Chapter 0071 Alicia: Obviously I came first!!

Kiana’s iconic, humble voice sounded from the rooftop, but Jiang Cheng was not moved, and the corners of his eyebrows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

Save me? From Alicia?

Did you not wake up? Want to rely on the strength of this one who is not even a B-class Valkyrie to fight against a powerful lawyer who can be called the first person under the end?

Even trying to save yourself from her? Let’s be honest.

If Alicia really planned to do it, she would definitely not be able to survive until now, let alone that he was equivalent to the ability of the Law of Knowledge now.

Even the fully embodied Law of Knowledge plus her dependents may be easily torn apart by chopping melons and cutting vegetables in the face of the Law of Origin like the erosion of the Origin Law, almost the essential difference is not something that the so-called consciousness can resist.

Now he is safe and sound, not even imprisoned, not even the slightest bit of control.

Then it is clear that Alicia must have some other idea, or some other purpose, which is why she appeared here.

At least the other party’s goal is not on themselves.

As for the reason?

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Jiang Cheng now felt that Alicia did not seem to be what he imagined, and found the posture that he could call the law of knowledge.

Therefore, come to solve the hidden dangers of future lawyers.

After the initial shock, Jiang Cheng has forced himself to calm down and carefully review the whole thing.

After carefully recalling, Jiang Cheng was very sure that he had no reason to be exposed, and it was impossible to expose any signs of a lawyer.

Moreover, the body of the lawyer itself may not necessarily be distinguished, unless it is an alternative body that has been implanted in gemstones by others like lightning bud clothing.

At most, he is very good at the person who knows the law.

Especially in the case of strong collapse resistance, the future collapse outbreak will inevitably become a law of knowledge as long as they are there.


Obviously, she didn’t find out anything special, but she said that she was very important, and obviously there was something wrong with the whole thing.



This body of the Void Law also has the bloodlines of two major families at the same time, and in addition to talent, it also has people who carry multiple core forces at the same time.

This will undoubtedly make the situation worse.

Even if it would alarm Alicia now, he would have to find a way to make this matter manageable.

There wasn’t much hesitation.

In Alicia’s surprised eyes, between Jiang Cheng’s raised hands at this moment, the noble authority that should have belonged only to the law of knowledge emerged from the palm of his hand.

That is the realm of consciousness only.

It is a force that human beings absolutely cannot inquire into, and even the lawyer cannot afford to limit more.

Although it is not aggressive, it can also make the current Kiana honest 430 stay in the hallucination for a while.

“Miss Ellie, let’s get straight.”

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath, not hiding the characteristics of his body belonging to the Law of Knowledge, faded black, and the scarlet cross symbolizing the Law appeared in his pupils.

“Yes, I do have some of the powers of the Law of Knowledge, but I didn’t use it to harm humanity, I just did a prank.”

“Miss Alicia, regarding the past of [Jiang Cheng], the intelligence agency of the World Snake should not even be able to obtain these obvious information.”


Alicia’s flawless blue eyes were a little confused.

She didn’t understand what she was doing wrong.

The connection from the new moon confirmed to her again, although the reason is not known, it is not known why.


Standing in front of the young man at this moment was undoubtedly the Jiang Cheng she was familiar with, the world’s number one florist, not a homotopic in some world.

Just like myself, I crossed the bad world of my own and stood in a completely new place.

It’s just that……

The other party does not seem to have inherited the memory like him.

“No, it won’t!”

“There’s no way I’ll do anything to you in Jiang Cheng!”

“I just want to be like ordinary girls, be able to date and shop with people I like, and have my own love!”

Alicia was already a little flustered, and only after exiting did she realize what she had said, and Bai Yu’s face suddenly turned red.

Although she has many identities, she is the best florist after Jiangcheng, a cute beautiful girl, and the original lawyer that only she knows.


Behind these identities, there is another common denominator.

She is just a girl who has no experience in love.

The direction that is completely different from the intrinsic world has not yet led her to the path of so much love, and the tone, words and the like are naturally not sultry enough.

At this time, asking Alicia to say such bold words is undoubtedly a great challenge for her.

Nevertheless, when she heard Jiang Cheng’s unfamiliar words and somewhat awe-inspiring eyes, Alicia at this time was also a little flustered, and involuntarily, she said everything she thought in her heart without reservation.


Jiang Cheng, who was originally still worried, was also stunned at this moment, his eyebrows raised, his pupils contracted slightly, and he gathered on the girl’s face.


