On the outskirts of Nagasu City, Senba Gakuen.

Jiang Cheng, who was dressed neatly, stepped out of his student apartment.

Today is Monday, the day to go to school.

Senba Gakuen, an aristocratic school in Changkong City, the place of activities in Jiangcheng for the next few months.

Looking at the prosperous city in front of him, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but sigh deeply at this time.

Who would have imagined that this prosperous city would turn into a hell on earth in a few months due to the outbreak of collapse?

Although the third collapse was caused by the artificial collapse planned by Kokolia in order to recover the Third Lawyer, its destructive power is comparable to the normal collapse.

At that time, this place will become a paradise where the dead and the broken beasts are raging together.

And if there is no system, it is estimated that it will be directly destroyed under the impact of collapse energy.

You know, male creatures with little resistance to collapse in the body do not even have the qualifications to become dead men, after all, dead men are beautiful young ladies.

Shrugging his shoulders, feeling the power in his body, Jiang Cheng’s mouth couldn’t help but hang a smile.

“According to the system, Sims options can only be played once a day, and they are refreshed over time and cannot be cumulative.”

“It seems that the daily life of the next period of time is estimated to revolve around school and simulation.”

“After all, this is so that the future can live well at the moment of collapse…”

Thinking of the next period, I am afraid that it will be the last beautiful day he can spend, Jiang Cheng can’t help but cherish the next time.

After all, after this, Honkai breaks out, and the whole world will fall into a battle against Honkai.

At that time, even if he already has the power, he will have to be involved in this disaster that affects all mankind.

“Anyway, let’s hurry up and go to school now, otherwise I’m afraid I’ll be late.”



Almost at the sound of a bell, Jiang Cheng stepped into the classroom.

In the whispers of several girls, Jiang Cheng walked into the classroom indifferently, and then sat on the king’s throne by the window in the back row of the classroom.

For this kind of whispering, Jiang Cheng was used to it, after all, on the way to school, he had been shrouded in this kind of sight.

But come to think of it, it is probably because of the handsome face.

However, Jiang Cheng ignored those people.

Because he knew that in just a few months, everything here would be destroyed, and he would not be able to save everyone here in any way.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng did not intend to be involved too much with these classmates, and there were too deep bonds.

Otherwise, in the disaster a few months later, he will be in a very difficult situation.

It is not difficult to create a bond with a person, but the difficulty is how to accept that the other person disappears from one’s life forever after having a bond.

This is a painful thing for anyone.

As the bell rang, the teacher then entered the classroom and began today’s lesson.

Like most normal school life, the daily life of Senwa Gakuen students is mainly filled with schoolwork.

Although they are different worlds, the basic courses are all similar, and there are no strange courses such as beginner magic introduction.

After all, the rules of physics in this world are not treated as things in the corner of the table, or fed to Howler as snacks.

For Jiang Cheng, these courses are difficult for him to be a human in two lifetimes.

In such an environment, Jiang Cheng completed the course quite easily.

It is worth mentioning that although the Senba Academy is an aristocratic school, the daily schedule is not the same as those schools in the original world.

Things like the kind of thing that can’t wait to fill all the students’ 24 hours, even the rest time on Saturdays and Sundays, and all kinds of heavy homework, do not exist in Senba Gakuen.

Basically, after the end of the day, the rest of the time is all freely scheduled.

Under the premise of not breaking the law and discipline, students can’t take care of what they do, as long as there are no problems in the final assessment.

However, thinking that the entire school city would be destroyed in a few months because of Kokolia, Jiang Cheng felt that he didn’t have to care too much about the final assessment.

To say that the only variable, it is estimated that when eating at noon, the hands of the cafeteria aunt trembled like a stroke.

“Sure enough, no matter the high school in that world, the special ability of the cafeteria aunt is to accurately shake the spoon full of meat to only potatoes…”

Looking at the pitiful amount of meat on the plate, the corners of Jiang Cheng’s mouth couldn’t help twitching.

Just wanted to open his mouth to let his aunt beat another spoonful, but after seeing the cold eyes of the cafeteria aunt, he still honestly left the window with his own dinner plate.

Less than a moment after Jiang Cheng sat down, a somewhat stiff voice entered Jiang Cheng’s ears.

“Hello, may I sit here?”


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