Video this time.

It can be said to treat all those who are watching.

All touched a mess.

It can be said that I witnessed the end of an era.

Even Celine on the moon.

The corners of his eyes were also filled with tears.

With the end of the video.

Celine also adjusted back to her emotions.

After taking a deep breath, Celine wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“This light curtain is really annoying.”

“The last video made people’s stomachs hurt with laughter.”

“This is all of a sudden.”

Celine felt that it must have been intentional by the light curtain.

I was caught off guard every time.

Spit on the spit and spit on.

Celine is still looking forward to what kind of video will be next.

This feeling of mood swinging back and forth.

You don’t say…

It’s really comfortable.

Especially for Celine.

Emotions squeezed in the heart.

I got a good vent under the video of the light curtain.

Now Celine.

There is no longer the mania and hatred of the first landing on the moon.

It’s not just Celine.

Even Wendy.

You can say it politely.

Now Wendy can stay awake in a state of legalization.

Even if the royal three families of this timeline find it.

Nor will they break out into conflict.

But Wendy knows now.

It is not Kiana and Bronia who should be noted that there are three Buds.

Instead, pay attention to the inverse entropy that hides in the shadows.

Avoid being attacked by them.

Wendy: “Anti-entropy, if you dare to come…”

“You’re welcome.”

And not just for herself.

Also for Bronia.

Wendy felt it too.

After the mood calms down.

It seems that the use of the power of the Wind Law has gone a step further.

This time it was a fight.

It shouldn’t be a shame, right?

Pre-civilizational era.

There was silence in the conference room.

Every photo that appeared just now deeply touched the hearts of the thirteen heroes.

Because that’s what they aspire to.

A life that you work hard for.

Pardophyllis: “It’s so abominable, it makes people cry.” ”

Mebius: “I’m getting more and more curious about who made this light curtain.” Could it be God? ”

Wilvie: “I don’t know, but it’s interesting, isn’t it?” ”

Mei: “yes, sometimes it’s good to relax together. ”

Alicia: “yes, I think it’s pretty good, at least he found a good audience for our end.” ”

Eden: “A grand stage really can’t have just one audience. ”

Sue: “When was my last photo taken?” ”

Aponia: “My one… I don’t seem to be impressed. ”

Thousand Calamities: “It’s really abominable…”

Alicia glanced at everyone.

The corners of her mouth once again raised her trademark smile.

“It’s good to live in the same era as you…”

“Even if our final outcome is doomed to failure.”

“But I am still very happy in this life, precisely because of the efforts of all of us.”

“It makes the future more possible…”

These words though.

Alicia didn’t say anything.

Then Alicia looked at the light curtain.

Eyes flashed.

As if through a curtain of light.

I saw the others on the other side of the light curtain.

Everyone in the next era of civilization.

“You guys who work hard will collapse.”

“Get out of this world.”

“Bud Yi and your friends…”

Alicia spoke, “Everyone, the new video is coming. ”

“And this time the protagonist is one of us…”

Everyone looked over with curious eyes.

Is it what kind of video can move people to tears this time?

Su’s eyes narrowed: “Oh? ”

“Is it me this time?”

on the light curtain.

Sue’s character introduction appears.


[One of the thirteen heroes of the First Civilization Era Anti-Collapse Organization Fire Moth, rank “VII”, inscribed as “Tianhui”. 】

[Once a doctor who worked hard to solve Avalanche disease, he joined the Fire Moth under the guidance of his mentor “Dr.” 】

[Because he solved the eighth collapse, he was invited by Mei to join the research of the Stigmata Project and became the director of the research office. 】

Pardophyllis: “This time it’s Sue, I really want to see what kind of video it will be?” ”

Mebius: “Could the new video be related to the photo that just appeared?” ”

Vilvie: “It’s hard to say, if it is, maybe it’s another touching video.” ”

Eden: “Not necessarily, don’t forget that this light curtain never plays cards according to the routine.” ”

Sakura: “If it’s Sue, I feel like there’s nothing to be dark about.” ”

Grace: “yes. ”

Alicia: “Then let’s look forward to it.” ”

In the office of St. Freya Academy.

Teresa and Himeko also just came out of that mood.

Both of their eyes were slightly red.

As a girl.

It’s normal to be a little sentimental.

Not to mention two girls who have been fighting on the front line for so long.

