[There was a rebellion among the moths of fire, and all the high-ranking people were assassinated overnight. 】

[This sudden news shocked everyone, and you did not intend to hide this news. 】

After gathering all the mid-level people, you look at these people. 】

[In fact, the death of those guys at the top has not left a mark on the hearts of most people, and more people are thinking about how to squeeze more benefits from those guys who have died. ] 】

[And this also makes you more disappointed in these guys, but that’s okay. 】

[In the course of so many years, you have figured out that there is also a trace of darkness in the hearts of what kind of good people, but there is still a trace of softness in the hearts of what kind of evil people. 】

[After the human completion plan begins, these evils and malice will be erased, and what will be left will be a beautiful spirit like gold!] 】

Looking at the many whispering people in the audience, Jiang Cheng had a slightly raised smile at the corner of his mouth at this moment.

“I think you already know the news that those high-level old guys have died, and I admit that their deaths have something to do with me.”

“To be precise, they wanted to kill me, seize my research results, and then I killed me.”

“You don’t have to bother with that.”

“What I want to say is that since these high-level leaders are dead, but the Fire Moth is a huge organization and cannot live without a leader, therefore, I will reluctantly sit in the position of this leader…”

“By what! In terms of qualifications, you are just an ordinary scholar, a scientist with some brains. ”

“That’s right, we are the first group of people in the initial establishment of the Fire Moth, and now that the top level is gone, it should be when we are in power!”

“Young people should still be honest, stay up for more qualifications, and when you mature in the future, then consider the matter of being in a high position!”

“Isn’t it a joke that a young man like you should exercise more and let a guy with a scholar status lead the entire fire-chasing moth?”

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to finish speaking, one after another objections sprang up like mushrooms.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng still did not waver, and even the smile on his face did not change in the slightest.

The next moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd in the audience.

The first person who had just spoken out had already fallen to the ground at this moment, and the blood spurting out of the major artery in his neck splashed bright red blood on the clothes and faces of the people around him.

In the midst of one exclamation after another, blood-colored flowers continued to bloom in the crowd at this moment.

Every time a flower blooms, the crowd is a little quieter.

When the last voice that raised the objection just now was extinguished, the crowd was as silent as death.

In the midst of the black-pressed human heads, the blood stains in the few hollows that were let out were as gorgeous as a flower.

The maker of these flowers is not Sakura alone, but the entire Chrysalis army.

After subduing Sakura, Jiang Cheng went to Chrysalis’ station again, and then promised them better treatment as a future high-level, thus completely controlling this force that was directly under the jurisdiction of the previous high-level.

“It seems that the objection has disappeared, and since there is no opposition, then I am the supreme leader of the fire moth.”

“If you kill people indiscriminately like this, aren’t you afraid of retribution?”

At this moment, a somewhat trembling voice came from below.

Gently press down your hand and signal the person with the poisonous chrysalis not to rush to start first.

“You mean, my morality will be condemned?”

“Ha, that’s funny!”

“Man binds himself to the world he has created, and it is the ignorance of mankind that eventually falls into the dead end of development.”

“The morality that human beings think they are the truth is actually the yoke of human beings who cannot restrain their own behavior.”

“When morality cannot constrain human behavior, the value of morality cannot be tested, and the value promoted by human beings must be abandoned by human beings themselves.”

“When Jesus was crucified forever, it proved the uselessness of morality.”

“What human beings need is not to survive in the space of morality, but the completion of the human soul is the confession of human pride, the process of returning to nature.”

“Without the shackles of morality, human beings begin to make amends.”

“Then allow me to introduce to you the greatest plan of mankind, which will make the entire human civilization shine!”

[Under a series of means, the fire-chasing moth was successfully adopted, and the human completion plan was also deeply engraved into the brains of these middle layers like a steel seal of thought. ] 】

[And this is just a small by-product of the plan.] 】

[You already have an eternal spiritual will, what is the difficulty of tampering with the weak spirit of these guys? ] 】

[Under your impetus, the human completion plan has been rapidly promoted and has become the most important project in the entire Fire Moth Experimental Area. 】

[Except… Mebius Laboratory. 】


Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, small authors kneel and beg readers for data support, don’t leave small authors, orphans and widows [bushi] write books alone, woo-woo! Don’t do that kind of thing!

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