A nasty emotion appears in your heart. 】

[Once upon a time, you thought that smile was at least the most your angel ever had. 】

[However, looking up, the smile on your face to each of the residents of the small town, and the flowers handed over by your hand, you suddenly realize. ] 】

[It doesn’t seem to be anyone’s exclusiveness. 】

[Arrogance. 】

[It’s so arrogant. 】

[Not only herself, but also the girl who smiled openly to everyone, as if she could impress everyone and please everyone.] 】

[After realizing your ridiculousness, you choose to return to your home with the bouquet in your hand and seal the flowers in the box.] 】

[You sealed the honor, and at the same time sealed some kind of psychological feelings for someone. 】

[Fourteen years old, you have not taken the initiative to find Alicia for a whole year, Alicia came back to find you, and you have never been seen behind closed doors. ] 】

[For a long time, the smile at the corner of Alicia’s mouth was not as bright as before, and the little girl experienced loss and loss for the first time. ] 】

[At fifteen, you can already recognize more than a thousand flowers. 】

[At sixteen, you can already recognize almost all the flowers in the world. 】

[At seventeen, even your parents feel that something is wrong, they try to find a doctor, but even your father’s most wonderful doctor cannot cure you, but after chatting with your parents, they call you a genius in gardening. 】

[Geniuses are always lonely, this is normal. 】

[Eighteen, after some sneaky people came to town, Alicia suddenly wanted to travel alone, but on the night she chose to leave, she came alone to the door of your closed room. 】


“Jiang Cheng?”

“Are you there?”

The pink girl stood in the doorway.

The cold wind blowing at night, the treetops swaying, and the eerie air blowing the pure white and flawless hem, but Alicia stood there persistently, her eyes looking directly at the door that had never been opened five years ago.

“I… I’m about to leave, because of some things, you don’t have to worry, after all, my name comes from the fairy tale book you gave me, looking for a flawless paradise, and of course to see the beauty of the world. ”

“I know it’s dangerous, but Alicia’s journey doesn’t stop here, and don’t look at my age, I’m also very good.”

The door remained motionless.

Alicia’s raised little face was instantly filled with loss, confidence was gone, and the smile at the corner of her lips that had almost never been lost ushered in a dim.

“Jiang Cheng…”

“Are you there?”

Alicia finally spoke.

But –

As a result, as always.

Closed doors extinguish hope.

It is obviously just a simple wooden door, but at this moment it is like an abyss that can never be crossed.

She didn’t know what she had done, so that the person who used to send flowers to herself almost every day and had been accompanying her suddenly disappeared.

“Obviously… I’m leaving…”


[Until dawn approached, and if she stayed any longer, she would inevitably be discovered, and the girl who had blown a cold wind all night left the door, and embarked on the road of world travel planned with excitement in a lost mood.] 】

You know all this. 】

[Yet. 】

[What you know better than these is the nature of Alicia, the nature of loving all living beings, and for the individual, it is extremely cold. 】

[After all, your feelings for Alicia are indeed not deep, just out of some inexplicable familiarity, compared to the love that everyone will have, after meeting the girl. ] 】

[Realize that you can’t really walk into the girl’s heart, then simply don’t waste time.] 】

[At the age of nineteen, Alicia’s departure did not hit your life much, and you were as addicted to the horticulture industry as you were in previous years. 】

[Maybe it’s God’s favor.] At only nineteen years old, you have already reached the extreme in gardening, and you have even become proficient in botany, and your fame has spread from this remote town. 】

[At the age of twenty, you became the youngest doctor of botany. 】

[At the age of twenty-one, you were invited by an organization called the Fire Moth, because the other party promised to give you access to the world’s top geniuses, and you accepted their invitation after a long period of isolation and thirst for similar exchanges. 】

[Twenty-two, when you were working, you suddenly found a person named Alicia on the information of the Fire Moth. 】

[After verification, in the past few years since leaving, the other party has indeed traveled around the world, looking for a promised land like the protagonist in a fairy tale, and the reason why it will be investigated is because he has performed chivalry many times. ] 】

[Today, you are no longer the immature child you were back then, and you no longer have anger towards Alicia. 】

[Out of help to a former friend, you choose to send a large amount of money to the other party’s account in your own name, and after warning the other party to be careful of concealment, you choose to use the permissions of your senior researcher.] Delete the other person’s information. 】

[Although, you know very well that for the other party, a saint or god who loves everyone and smiles at everyone, you may just be a passerby in Alicia’s life, a very insignificant existence. 】

[Maybe the other party even forgot your name, after all, with the same weight, even the superpower will not have such a strong memory. ] 】

[But you don’t do these things for anything, just to do it by the way, and that money is nothing to you today.] 】

[At the age of twenty-three, you went to Berlin for a forum, and the day after you arrived. 】

[—Collapse has come. 】

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