The rules of life were challenged in the mouth of the boy, and the ancient and majestic law was desecrated in the mouth of the boy.

The boy who stood in the rain and solemnly declared war on the law of death was deeply engraved in her memory.

From the moment she was born, she was accompanied by death.

Her mother, her father, and the people around her all left different marks in her life, and then passed away for various reasons.

However, after his own joking words, the boy actually remembered it firmly, and even began to challenge the ancient law.

This boldness left a deep mark in her heart.

The pride of being a genius was also ignited together, and they embarked on this path to eternal life.

It’s just that on this road, she will always be the one who lags behind.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, she is the leading scholar in the field of genetic science, but only she knows that these results are actually no better than Jiang Cheng.

It was only because Jiang Cheng was dedicated to pursuing his own research and did not want to be disturbed, so he did not have any reputation in the academic community.

This is why, when Jiang Cheng’s research was packaged and sent to the Fire Moth, those scholars were shocked when they saw these results.

Jiang Cheng’s number one figure did not make a name for himself in academia, so they did not know Jiang Cheng’s achievements.

And Mebius is different.

As a person who has studied and studied with Jiang Cheng since she was a child, looking at the results of those researches, she deeply felt the gap between her and Jiang Cheng.

As a genius, Jiang Cheng has surpassed her too much.

And now, perhaps, this is her only chance to catch up with Jiang Cheng…

“It’s okay, don’t worry, Jiang Cheng, when your research fails, I will save you.”

“I will tell you that I am no worse than you, I will tell you, I can also catch up with you, I will tell you, I can also help you!”

“Then, when you wake up, we will unveil a new path to evolution for mankind.”

At this moment, in Mebius’s eyes, only firmness remained.

Immediately, Mebius also turned and walked towards his laboratory.

[At the age of twenty-two, within the Fire Moth, two factions have formed, one is the human perfection school, which advocates abandoning the body and seeking spiritual completion, and the other is the physical evolution school, which pursues the evolution of the flesh. ] 】

[The former accounts for almost ninety-nine percent of the number of Fire Moths, and the latter is only the Mebius laboratory. 】

[Because Mebius rarely participates in regular meetings, let alone sudden meetings, he is not spiritually hinted at. 】

[Despite this, for the sake of many years of getting along, and also promoting human immortality, you have become the leader of the fire-chasing moth, and you still provide sufficient research funds for the Mebius laboratory. 】

[Although you know that it is useless. 】

[Mu Continent held an academic seminar, and Mebius went to participate in it, looking for a genius who could help her. 】

[Six months later, the third collapse broke out, and Changkong City became the starting point of the collapse outbreak, and Canghai City and other places were also affected. 】

[Compared with the previous two collapse disasters, the impact of the third collapse is no longer able to cover up the past with natural disasters. 】

[Since then, the entire human civilization has officially begun to fight against collapse, and the moth of fire has also moved from the dark to the bright side. ] 】

[After a hard battle, the Third Law was successfully crusaded, and its code name was determined – Ray. 】

[At the age of twenty-three, the human completion plan has fully matured and was promoted by the Fire Moth as the beginning of human evolution. 】

[In order to combat the collapse, governments have imposed human completion plans, and mankind has entered the era of completion. 】

“The Third Lawyer has been conquered, the Lawyer who will appear next will become stronger and stronger, and the challenges facing humanity will be very serious, are you sure not to join my plan, Mebius?”

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who invited him again in front of him, Mebius still shook his head silently, and then once again set his eyes on the corpse of the Thunder Law in front of him.

Looking at Mebius, who was still silent, Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly.

Since the last previous conversation, Mebius has not had any intersection with him again.

And the girl she later found called Mei also joined her experiment under her own spiritual hint.

Now in the entire world, most of the human beings have joined the human completion plan, as long as the last step is completed, human beings can directly break away from the limitations of the body and step into that spiritual eternal realm.

And the remaining people will eventually become the abandoned part of human evolution.

For those ordinary people, of course, Jiang Cheng will not say anything, but Mebius, Jiang Cheng is not willing to abandon.

As a genius, Mebius would be a waste of her intellectual resources if she became an abandoned part of human evolution.

It was a waste both for herself and for humanity as a whole.

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