Perhaps because she had said such bold words, Alicia also had some sense of breaking the jar, took a deep breath, and said loudly.

“-Let’s go on a date!”

There was no half a laugh on the girl’s face, and those beautiful lake-blue eyes contained a bit of shyness that belonged to the Huaichun girl.

No doubt.

This is not a joke or a teasing of others.

And therefore therefore.


Jiang Cheng felt that the emotions in his past life were not as intense as they were now.

What the heck?

A former civilized hero who resurrected from the promised land is looking for me for a date? Don’t you dare to write a novel like that, right?

People like her.

Even if you just want to experience it, I am afraid that countless people will rob it

The gray snake will not hesitate to find the most suitable person.


“I’m sorry, I still have things to do when I go back, dating or something, still.”

Jiang Cheng shook his head without hesitation.

In the face of the invitation of a cute girl like Alicia, even if the identity of the Valkyrie and the captain is aside, how many people can refuse it like this?

Think about the strength gap before refusing.

It’s just that Jiang Cheng’s refusal is not because he has no feelings for Alicia and ignores the gap in strength, but simply because he understands Alicia.

The other party is a person who loves everyone, a selfless and kind person.

Although he claims to be a human being, he also wants to be a human being, but his essence has always been like a god.

Jiang Cheng does not hate such people, the more kind people like this, the better, but simply does not want to involve himself too much with such kind people.

He’s very selfish.

In the first simulation, he accompanied Alicia almost throughout the entire first half of her life, and likewise, he loved Alicia unreservedly for the first half of her life.

It is a pity that he regards Alicia’s smile that treats everyone equally as his own, a unique smile.

He became just one of Alicia’s many equal lovers.

This is not acceptable to Jiang Cheng. So he can only choose to refuse.

Although this is only a date.

It may even be just a whim of the girl, because of the blessing of the reward star and moon he received in his first simulation, and chose the person himself.

It’s just that Alicia seems a little unbelievable.

She has always been confident in her charm.

After all, Jiang Cheng used to adore himself so much, if it weren’t for his performance and his arrogance, Jiang Cheng would not be far away from him.

But the current situation made her a little unexpected.

Shell teeth bite the lip flap lightly.

Alicia took two steps forward and lifted a cute smile.

Ignoring the surrounding Kiana, who had broken free from the illusion of Jiang Cheng at this moment, and was watching, once again extended an invitation to the teenager.

A certain paramecium said it was very good.


So what the hell is Miss Ben up to?

Jiang Cheng’s control of consciousness did trap Kiana, but in order not to hurt Kiana’s spirit, so as not to cause any sequelae, the illusion laid down was a brain-using illusion similar to a maze.

I thought that this kind of maze was impossible for Kiana to clear.

After all.

People from Kaslanna’s household.

Including Kevin Laozu at the beginning, they are all stupid without exception.

Especially passed on to Kiana’s generation, it has brought this trait to the peak.

But it happened that it was this kind of stupid paramecium, the maze laid by Jiang Cheng, was demolished all the way forward, and she broke through the illusion abruptly…

With the idea of saving people, the first words Kiana heard after breaking the illusion were what Alicia said: Go on a date.

In an instant, the girl’s heart was suddenly confused.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

Didn’t Bud Yi say that Jiang Cheng, the big liar, was in danger? Didn’t he come to save him?

How come after inexplicably breaking through a maze, the scene suddenly becomes the scene of this kind of love comedy?

A bunch of questions kept appearing in Kiana’s heart at this moment, making Kiana’s not rich brain capacity even worse.

“Miss Alicia, I’m sorry, but we’ve just met, haven’t we? Dating doesn’t seem to apply very well, I… I’m not an adult yet. ”

Suddenly, a rapid breathing sound interrupted the conversation between the two, and Bud Yi, who was holding a wooden knife, was standing at the door of the rooftop with a slight gasp at this moment.

Perhaps because she ran too quickly, the girl’s breath was slightly unsmooth at the moment, and her chest was slightly undulating, revealing a proud arc.

But the wooden knife in his hand, without trembling at the moment, was firmly held in his hand and pointed at Alicia at this moment.

At the moment when she was pointed at by Bud Yi with a weapon, Alicia finally looked at Bud Yi squarely at this time.

However, the strength of Bud Yi was directly ignored by her.

