"Huh... Why didn't she catch up?"

the girl who had driven the manifestation device to flee glanced back, but the powerful AST team member didn't chase after her.

She felt quite strange, but she didn't stop running away.

The girl's name is Ashley Sinclair, a former member of [SSS] who came to Japan from England to save a young girl named Artemisia.

The key to saving Artemisia is to capture Ashcroft, which is about to be transported to Tiangong City.

This series of manifestation armor is a powerful manifestation armor made with her consciousness as the core, so only by capturing Ashucroft can Artemisia's consciousness be restored.

And AST is the escort and protection force of Ashocroft.

The attack was planned in order to reduce the number of AST combatants and thus the number of Ashocroft protection personnel on the manifestation device.

By the way, if you have the opportunity, you can also play with the strongest kite among the AST members, after all, during this time in Japan, I am not comfortable with the water and soil, and I desperately want a hearty battle to cheer myself up.

But...... Why did this guy suddenly appear!How could the strength of this AST member, who has no information mentioned at all, be so perverted?!Among the

people he came into contact with... I'm afraid that only a powerful magician of Artemisia's level can defeat

her, right? Could it be that she is a powerful magician who can rank among the best

in the world? But how could she wear AST's standard manifestation device?

Ashley shook her head and decided that she didn't want to think about it so much, this matter was not something she should think about now...

As for why she didn't catch up....

“...... Maybe it's because I'm worried that I won't be able to ensure the safety of the hostages if I catch up with him?"

Ashley sighed lightly, looking at Mikie, who had come to be held hostage by herself, reducing the strength of the random domain that suppressed her, and further increasing her flight speed.

"But... I didn't expect there to be such a weak AST member~

" "Ahem... Ahem!"

Miki Megumi was a little weaker because of the strength of the clamp on her neck, and she took a few breaths of fresh air.

Miki Megumi just now really felt that she was almost going to die of suffocation...

The thought of death passing by, tears flowed uncontrollably.

“...... Wow...... I actually cried... I said, crying bag, a guy like you is not suitable for AST at all! After tasting this hardship, you will simply quit AST, how about living the life of an ordinary person


Why don't you speak?"Are you thinking about it?

""I don't want to.


The huge impact hit Ashley's hand that restrained Mikie, and successfully bounced the palm away, and the nails cut a bloody mark on Mikie's neck.

"It hurts! Did you bounce my hand away with the random realm?

!""[No Pain]!"

Miki Megumi and Ashley pulled out their lightsabers as they distanced themselves.

"I'm an AST player! I don't want to go back to my old life! I want to be someone who can protect others! I'm not a useless person

!" "Ha! Looks like you're going to fight to the end! Very good, Mikie, right? I remember you! Your fighting spirit is much more pleasing to the eye than the weak look before!"

Ashley was also interested when she saw Mikie's change, and directly pulled out her lightsaber and started a battle with her.

Anyway, it's already a lot of distance from the area where the explosion occurred, and the terrifying AST team member shouldn't be able to catch up after her for a while, and I don't mind cleaning her up

! I can't beat your seniors, I can't beat you?

Just in time to vent my evil anger!


Ashley slashed down with a sword, and Miki Hui took the sword after unloading it sideways.

However, due to the fact that the strength of the random field used by Mikie Megumi when she broke free from the restraint before had exceeded the maximum intensity that her willpower could control, it had caused a lot of damage to her brain.

Mikie, who was already lacking in practical experience, coupled with this influence, soon fell into disadvantage.

"You're not my match!"


"Goodbye!" Ashley

stabbed Mikie with her lightsaber, intending to deliver the final blow.

At the last moment, Ashley felt something abnormal, her random realm weakened by the conflict between realms!

This feeling was not Mikie's casual realm


When Ashley reacted, a white-haired girl wearing a manifestation device suddenly appeared beside her, and immediately knocked her to the ground with a single blow.


!" "Origami-senpai!" "

Mikie, I should have told you to stay where you are, right?"

Origami looked at Mikie with a slight reproach in her tone.

"I'm sorry... I just want to do my seniors a favor..."

"... But this time, thanks to your help in trapping the enemy, I was able to successfully sneak up on her. "

“...... Huh?" "

The origami seniors actually thanked me?

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