After the title emerged.

Viewers who thought they would not be shocked by the next video……. They are instinctive, forced ……. He opened his mouth again and showed a shocked expression!!

Because no one thought about it…

After the story of [Final Chapter] ends and Kevin ends~.

In the world of Honkai 3, except for Fuhua-.

There is really a former civilization era hero, she still exists in this world!

And this hero, she is the group pet in the entire pre-civilization era [Moth of Fire Chasing], Grace!

On the barrage, the audience also couldn’t stop sending out a surprised and shocking barrage.

[Grace: The protagonist of the next video…….. Am I?]

[Dr. May: The Ark Project…….. I didn’t expect that the person who would carry out this plan in the future would be Grace. 】

[Kosmo: Because, in the future, did I reject such a plan?]

[Alicia: This, this plan, will not be a little cruel for little Graceus. 】

[Kiana: So, why haven’t you been able to get Grace back in the future?”

[Kevin: Maybe it’s because of some difficulties. After all, the subtitles have already been described ……… In the future, we lost contact with Grace. 】

[Fu Hua: Originally, we all thought that something had happened to Grace. But now it seems that this is not the case………….】

[Raiden Bud Yi: So, what exactly did Grace go through during the exploration of the universe?]

[Bronia: I’m afraid this is inseparable from the previous Vita. 】

[Otto: Interesting, I think so too. 】

[Fu Hua: This time, I am also one of the protagonists of the video…….. It seems that the previous video, the “old friend” I saw, he is not Sue, but Grace. 】

At this moment, viewers can’t wait to see the follow-up to the video.

Everyone wants to know……….

In those unknown years.

Grace, who implemented the [Ark Project], what did she experience in the vast universe.

What happened again did she disconnect from the future Kevin and the others.

When the audience of the entire Honkai 3 world, they are infinitely curious about Grace’s story and the next video that is about to start playing.

Light curtain, so it will not continue to delay everyone.

The title that was still eye-catching just now also had the introductory text…….. Gradually disappeared on the light curtain.

But strangely, the light curtain remained pitch black.

But there is no doubt that the story has begun.

In the darkness, came Fu Hua’s voice.

Fu Hua: “You guys said……. This is the [bridge]?”

Next second!


“Boom !!”

A violent roar came out.

The wall of the ruins was directly shattered by Fu Hua Shangxian dressed in adventure costumes with a punch!

Meantime…….. What can also be seen is……..

Behind Fuhua Shangxian, there are also two cute …..”Baby Girl Version Vita “!?

This, what the hell is this story!?

The timeline seems to have jumped a lot.

But…….. It doesn’t hurt either.

Because what really matters…

In a story, something about Grace!

On the barrage.

[Kiana: Eh!?? This version of Fuhua class leader, this is the first time I have seen Eh. 】

[Raiden Bud Yi: This place, I always feel that it is not the earth…………]

[Bronia: Sister Bud is right, and I think so too. 】

[Fu Hua: But where is this place? The two behind you… “Little Vita”?

Now, many viewers have strong doubts about this video.

[Sue: Why……. Looking at these young versions of Vita, my heart began to become more complicated. 】

[Kevin: …………..]

Kevin, aren’t you particularly excited right now? Saw two small child versions of Vita. 】

[Kevin: Ellie, please don’t make this joke……..]

[Eden: Yes, yes, after all, in Kevin’s eyes, only Dr. May loves people alone. 】

[Alicia: But, for Kevin……… Sue is also a close friend who has no alternative possibility. 】

[Sue: This……..]

[Dr. May: Oh, Ellie.] Please be serious. This video is about Grace’s future safety. 】

[Mebius: Well, indeed. We can sacrifice, and we must sacrifice to achieve the victory of mankind…….. But only the child, she had no such obligation. 】

[Grace: The future me… It shouldn’t worry everyone………】

As the favorites of the Thirteen Yingji.

Grey’s repair shop naturally enjoys everyone’s love.

Even, all heroes can have the consciousness to sacrifice themselves in exchange for victory. (Cats too)

Meantime…….. They also believe that such sacrifices are necessary!

As long as their own sacrifice can bring better results to mankind.

They will never complain, it’s something they have to do.

But only ……. Only everyone will forgive Grace.

Because even if she doesn’t do it, it doesn’t matter.

She’s still a teenage girl……… She has no such need……….

Moreover, it can be felt even more from Mebius’s tone.

How much the heroes pampered Grace.

As a “snake snake”, Mebius is notoriously venomous.

Meantime…….. She is also a notoriously “bad woman”.

But only to Grace, she showed her tenderness.

After all……. Grace is the daughter of his assistant.

A long time ago, when the heroes were still fighting against Honkai.

Despite the busy work in the lab, Dr. Mebius doesn’t mind Grace playing in it and often gives Grace candy to eat.

There was even one occasion, in the eighth and ninth collapses, Daisy Dobia, Mark and Blanca were sacrificed one after another. Grace was also seriously injured, and Mebius personally performed supertransformation surgery for her in order to save Grace’s life.

It can be seen …….

Mebius, how much she loved Grace.

But these are now foreign words.

Continuing to return to the light curtain, the video is still playing.

After successfully penetrating the wall of the ruined “battleship”.

Fu Hua Shangxian, she took a step and walked into it.

Over here…….. It should be called a “bridge” called a battleship.

Little Vita, whom they call “The Bridge,” doesn’t seem entirely unreasonable.

But despite this, Fu Hua Shangxian still supported his forehead.

The abrupt artificial creation in front of you is obviously far from the impression given by the word bridge.

Fu Hua Shangxian, she is very puzzled……..

Why is there such a high-tech product in this place?

However, when Fu Hua Shangxian thought about it………

In what Qiming and Chang Gung saw and heard, there were many great and small feelings of discord themselves.

If only the accumulation of a sense of discord breaks through the critical value… That didn’t seem to surprise Fu Hua so much.

However, it is different from the previous situation. What the bridge brought to Fu Hua Shangxian was a vague premonition.

Although she still doesn’t know where she is at the moment………

Some hidden memories seemed to be slowly waking up from Fu Hua Shangxian’s mind.

Perhaps too much time has passed, even 50,000 years.

But for those things in the past……..

Fu Hua Shangxian, she has never forgotten.

And when Fu Hua Shangxian was thinking.

A “little Vita” next to it.

She was already in the ruins of this broken battleship, picked up an object, and accidentally made a movement.

Vata: “Huh!?”

The sugar paper that had been held in Vita before, accidentally fell to the ground, ready to float to the other side of the bridge at any time.


Little Vita made a frightened sound.

But Fu Hua Shangxian, she just comforted the other party very gently and said.

“It’s okay…”

Saying that, Fu Hua Shangxian was ready to help Vita pick up the sugar paper.

It’s just that………

Now she still doesn’t know.

This move of his own will make the subsequent story, what kind of changes……. It..

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