They also experienced the departure of their comrades.

So when I saw the video.

The feeling is much deeper than Kiana.

Teresa took a deep breath: “Okay, a new video has appeared. ”

Himeko: “Thirteen heroes again?” ”

“Could it be the same video as just now?”

Teresa shook her head, looking confident.

“Unlikely, this light curtain doesn’t look like someone who will move us twice.”

“I’m sure the next video must be a black spot!”

After being deeply persecuted by the light curtain.

Teresa thinks that she has understood the laws of the light curtain.

So very confident.

But Himeko will be suspicious.

If only this light curtain was so easy to guess.

That’s it…

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto saw another member of the Thirteen Heroes appear.

The brows furrowed slightly, and then slowly stretched.

Youlauderdale was also a little defensive and said: “It won’t just move us, and then start persecuting the thirteen heroes, right?” ”

Rita nodded approvingly: “It’s possible.” ”

“Things like this light curtain did…”


The light curtain has become bad in the impression of many people.

Rita looked at Otto: “Otto, do you have any opinion?” ”

Otto: “No, just watch the video quietly.” ”

“There is no point in analyzing too much.”

Not without sense.

It’s because of every analysis.

In the end, none of them guessed.

Otto has always considered himself a smart man.

So after several successive blows.

Otto doesn’t want to guess anymore.

Just want to watch the video.

Guess what a waste of brains?

Is it bad to look at it directly?

Laudelle and Rita also felt that Otto was right.

Look straight ahead!

Don’t guess next.

Then the two men continued to look at the light curtain.

Look at Sue’s character introduction.

Lauderdale: “From the doctor to the fusion warrior of the fire moth, this span is really big…”

Rita: “yes, I didn’t expect them to have this social profession before they became fire-chasing moths. ”

“Before that, I was a world-class star.”

“Now Sue is a doctor.”

“What about the others?”

At least in their time.

It is not for nothing that doctors turned into Valkyries.

But the doctor turned into a Valkyrie.

In the end, she also became an S-class Valkyrie.

Not really.

And put Su’s achievements and behavior to the present.

That’s basically what it means.

That’s why Lauderdale and Rita were a little surprised. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

On the other side, Ziegfried immediately thought of the photo of Sue in the previous video.

As well as in group portraits.

The one who looked very personable.

Ziegfried: “I really didn’t see that he was actually a doctor.” ”

Cecilia: “yes, they’re really serious about fighting for humanity. ”

Whether it’s a doctor or a world star.

Even in a world full of collapse events.

Although it is impossible to do it for a lifetime without worry.

But it’s perfectly fine to be alone.

But they all chose to join the Fire Moth.

Do your part for your own civilization.

Want to expel Honkai.

This spirit is undoubtedly Jean Cecilia, an S-class Valkyrie.

Feel admiration.

Cecilia touched her stomach: “I really hope that one day in the future, the collapse can completely disappear.” ”

“So Kiana and her friends.”

“They don’t have to live on the battlefield all the time like us, they also need a good childhood.”

Zigfei nodded solemnly: “I believe that day will definitely come in the near future.” ”

“And I’ll accompany you to see that day.”

A touch of tenderness flashed in Cecilia’s eyes: “Well…”

Valkyrie dormitory.

After seeing Sue’s introduction, Kiana looked at Bud Yi and Bronia with some fear: “I feel that this light curtain is not safe.” ”

Bud Yi nodded: “That’s right, I also feel the next video.” ”

“It is very likely that it is Su’s black history or something.”

Bronia: “Well, Bronia feels that way too. ”

“This light curtain is sometimes bad.”

Fu Hua looked at Su’s information given on the light curtain.

There are not too many words.

Instead, watch quietly.

Before finding Otto to ask about his memory.

Take a look at the stories of the thirteen heroes.

Maybe you can learn something from them.

As for asking on the barrage?

Fu Hua is even less likely to do this.

One involves his own secret mission at St. Freya’s Academy.

The other was that there seemed to be a voice in Fu Hua’s heart that was persuading her.

Don’t try to get that memory back.

So now Fu Hua’s heart.

It is still in a relatively contradictory state.

