Siberia, among the laboratories of Babylon.

“Run away, run away! Escape to your heart’s content! I will do my best to bring you the greatest fear ☆~”

“Do you think that if you leave your companions, you will be safe☆~”

“Hahahaha, your panic is really the most perfect seasoning ah☆~”

Looking at the blood and stump all around him, the head of the research room at this moment was completely frightened.

In front of him, it was Celine, who had just slaughtered the entire research room and had already turned into a lawyer.

At this moment, he is already the last living human in the entire laboratory.

In Celine’s hands, those people were easily torn apart like dolls, and the intertwining of blood, limbs and minced flesh made the entire research room seem to be covered with a carpet.

If the previous laboratory was the hell of those subjects, then today’s laboratory is the hell of all humans.

Including those innocent experimental subjects, they were also dealt with by Celine, who was killed with red eyes.

Forced to endure the discomfort in his stomach, the person in charge of the moment trembled and knelt in front of Celine, allowing the blood to flow over the back of his hands and trouser legs.

“Please let me go, let me go… I promise, I will not be your enemy, I will be your most loyal dog, spare my life…”

Looking down at the feet of Celine who stopped in front of him and stopped moving, the person in charge at this moment couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in the next moment, he saw the blood-stained ceiling.

Is it so easy to stain blood on the ceiling?

Wait, didn’t I kneel on the ground with my head down? Why do you see the ceiling?

This was the last thought of the person in charge before his head fell in the blood.

After kicking over the body of the person in charge, Celine’s eyes at this moment couldn’t help but show a trace of disgust.

“It’s disgusting.”

At this moment, there are no more living people in the laboratory.

After becoming a lawyer, Celine naturally understood the name of this energy in her body and how to use the power that belongs to her.

Although the power is not perfect, it is also a fatal threat to these ordinary researchers who have no power in their hands.

Just like her innate instinct, she used this newly acquired power to easily crush all the experimenters in the entire Babylonian laboratory.

When all the experimenters were killed, the darkness in Celine’s heart at this moment also expanded.

In order to gain more powerful power and to complete her imperfect power, at this moment, Celine followed her inner voice and came to a huge instrument, the Collapse Energy Reactor.

However, before that, Celine also dealt with a small trouble.

One guy who seemed to have come to investigate what happened.

Compared to ordinary humans, that guy was a little stronger, but he was still defeated by Celine.

Although she couldn’t completely kill the guy because of her incomplete power, Celine didn’t care too much, and began to absorb the Avalanche energy in the Avalanche Energy reactor instead.

Feeling that the total amount of collapse energy in her body was constantly increasing, and her power energy was constantly improving, Celine couldn’t help but feel a burst of joy at this moment.

After the absence of Jiang City, the heart of a human being, which should have been torn in the place where the emperor-level Collapsed Beast Ashibo was bred, had already been completely torn to pieces at this moment.

At this moment, she is a collapsed existence, bringing disaster and destruction to the entire human race!

However, at the same time that Celine absorbed the Avalanche energy.

Suddenly, a group of strange and powerful auras broke into her perception.

Unlike the guy he defeated before, many of these auras even made Cylene feel threatened.

Even though her powers have now become perfected, those powerful auras still make her feel threatened.

“Shhh, it’s really troublesome☆~”

“Let me see, it seems that it can be like this ☆~”

As Celine closed her eyes, the divine power was released again.

At this moment, around the Babylon laboratory, numerous Avalanche Beasts continued to step out of the imaginary space, like a swarm of bees guarding their queen, bowing their proud heads in the direction where Celine was.

“Go, stop those guys for me, I’m going to boost my strength here ☆~”

“Before I gain enough power, use your lives to buy me more time ☆~”


When all the researchers of the Babylon laboratory disappeared, Jiang Cheng, who was the head of the Babylon laboratory, was naturally questioned at this moment.

However, because it was an incident that occurred after Jiang Cheng left, he did not interrogate Jiang Cheng too much, but only asked if there was any abnormal situation before he left.

After finishing the investigation, Jiang Cheng was still a little confused at the moment.

“Did something happen in the Babylon lab?”

The personnel in charge of investigating him, after determining that he had no problems, listened to his questions, and did not show any snub towards the rising genius.

“At midnight yesterday, the Babylon laboratory suddenly lost contact with the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, and after preliminary investigation, it was found that the entire Babylon laboratory of three hundred and twenty-two researchers had disappeared en masse.”

When he heard the news, Jiang Cheng suddenly frowned at this moment.

This time in the Mandate of Heaven headquarters has already given him a deeper understanding of this world.

I also know the dangers of the world’s third largest Collapse Energy reactor in the Babylon laboratory.

“The collapse energy reactor in the Babylon laboratory is a full 6500HW, and all the experimenters in the entire laboratory have disappeared, I am afraid there is only one explanation for this kind of thing.”

“The second Avalanche Outbreak, in the Avalanche energy power of up to 6500HW, gave birth to a Lawyer who could destroy the entire Babylon laboratory in an instant…”

For Jiang Cheng’s words in front of him who frowned, the investigator at this moment also smiled lightly.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Jiang Cheng, regarding this matter, Archbishop Otto has sent an S-class Valkyrie to investigate, and at the same time, there are also the Valkyries of the Snow Wolf Squad who set out together.”

“Even Mr. Zigfried, who has been very close to you recently, is also in this investigation queue, and under this lineup, even if a lawyer is really born, he will be easily defeated by them!”

For the flying investigator in front of him, Jiang Cheng still frowned a little.

During this time at the Mandate of Heaven headquarters, in addition to his promotion, he also met many people.

Among them is what the investigator just said about Zigfei.

Although Zigefei is now nearly thirty, he still has a young man’s mentality, coupled with his enthusiastic attitude towards others, which also makes Jiang Cheng quickly familiar with him.

Because of this, Jiang Cheng also heard that Siegfrie had become a Valkyrie who defeated all the Mandate of Heaven for the sake of Cecilia.

When he heard the news, Jiang Cheng relaxed his heart a little at this moment.

After all, the location of the Babylon laboratory is in Siberia, not too far from Belarus, where his home is located, and if a second collapse occurs, his hometown will definitely bear the brunt.

Thinking that his parents and Celine were still in Belarus at the moment, Jiang Cheng was a little worried.

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