The scene is very funny.

Wide eyes and small eyes.

Both thought the other was fake.

Naturally, they did not dare to recognize each other.

Say yes to parallel worlds.

You go up and hug someone.

Say what, Xi’er, I finally found you.

Go, hurry up and go back to my hometown with me to get married.

Maybe people look terrified.

Call the police directly to catch you in the little black room.

So what’s the fun?

To say why everyone knows that this Xi’er is true.

The person who opened his mouth was Sister Bronia.

If only it was really the first time to meet.

Who would call Bronia a short man sister?

It’s not bad if it’s not a stinky sister.

From the perspective of a bystander.

Everyone can see it more clearly.

They all held back their laughter.

Want to see how long these two will play?

[Looking at Xi’er.]

Bronia looked frustrated.

She denied Xi’er in her heart.

Kokolia became a Valkyrie.

The orphanage ceased to exist.

Naturally, there will be no X-10 experiments.

So there will also be Xi’er who grew up normally … Right?

Bronia always felt a sense of discord.

The group came to the warehouse of inverse entropy.

Discovered Joachim, who possessed the power of the Law of Reason.

Joachim was tortured in destiny.

The group was also going to send him back to Destiny.

Carry out the evacuation.

But was stopped by Xi’er.

“Sister Bronia.” Xi’er stopped talking.

“What’s wrong, Xi’er?”

Bronia asked, puzzled.

“We can’t go to the evacuation site, we have to leave with this child, we can’t give him to someone else.”

Xi’er put forward a completely different opinion from the group.

It even looks stupid.

Bronia raised her head and wondered, “Then where can we take him?” ”

“Xi’er, what’s wrong with 733, Bronia thinks you’re a little strange.”

Xi’er said with a nervous expression: “No, sister Bronia, give him to me.” ”

“If it goes on like this, everything will start from scratch again…”

Xi’er said urgently.


Her pupils turned blood-red.

The voice also has a gentle turn terrifying.

“Give him to me—”

The voice just fell.

A group of Honkai beasts appeared.

Bronia wiped it out easily.

Xi’er was shocked when he saw this.

“Why… Why can you beat them? ”

Xi’er sat on the ground in fear.

Keep receding backwards.


“It shouldn’t be, people in this world, obviously there is no way to resist them.”


It’s like realizing something.

Her blue eyes widened suddenly.


Bronia also laid down her arms.

Walk slowly towards Xi’er.

“From the beginning of the mission, Bronia had a strange feeling.”

“Whenever people get into a bottleneck, you feel like you already know what’s going to happen next.”

“Xi’er, you, like Bronia, do not belong to this world.”

Bronia’s voice trembled slightly. 】


Dewy stuffing!

It turns out that Xi’er took the script?

It’s just that she didn’t expect it!

In fact, Bronia is not a person in this world!

It turns out that you are also real!

All stand up!

The broken mirror was reunited!!!

Except for a few others such as Kevin.

Everyone had aunt-like smiles on their faces.

If only I put a bed here.

They can all roll three times. (chei)

Bang it!!

Big Tangerine has been decided!


Stick hard!

Ate so many knives!

Now I can finally eat gum!

[When aware of Bronia’s words.

Xi’er hugged her directly.

The mind is full of surprises and happiness.

It’s like a moth that has broken through many obstacles!

Rush towards the fire in your eyes!


The two hugged each other tightly.

“Bronia… Sister? ”

Xi’er’s voice carried a perceptible cry.


Xi’er breathed rapidly.

She could smell the nice smell of Bronia.

“Is that you? Sister Bronia? Xi’er asked with a sour corner of her eyes.


Bronia’s words affirmed.

“Really… Is that you? She repeated like a dream.

“Ciel, Bronia is here.”

“It’s been so long, Bronia has finally found you.”

“Sister Bronia…”

Bronia held Ciel tightly in her arms.

Warm tears dripped down her back.

Bronia couldn’t remember how many times she had seen such a scene in her dreams.

But there are many things.

She remembers.

The girl’s sobs.

Remember the temperature of her tears.

Remember the touch of holding her in your arms.