[Alicia: Next is our Sue’s video, are you looking forward to it?] 】

[Pardolphilis: Looking forward to it?] 】

[Mebius: Can you ask that?] 】

[Eden: It should be fine, anyway, the barrage is for communication. 】

[Kiana: Although I am a little looking forward to it, I am worried about what a strange video. 】

[Nha Yi: yes, there is always a bad feeling. 】

[Bronia: Bronia also feels that this light curtain will persecute Sue next. 】

Sue: It’s okay, for me, this kind of thing doesn’t cause me much distress. 】

[Celine: It’s all to blame for this light curtain, now you all call me the puffer fish lawyer. 】

[Mei: I’m also a victim…]

[Teresa: Victim +1…]

Under the emotional rendering of the previous video.

The relationship between the thirteen heroes and everyone is much better.

Quantum Sea.

Xi’er wiped away her tears.

Watch the barrage where the atmosphere becomes a little cheerful.

Xi’er read each one curiously before looking at Su’s introduction.


Sure enough, it doesn’t matter who it is.

When I saw the word doctor.

will be surprised.

Because it’s hard to imagine this span shift.

From a doctor who studies Honkai disease.

To the thirteenth heroic fire.

This kind of identity span is really a bit large.

However, there is one thing that doctors and firefighters communicate with.

That is salvation…

Xi’er said with some unease: “Wait a minute, it won’t be another strange video, right?” ”

Hei Xier’s voice sounded: “It’s fun to watch those videos.” ”

“This kind of touching video is not good at all.”

Xi’er ignored Hei Xi’er’s tsundere.

She was also shedding tears just now.

Suddenly, Xi’er thought of something.

“He is a researcher on Project Stigmata.”

“Do you have an impression of him?”

Ciel remembers.

The marks on his chest.

Kokolia called it stigmata.

And Hei Xier said it himself.

She was inscribed in human genetics tens of thousands of years ago.

Apparently this tens of thousands of years ago.

It should refer to the pre-civilizational era.

Now Sue’s character introduction also mentions the Stigmata Project.

That’s why Xi’er made this judgment.

Only then did I have the idea of asking Heixier.

Hei Xi’er sneered: “I can’t imagine that you still have such keen observation.” ”

“But what I can tell you is that I don’t know him.”

“I didn’t have any impression at all.”

Xi’er snorted.

Indicates that you know.

Then he continued to look at the light curtain.

Hei Xi’er: “You…”

Can’t you ask more?

This place is so boring.

Just you…

Don’t want to talk to someone more?

Hei Xi’er himself was bored to death.

“This harmful broken light curtain!”

Hei Xi’er looked at the barrage above.

And Bronia also spoke on it.

Xi’er certainly won’t be bored.

So many people chatting together.

Hei Xier glanced at it.

I also continued to watch the video that would be released in the light curtain.

Because she was curious too.

Researchers of this Stigmata Project.

What’s going on.


End of character introduction.

This time the photo did not appear as before.

Because of Sue’s photo and look.

Already appeared in the previous video.

Put it again and it’s a little watery.

Directly to the title of the video.

[Inventory of the death nicknames of the ten major societies of Honkai]

[Tied for Top 2: Women’s Cosplayer]

When I saw this title.

Almost everyone was stunned.


How is it women’s clothing again.

And this time there is an extra cosplay

Here’s what’s going on.

There was no Su in the previous women’s clothing idol Tiantuan.

Why is Su also women’s clothing now?

People of the pre-civilization era.

All looked at Sue.

Sue stroked her chin.

With a serious face, he said: “I don’t have that hobby of Kevin. ”

Kevin: “…….”

“Neither do I.”

Pardophyllis: “So this light curtain, just said that we are good, now began to persecute?” ”

Love is lost so quickly.

Alicia laughed: “Isn’t that interesting?” ”

“And don’t you often say that Sue looks like a girl?”

Mebius: “Yes, sometimes I feel that way. ”

Eden: “Sue is sometimes very easy to be misunderstood. ”

Grace looked at Kosmo: “Kosmo, is Sue very much like a girl?” ”

Kosmor nodded: “Sometimes it feels quite similar, and I feel quite right about this nickname.” ”

Sue: “I can’t imagine you all looking at me this way.” ”

Hua: “Cosplay means imitation. ”

“Maybe it’s a little different from Kevin’s.”

Mei: “Makes sense…”

Kevin: “…”

Can’t you stop bringing the topic to me?

Wilvie: “Hmm~ I don’t know who looks better with Kevin…”.

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