Even if she felt that in the other party’s body, there was a slightly familiar breath, like the breath of a certain lawyer that she had fought in this world.

But now she doesn’t have any thoughts on Bud Yi’s body.

What she wondered was why this girl, who had created a solitary environment for herself and Jiang Cheng with her own hands, suddenly appeared in front of her again, interrupting their communication?


And the moment he saw the bud clothes, Jiang Cheng’s brows immediately wrinkled.

Although he already understood that Alicia did not have malice towards herself, and did not come to Bud Yi, even if Bud Yi appeared again, there was no problem.


Bud clothes will appear here again, which is already a very serious problem! This time it was Alicia.

Alicia, who is not hostile to them, what about next time? If the next one comes

It is someone with malicious intent, and the strength also surpasses them, so what to do?

Before that, though.

“Miss Alicia, Raiden Bud Yi is my friend, I can guarantee that there is absolutely no unstable factor in her!”

After a little explanation, Jiang Cheng’s gaze turned to Bud Yi again.

“Bud Yi, they all said that you should go first, and what will come back…”

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng’s voice to fall, the bud Yi at this time directly interrupted Jiang Cheng’s.

“Because… You’re in danger. ”

“I can’t even fight the enemy that can’t be dragged, plus you are meaningless, and your strength is not unknown to you…”

Jiang Cheng frowned unconsciously.

This kind of gourd baby giving away heads is not worth advocating.

However, he stuck in the last word, and only spit out the second half of the sentence after a long time.

“Even then, are you willing to come and save me…”


Because he saw that in the maiden’s purple magnificent eyes, he could not see that even half of it was like the paramecium next to him, just hearing that someone was endangering and daring to help with a sense of justice, which was a little reckless in his brain.

The other party’s powerful lightning bud clothes undoubtedly knew.

It’s just that.

The hope of saving his father, plus the only friend he may have made from birth to the present, is not because of his identity and wealth.

“How can this be evaded because of danger!……”

For a moment, Jiang Cheng fell silent.

This determination of Bud Yi is by no means something very dangerous to stuff.

Even, Jiang Cheng’s behavior of letting Bud Yi leave first because of danger may be more like a humiliation to recall the past.

Lost her father, lost her identity, was bullied by others, but now her friends still let her leave first and face the danger by herself…

It didn’t mean anything other than making her feel her own incompetence.

Isn’t this the same as Kiana in Skydome City?

For Jiang Cheng, who once became a captain.

The Valkyries inside still have some special meaning to her.

Beginning to approach them, in addition to wanting to get acquainted, he also wanted to see if he could change some of the original tragedy with his own hands.

However, I may be thinking too much about how to do these things, and I ignore the potential and thoughts in the person’s body.

Perhaps, for Raiden Bud Yi.

The best choice is not to keep her out of danger, but to face each other with her is not an inexplicable person.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng took a deep breath at this moment,

“In that case… Let’s face the disaster that lies together, Bud Yi. ”

Jiang Chengjun… Shouting your name directly?

Originally, even under the training of the Roar Mu Sword Saint, the wooden knife, which had never trembled no matter how tired and painful, trembled slightly for the first time at this moment.

Although he had called his name before, he had never been more serious and solemn than he was now.

Shouting each other’s names is a somewhat different symbol in the Far East.

“Jiang… Jiang Chengjun…”

“Why is that?”

Bud Yi’s intermittent words were directly shouted out by Alicia who was standing on the side.

The girl was so anxious at this time that she almost cried.

Obviously he came first!

And this one in front of you is obviously your own Jiang Cheng!

It is the one who has sent flowers to himself since he was a child, and he adores his own Jiangcheng!

The familiarity that Na Da felt from her heart, the trace of peace of mind coming from her authority, proved that the person in front of her was undoubtedly Jiang Cheng that belonged to her!

But…… Why is this happening…

For the first time, there was an opportunity to make amends for regrets, a better world that was less tragic and relatively peaceful.

Two happy things coincide, and these two happiness can bring you more happiness.

What I got should have been a happy time like a dream… But, why, it became like this…

“Hiss… What a big melon. ”

The corner of the mouth of a certain paramecium watching the excitement twitched, and his gaze towards Bud Yi also became strange.

The reason why he came here was because Nha Yi said that this guy in Jiangcheng was in danger, but now it seems… The so-called danger in Nha Yi’s mouth means that Jiang Cheng was confessed?

Hiss…… It seems to be quite dangerous…

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