Scar looked nervously at the two Honkai Beasts in front of him.

Originally, everything went smoothly for them to Honkai, and they had basically completely wiped out the Honkaimon.

But the sudden arrival of the two giant Honkai beasts caught them off guard.

Inside their massive bodies are very incongruous arms. If you look closely, you will see that their arms are not the same.

One is a huge right arm with a pink color, and the other is a huge left arm with a blue color.

There is a vague feeling that the two seem to complement each other or become one.

At the same time, it also brings people an extreme sense of oppression, which instantly makes people feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the two giant Honkai beasts each brandished their huge arms and smashed them indiscriminately, even if they hurt the low-level Honkai beasts of its same origin.

"All members, evacuate quickly! Evacuate quickly!" Marks

immediately shouted loudly.

In this situation, the only option is to retreat temporarily.

Subsequently, he immediately opened the communication and contacted the headquarters.

"Call HQ!Request Support!Request Support!"

As soon as the words fell, the giant Honkai Beast suddenly got up and jumped up after hammer after hammer, and instantly closed the distance between it and the first team.

The powerful leap caused it to cause a large earthquake in a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, the surrounding buildings also faintly shook to varying degrees, and the communication between the trace and the command ended in an instant.

The members of the nearest First Squad also suffered a powerful shock from thousands of times, and almost all of them collapsed to the ground for a while.

There were even some people whose hearts were shattered on the spot and died of shock.


Scar struggled to get up from the ground, and now he could clearly feel his internal organs and every organ in his body moving wildly, as if he couldn't withstand the next second of another shock.


he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at the corpses of many of his teammates around him, and his heart was scolded.

"Everyone...... Who else is alive and immediately stands up.

Scarlet endured the intense pain and said loudly.

After a second or two, no one responded.

Seeing this, Scar smiled awkwardly, and then looked at the Honkai Beast not far away.

At this time, they stayed motionless, and seemed to have no intention of attacking again.

Marks no longer stepped forward, but dragged their broken bodies back into the fortifications they had built.

"Report! HQ! This is the first squad, and I'm the captain. "

How's it going?"

said the Fire Chaser moth's announcer, a little flustered.

"Two large Honkai beasts have appeared on the outskirts of Tomsk City, and the first team is seriously injured and requests for reinforcements.

Jons listened silently to Scar's words, and his unsettled heart became more obvious. He seemed very worried that this time there would be a collapse on the same scale as the last one.

At this time, Erwin watched Jons quietly, as if waiting for his next instructions.

"Erwin, immediately gather everyone in the fourth squad and the fifth squad. In addition, let the mark send us the battle image data. "


Elwin then relayed Jons's order to Trace.

At the same time, the other side.

"Ahh Yes. "

Ellie, how are you feeling?"

"Ah, Maple Leaf, you're making me hurt so much. "

Ah, I'm sorry. I'll loosen it up a little more.

"And now?"

"Much better."

"Really, why do we want to wear this to Maple Leaf?

Elysia said confusedly.

"Haha, Dr. Mebius has a bit of a cleanliness fetish, you know. She didn't want to pollute her lab with people like us. So protective clothing is still necessary. Maple

Leaf said a little calmly.

In fact, the main thing is that he had cheated on Dr. Mebius once before.

If we meet again, I guess my body will lie on the cold test table.

"Alright, let's go. "

Hmm ♪"

Just as Maple and Elysia were all ready, the radio communication next to their ears rang again.

"All teammates will immediately assemble at the ~ designated place within a minute! If you don't arrive on time, you will be dealt with seriously!"

At this time, Maple Leaf and Elysia stayed quietly in place, and their feelings were tossed in vain this time.

A minute has passed.

Himeko looked at the members of Team 5 silently, then looked at the time to the side again, by which time another minute had passed.

However, the person Himeko was waiting for still did not come. She even couldn't believe that the previous maple leaves were basically the first to come.

However, this time, he was still a minute late, and even brought his recruit Elisia with him.

Time passed little by little.

At this time, two people in white protective suits came to Himeko's side in an instant.

Himeko looked at the two in protective suits and couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Report, Maple Leaf returns. "

Elysia, back to the team. "

You... It's..."

"Haha, Sister Meko. Isn't it a trivial matter for us, but before we could take it off, we heard your order, and we ran all the way here.

Maple looked at Himeko with a smile.

"It's fine. After the Maple Leaf, Elysia and other missions are over, they will meet at the same location. I'll dig a little deeper with you.

When Maple heard Himeko's words, the smile on his face suddenly vanished.


!" "Yes!" both

shouted at the same time.

Himeko looked at the full Fifth Team again, and gave them a general account of the mission change.

Everyone couldn't help but be a little shocked when they heard it, no one thought that the next Honkai would come so quickly.

"Next, we will face a fierce battle, and in order to defeat Honkai, everyone must play twelve points of spirit, do you understand?"


the soldiers responded.

"So, let's go!"


The Moth of Fire Command Room.

"Command room, call Captain Scar. "

Trace, received. "

Scar, based on the data you provided and our investigation, we already know the general information of this Honkaimon. We will now refer to it as Ashmbo.

Erwin said.


, we don't need to go into more detail for now. In short, it is a powerful presence in both strength and defense. Based on the fact that it already has a core in its body, we classify it as an Emperor-level Honkai Beast. "

Emperor-level Honkai Beast?" Trace

thought thoughtfully.

There is a relatively complete division system for Honkai Beasts in the Fire Chaser Moth, which are: Rush, Knight, Ballista, Chariot, Temple, Overseer, and other incomparable Emperor-level Honkaimon.

And on top of the Emperor-level Honkai Beast, there is even a Judgment-level Honkai Beast. It was an even more terrifying existence.

Now, the appearance of two emperor-level Honkai beasts together couldn't help but make Scar feel a little powerless.

"In addition, we detected a special armor on its arm, which, although relatively strong, would be paralyzed for a long time if it was destroyed. Therefore, after it is paralyzed, it can be destroyed in one fell swoop by concentrating firepower.

Erwin continued.

Traces listened carefully to Erwin's explanation, and at the moment this method may be the only way to solve this Honkai Beast.

"Traces, rest assured. We've got the fourth and fifth squads carrying the latest Soul Steel weapons. Its piercing ability and explosive damage are excellent, and it is easy to break through armor or even kill it if you focus your blows.

Erwin continued.

"Understood. After

saying that, he hung up the communication.

Then, he looked at the two Honkai beasts not far away, and said silently in his heart: Can we hold out until they come?

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