The moment he heard Jiang Cheng’s words, the trace of resentment that had just risen in Bud Yi’s heart instantly collapsed, and the arc and collapse that had just flickered suddenly dissipated without a trace.

“In order to… I? ”

The moment he heard Jiang Cheng’s words, Lei Dian Bud Yi’s heart couldn’t help but feel complicated.

The trace of resentment towards his father that had just risen in his heart was so ridiculous at this moment.

For a while, at this moment, Raiden Bud Yi couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed.

Looking at the thunder and lightning bud clothes that trembled a little, Jiang Cheng’s voice couldn’t help but slow down a little.

“That’s right, in order to protect you, Raiden Ryoma is a good father, you should be proud of him, after all, such a father, not everyone has it.”

“There is now a gemstone in your body, implanted by your father when you were a child to sustain your life.”

“Because this gemstone is so important, almost everyone who knows of its existence wants to get it.”

“Therefore, in order to protect you, he appropriated a lot of money to create various weapons and equipment, etc., as far as I know, there is still a plasma shadow show in the basement of ME, which is also made to protect you.”

“So I said, you have a good father.”

Hearing this, Raiden Bud Yi at this moment suddenly had a complicated complexion.

The truth of her father’s imprisonment was involved in such a huge incident, and the most critical point was still on herself, which made her a little confused.

Looking at this performance bud clothes, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but laugh at this moment.

“Well, that’s probably all I have to say, in order not to disappoint your father, at least don’t let him see such a decadent you!”

Saying that, just as Jiang Cheng turned around and was about to leave, there was a sudden sound of thunder and lightning behind him.

“I want to know, how do you know this, are you my father’s subordinate?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not interested in being anyone’s subordinate, I’m just an ordinary student.”

Immediately, Jiang Cheng stopped staying and left the rooftop directly.

Looking at the back of Jiang Cheng leaving, Bud Yi couldn’t help but think a little at this moment.

After his father was arrested, most people were sneering at themselves, and they also understood that those people before them were all coming for the identity of their eldest lady of the Raiden family.

Either for networking or money, everyone’s purpose was naked in front of her.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng told himself these secret things, but did not ask for anything in return, which made Nha Yi full of doubts about Jiang Cheng’s purpose.

Moreover, with this strange power that can make people fall into illusion, and know so many secret things.

But said that he was just an ordinary student, and Bud Yi naturally would not believe it easily.

However, after seeing that strange power, she believed a lot of what Jiang Cheng said about those secret things.

At the same time, he was also a little more curious about Jiang Cheng’s true identity.

“Anyway, thank you…”


After a few deep breaths and adjusting his mood, the bud clothes at this moment also left the rooftop.

She ignored the malicious sights she saw along the way.

After all, Jiang Cheng had already told himself the truth about his father’s imprisonment.

Even if these guys don’t believe the truth, as long as they know what a great father their father Raiden Ryoma is, that’s enough.


On the other hand, after leaving from the rooftop, Jiang Cheng returned directly to the classroom.

In fact, the process of approaching the lightning bud should have been very difficult.

A dependent personality like Raiden Bud Yi originally needed to accompany her day and night, let her rely on, so as to knock on her heart lock, and then there was a possibility of strategy.

However, Raiden Ryoma’s imprisonment is an excellent breakthrough.

The biggest reliance of the past collapsed, the most revered people became criminals, former friends became people who mocked her, and everyone despised her as the daughter of fraudsters.

Everything that was good was shattered like a bubble, and at this moment the whole world turned into a surge of malice.

In this case, even the slightest hint of kindness will be taken to heart.

What Jiang Cheng did, although it seemed to be lifting up the pillar of Raiden Ryoma, so that Bud Yi once again had a pillar to rely on.

But in fact, he has become an indispensable part of this pillar, after all, it is he who has made Raiden Bud Yi have a point to rely on again.

Therefore, he has already left a trace in the heart of Raiden Bud Yi.

It’s tiny, but it’s unshakable.

Although in this case, it is more appropriate to directly replace the pillar position of Raiden Ryoma and let Bud Yi become dependent on himself.

But what should be considered is that at this moment, Raiden Bud Yi has closed his heart because of these blows and treats everything indifferently.

At such a time, it is obviously unrealistic to want to directly become the spiritual pillar of Bud Yi.

Jiang Cheng’s approach, although the process is a little tortuous, is the most suitable method at the moment.

I deleted most of the saved manuscripts before, so the update looks a little rotten these days, and it should be fine when the little author recovers a little, ask for flowers and evaluation votes woo-woo!

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