"Okay, then I'll go, remember to inform me of something about origami.

Mu Qing said hello to everyone at AST, and then left from the gate of the base in a hurry.

"I don't know what she did

just now...", Zhenna muttered to herself, recalling Mu Qing's behavior just now.

Just when Mu Qing touched the girl, there was an obvious fluctuation of spiritual power, but the girl who was touched didn't seem to be abnormal...

Forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal, anyway, she also helped AST a lot this time, so she pretended not to see it.


Sehir's leg disability is even documented in the [SSS] archives in AST's possession, so out of humanitarian reasons, AST deliberately tied her to a chair instead of wrapping her on the ground like the other two.

And because of the disability of her legs, AST also did not attach her legs to the chair with ropes.

The other two were still lying on the ground with their hands and feet tied.

"Sehir, what's going on, how did your eyes recover?"

Hearing Ashley's words, Sehir shook her head slightly, and then swung her untied legs again.

"Not only the eyes, but also the legs that were broken a long time ago have been restored. "

“...... How is that possible?!""

A little bit. "

I'm sorry... Leo.

Sai Xi'er looked at the two people in front of her, even if they were tied, and smiled unconsciously, but soon straightened her face a little.

"It's true that human words are impossible, but... What if it's an elf?

""... That girl is an elf?!"

Ashley knew she should keep her voice down, but she couldn't help but exclaim when she heard the explosive news.

"But how is this possible? If she's an elf, how can she's so strong in the manipulation of her manifestation device?And how can she have such a good relationship with the guys at AST?elves and AST are enemies!"

"As Ashley said, she used her random realm to easily catch me before, she's at least a powerful magician... But that alone doesn't explain how she cured Sehir.

Leonora analyzed it carefully.

Sehir's blindness and leg disability could not be cured even with the medical visualization devices equipped with the troops, but she was able to heal them with just a touch...

Who else could do such an unreasonable thing other than the elves that humans have been fighting against?"

But why did she do it just because of good intentions?

"... If you want to know why she did this, wouldn't it be the fastest way to ask her directly?"

said Sehir lightly.

“...... Ask her?"

Ashley looked confused.

What do you want to ask her? We're all locked up in this room by AST, how do you ask?"

Sehir didn't make any more explanations, and went straight to action.

Since her legs were not tied and were still tied to the chair, she was able to stand up and then break away from the chair with the help of the wall.

And so I was able to get out.

Sehir then untied the other two and pulled out a light blue headset from her underwear.

"When she touched me before, I felt a little more strange feeling in my clothes, but I didn't expect it to be a headphone, as for when she put it in mine... In the underwear... I do not know.

"Although it's true that there's nowhere to put ... But it shouldn't be in your underwear..."

Sai Xi'er complained silently, then put on the headphones and pressed the communication button.

But is this headset connected? After all, this is the headquarters of AST, and the signal shielding is quite strong...

"Oh, the communication was connected so quickly, it seems that Sai Xi'er has already broken free, and sure enough, even if you have already run once, AST's vigilance will not be strengthened..."

Sai Xi'er's face froze, and sure enough, this headset is specially made, and AST's signal blocking device can't block its communication function.

"You helped me, right? Why did you help me? It can't be just kindness, right?"

"There's nothing wrong with being direct.

Sai Xi'er said in a calm tone.

"While I do appreciate your help, if you want to influence me in such a way that I give up taking Ashucroft... I'd rather give those legs and eyes back to you.

"It can be done like this... It seems that Artemisia is really important to you!"

"Of course... Wait!"

Sehir unconsciously gave an affirmative endorsement when she heard the affectionate name, but she quickly realized that no one on the Japanese side should know the true purpose of the capture of Ashocroft.

For a moment, Sai Xi'er couldn't help shouting.

"You know Artemisia?!".

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