in the future, and they won’t happen yet.”

“And judging from Kiana’s performance just now, it seems that she has not completely eroded her will.”

Ziegfei comforted: “Didn’t that girl named Bud Yi wake up Kiana.” ”

Cecilia nodded.

She also believes in her daughter.

“Kiana, you have to cheer in the future!”

Compared to other people’s worries.

There is a person in the audience.

At this time, my heart was full of excitement.

That is the Bishop of Destiny!

Otto Apocalis.

Looking inside the light curtain, Kiana’s domineering eyes looked back.

Otto knew.

His plan worked!

No, it should be said that it is still half the battle.

Judging from the fact that Kiana could still be awakened by Bud Yi just now.

There is nothing wrong with the direction of his experiments.

“Kiana, don’t let me down.”

Otto looked at the light curtain, the eyes of the Void Law that defied everything.

Lauderdale smiled faintly.

“Otto, it seems that you really know some insiders about this matter.”

“Don’t you share it?”

Face the problem of Lauderdale.

Otto just replied lightly: “It’s not very clear.” ”

“After all, it will only happen in the future, I am only a bishop, I can’t tell fortunes.”


“Is it…”

Lauderdale didn’t ask any more.

Rita next to her, listening to the two people talking about the same question and answer as a riddler.

Indicates that it is not understood.

Then a barrage was sent.

[Rita: Kiana is so handsome like this. 】

[Alicia: Right, right, I also think it’s so sultry, no wonder Miss Bud likes Kiana. 】

[Bud clothes: Oops~ (shy) (shy) (shy)].

[Bronia: Sister Bud also likes Bronia. 】

[Vilvi: Is Kiana’s little sister still there?] 】

[Hua: Attacking her friend should make her very distressed now. 】

[Meadophyllis: Kiana, you need to cheer up, you are a descendant of Kevin’s boss, I believe you can control this force. 】

[Youlandell: Come on! ] You’re going to be the strongest Valkyrie in the world. 】

[Teresa: I’m sorry, Cecilia…].

[Cecilia: It’s okay Teresa, it’s not your fault in this matter, I believe Kiana…].

[Siegfried: I also believe that Kiana, she will be able to control this force. 】

[Himeko: Kiana, as your teacher, I will strengthen my training for you in the future. 】

Kiana also saw the barrage.

Encouragement and comfort to yourself.

After collecting your mood, send out a barrage.

[Kiana: Thank you, I won’t hurt Bud Yi. 】

[Kiana: I didn’t expect me to become so domineering, don’t you like it more? 】

[Nha Yi: Yes, such Kiana is really handsome, bad! ] I accidentally said what I thought…].

[Kiana: Sure enough, Miss Ben can hold all the looks! ] 】

Everyone: “??? ”

This is the point?

But forget it….

At least that active Kiana is back.

Cecilia and Ziegfried saw Kiana’s barrage.

Also relieved.

Teresa saw Cecilia’s reply, and the guilt in her heart eased a lot.

But something

She still has to do it.

Pre-civilizational era.

Mei shook her head in disappointment: “It seems that the lawyer body has a strong uncontrollability. ”

“Judging from the current performance of Kiana after being legalized.”

“There should be two personalities.”

Speaking of which.

Vilvie is not sleepy.

Wilvie: “If you can handle the relationship between personalities, you may be able to control the power of the lawyer.” ”

Sue: “Not everyone is as good as you. ”

Mebius: “At the very least, it also gives us a new direction to fight Honkai. ”

Pardo Phyllis: “I believe her, Boss Kevin is also such a pioneer!” ”

Alicia: “It’s a pity, I thought that she would grow small horns like bud clothes after she became a lawyer.” ”

Grace: “In that case, it will be more difficult to draw.” ”

Mei: “But she’s a little bit like Kevin. ”

Kevin heard May say this.

Slowly raise your head.

The corners of Mei’s mouth raised slightly, without explanation.

At this time, Kiana in the barrage.

It has recovered and is as active as before.

The picture on the light curtain turns.

A new inventory appears.

Mei, who was still smiling, turned dark all of a sudden.

Come back???

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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