A promise once made.

Bronia never forgot.


Her eyes suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That was after losing affection in the experiment.

I didn’t feel it again.

Bronia had a moist touch.

It is slowly flowing out along the eye socket. 】


It’s lily season again!


So sweet, so sweet!!!

Rare sugar !!!!

Tachibana is great!

The Cyan Sea Group got married!!

Everyone showed a strange aunt smile.


Get a little closer!

All around these two!

Take a closer look!

This sugar is also sweet!

It’s finally a reunion!

And recognize each other!

I was still muttering in my heart just now.

What if the two don’t recognize each other in the end?

How uncomfortable is that!!!

The smile on Alicia’s face was almost irrepressible.

“Bronia, didn’t you tell me before, did you have any agreement with Xi’er?”

“Didn’t you agree that we would kiss the next time we met?”

“Hurry up, how about Okay Kiss?”

Kiana looked envious and said, “Damn, why can they be so happy.” ”

“When will I meet Bud Yi in the future?”

“I also want to see the future me and bud stickers.”

Bud Yi: “Is that kind of thing really possible?” ”

Teresa: “After the future Bud Yi became the Thunder Lawyer, he beat Kiana hard, and there was a big hole in the playground.” ”

Kiana: “…”

Alicia: “It is said that Ciel is so much taller than Bronia, but she is affected.” ”

“It’s kind of weird, you say, little Grace?”

Grace: “Hmm? ”

A little blush.

Grace didn’t speak.

She felt that if she said something, she would die.


Bronia looked at everyone helplessly.

She was speechless.

Just watch!

Is it necessary to get so close?

It’s almost stuck to the two of them.

“Kiss or something, it’s so offensive.”

“Bronia thinks you can back off a bit.”

Bronia persuaded softly.

These words did not turn everyone back.

Alicia was also waving the small flag from before.

Keep cheering up!

“kiss! Hurry up kiss!!! ”

“Don’t panic, it’s coming right away.”

“So close to the ground, I’m sorry for us if I don’t kiss.”

“Promise, remember your agreement!”

The crowd shouted excitedly.

Bronia: “…”


Under the regretful expressions of everyone.

The two just hugged.

There is no kiss.

But it’s normal to think about it.

The two now don’t even know how to escape the Quantum Sea.

Such a moment of crisis.

And where did the mind come from?

The first world soon ended.

Joachim entered the school of St. Freia.

The world is falling apart.

Xi’er disappeared temporarily.

Left a diary.

“This ending seems to be good.”

Bronia sighed.

This world.

Untied her and Xi’er’s participation in the X10 trial.

It also unties the knot of the predicate law that is tested by the Mandate of God.

It’s a good happy end!

Everyone soon saw a second parallel world.

The world is equally bizarre.

Otto, who killed the saint because of selfishness.

Came to Siberia and established an orphanage.

Become a priest.

He killed Joachim’s father.

The reason is that it uses orphans for human experiments.

Joachim hated Otto for this.

Otto had wanted Joachim to inherit the orphanage.

But the huge gap made Joachim choose to leave.

At last.

A Honkai attack!

Badly wounded, Otto once again saves Joachim.

In the end, Joachim finally took over the burden of Otto.

This world.

Unravels Bronia’s hatred of Kokoria.

Watch everything that happens in this world.

Everyone had complicated expressions.

“Father Otto?”

“What an outrageous unfolding this is.”

“Teresa will also be in the orphanage?”

Kiana scratched her head.

It’s all puzzled.

But she also thinks it’s good.

Father Otto.

Truly love someone.

And followed her through the last journey of her life.

“Father Otto in this world is so gentle, he is really a good person.”

“Look at Otto in our world, bah!”

Kiana spat off.

Einstein: “In this world, it seems that Otto and Karen have escaped destiny together, which may be better for Otto and Karen than our world.” ”

“Karen won’t die, and Otto can be a good person, but the world is dangerous.”

“Without Otto for evil, there would be no Shanyat, there would be no unity of destiny, and the outbreak of collapse may be faster.”

“Maybe we’ll be glad that Otto is an evil man.”

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