[At the age of eleven, life in high school is not as beautiful as those works of art, at least your life is not so colorful. 】

[Except for a different study scene, it is no different, but Xi Lin is a little dissatisfied with Jiang Cheng’s reduced time at home every day. ] 】

[But now at the age of six, she has also understood and understood that you are working hard for her, so she no longer pesters you all day like before. ] 】

[At the age of twelve, while you are carrying out your own studies, Celine is also of the right age. 】

[Although she is of school age, Celine does not seem to have any interest in learning, but is more talented in learning fashion design with her mother. 】

[Therefore, his father did not have too many requirements for Celine, and after Celine completed the most basic education, he let Celine and her mother study fashion design. 】

[At the age of thirteen, you are still spending every day in an intense study life. 】

[At the age of fourteen, enough effort will always bring a fruitful future. 】

[With extraordinary efforts, you completed all the studies in high school and successfully entered a higher school for further study. 】

And your achievements have caught the attention of some people.] 】

[You received an email at the same time as you entered college. 】

“Siberia, Avalanche, the future of humanity?”

Looking at what was described to him in the email, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but be a little dazed at this moment.

However, he is no stranger to the person or organization that sent this email—the Babylon laboratory, the largest and most authoritative medical research institution in the world.

But the information revealed to him in the email in front of him made him a little confused.

The email was fancy to his abilities and invited him to work in the lab described in the email after graduating from his master’s degree.

In the mouth of the other party, this laboratory will even affect the future development of human beings, and even cure some terminal diseases that were previously incurable by human beings.

Admittedly, this email would be almost unattractive to Jiang Cheng if it was only these, but at the end of the email, Celine’s mother was mentioned.

According to the email, Celine’s mother’s illness is not a simple terminal illness, but a disease caused by an energy called ‘Honkai’.

In the most severe cases, it may also affect future generations, and most worryingly, this condition is difficult to detect by ordinary means.

In order to convince people, there was also a part of the research on collapse energy in the email, which was automatically destroyed after Jiang Cheng read it.

When he saw these news, Jiang Cheng believed what was said in the email at this moment, and he also thought of Celine.

He promised to protect Celine, and if Celine also had that kind of illness, Celine would probably end up dying of a sudden terminal illness.

The condition was that as long as he joined the Babylon laboratory with excellent grades after graduation, they would arrange a free examination for Celine, while also providing a higher quality of life for your family.

This condition is something that Jiang Cheng cannot refuse at this moment.

[At the age of fifteen, after entering college, you are constantly improving yourself in order to meet the standards set out in the email. 】

[At the age of sixteen, in the midst of intense study life, what makes you most happy is a dress sent by your mother, which, according to her mother, is the first dress designed by Celine. 】

[Although it doesn’t look that pretty, it makes you very excited, because this is the first and only dress that Celine has designed. 】

[Looking at this dress, you once again rose in your heart to resolve that for the sake of Celine, you will definitely successfully join the laboratory. 】

[At the age of seventeen, after hard work, you finally succeeded in meeting the standards of the laboratory, and after informing your family, you joined the laboratory of Babylon. 】

[But what you don’t know is that this is your last communication with your family, and after joining the lab, you find that the communication here is completely disconnected from the outside world. 】

[The superior in charge of receiving you tells you that the research here is a high-level secret and cannot communicate with the outside world until the research is completed.] 】

[Although you have a sense of foreboding in your heart, in order to be able to quickly restore communication with the outside world and report safety to your family, you still honestly joined the experiment. ] 】


“Oh roar, it’s over!”

Looking at the events in the simulator, the smile at the corner of Jiang Cheng’s original mouth at this moment did not know when it had disappeared.

In the simulator, he doesn’t know where the Babylon laboratory is, but he does!

This place is a place where the names of medical research institutions are hung and used by girls infected with Honkai disease to conduct live experiments.

It is also the place where Celine awakens to become the second lawyer, a hell on earth with the skin of a medical research institution!

How did what was supposed to be a good daily life suddenly go to hell?

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