
!" "I'm already attacking with all my might!" Ashley

and Leo attacked at the same time, and the high-speed charged attack and long-range fire attack were easily blocked by the defensive random field spread out by the origami, and there was not even a crack under the repeated attacks.

"This is this special set of armor manifest abilities... Use all of its processing power to maximize the strength of defensive haphazard domains... Ashecroft [Alice] who can stop everything!"

said Sehir warily.

"Also, [Hollow Dragon]'s Random Domain Hindrance doesn't work against her in a defensive Random Field..."

Sehir thought.

Now that [Alice] has been certified, it is almost impossible to snatch Ashocroft from the certified personnel.

And...... Mu also said in advance that if he couldn't take Azucroft [Alice], he would give it to Origami, and now it is in Origami's hands.

Although it is not the origami that she gave [Alice] to her, but the origami also obtained [Alice], the result should be the same, right?

Since Mu Qing said so, there should be her reasons, maybe she has a way to communicate with Origami and let her give [Alice] to us?"

After careful consideration, Sehir decided to evacuate.

"I don't want to run away anymore!"

"Don't be willful. "


"The defensive Ashocroft [Alice] strengthened to the extreme... Sure enough, an extremely powerful manifestation device... As long as I have this, I can have the power to protect everyone..."

Origami muttered to herself, then looked at the three girls who were also dressed in Ashucroft.

"You... Let's attack together, I don't shoot, I want to see where [Alice's] limit is.

"Origami, what are you doing, now we should defeat them as soon as possible!" shouted

Liaozi, looking at Origami, who was not doing his business at the moment.

There's still time to put Ashocroft to the test for you! Defeat the three as soon as possible, and retrieving Ashecroft is the immediate priority.

“...... It's a big deal

!" "Ashley!Leo, let's stop Ashley, she's going to get caught if she's left alone!" "

I know!"

Leonora manipulated [Leon]'s unparalleled cannon fire to cover the entire stage, and origami had to expand the range of the defensive casual realm to protect her teammates who couldn't build a defensive casual realm.

"Ashley, now is not the time to be angry!"


!" "Our goal has been accomplished, there is no need to entangle her here!"

Cecil shouted at Ashley.

"Goo... I see!"

Ashley said yes, although she was a little unwilling.

"Leo, blast open the roof, let's get out

!" "Got it!"

Leonora turned the muzzle of the cannon and poured [Leon's] fire down on the roof, which was just plain reinforced concrete in the fire.

"Origami! Don't let them escape!" quickly

called Liaozi.

“...... Be. "

How could I have made you catch up!"

Leonora stopped at the huge hole that had been blasted out, shelling at Origami, but was intercepted by Origami's defensive casual field.

"You can't stop me by attacking me. "

“...... Huh?"

Leonora heard the meaning of Origami's words, glanced at the white-haired girl in front of her with a complicated expression, and then expanded her firepower coverage and attacked the entire party site.

Origami hurriedly turned around and used the random field to stop Leonora's fire, and because of this gap, Leo was able to escape.

"Sorry for letting them escape.

"It's nothing, after all, there is a reason for it, and the results this time are good enough. "

At this moment, because Sai Xi'er left with the [Hollow Dragon] equipped, and lost the interference effect, Liaozi was able to stand up, and he didn't care much about seeing that Origami didn't catch the prisoner.

After all, as she said, the task of protecting [Alice] has been successfully completed.

"There will be no next time.

Origami promised his teammates.

Shina looked at the origami, I don't know why, I always felt that something was wrong, but I didn't know what was wrong...

Not far away, Mikie re-unfolded her armor, and [Akagi Cat]'s recovery ability suppressed the previous pain, allowing her to easily stand up and look at her father, Torotaro Okayamine.

"Father, we succeeded in protecting [Alice]! So...!Me and the AST are definitely not useless!Please let me continue to be a member of the AST!"

"... No way. "

How so?!"

"I said I would get you out of AST, and that's what I've decided. "

She shouldn't quit AST. "

Liaozi and Shina came to Torotaro and spoke calmly.

"Miki Megumi is an important talent that AST needs, and you should understand from the battle just now that we can't hold [Alice] without her. "

Whew... It's because I watched that battle just now that I-

" "Loving Mikie shouldn't just blindly put her in her comfort zone, she will have to face a storm outside the greenhouse one day."

Origami also came over and stated the facts.

Mu Qing in the audience had a lot of feelings about origami's words.

Yes, this is the case with the parents of origami in this life, so that origami joined AST, although they feel sorry for their daughter's injury, but they know that this is their daughter's will, so they fully support her.

It is precisely in this way that today's origami has become strong, tenacious and powerful.

“...... Mikie, over the years, I've been so harsh on you, you should hate me... Alienate me..."

"... How could I have alienated my father... I've been... Always wanting to prove myself, I... It's not a useless person... And then...... The pride of being a father..."

Miki Megumi said with a crying tone, but her eyes looked straight at Torotaro, as if she had exhausted her courage.

“...... It's mine...... Are you proud..."

Torotaro was stunned for a moment, she never thought that her daughter would always be...

“...... Megumi Miki... I'll just ask you one last thing... You...... Are you happy now?"

"Yes!" Miki

Megumi looked at her teammates around her... and Mu Qing, who was fishing below, nodded affirmatively.

"I'm happy now!"

In that case, I won't say anything more, you can just do it, and leave the negotiation of [Alice's] ownership to me on the DEM agency's side. Then

, looking at the origami dressed in [Alice], he slowly spoke.

"Please... Use [Alice] to protect her..."

, Torotaro said, and he prepared to turn and leave.

"Hey, hey, don't you plan to say anything more to your daughter at this time?

"Senior Mu Qing, who are you..."

Mi Ji Hui looked at Mu Qing who suddenly appeared with some doubts.

“...... What do you want to do

?" Torotaro looked at the girl who appeared in front of him vigilantly, he thought she was a member of the AST before, but she didn't participate in the battle just now, isn't she someone who AST can't offend?"

"Hehe, give me this sentence with feelings, otherwise... You don't want to leave, and... I'll take a picture of you right now and send it to Miki Megumi!" Mu

Qingwei smiled and handed over a note.

Torotaro couldn't help but tremble after reading the content of the note, and looked at the girl in front of him in surprise, knowing that she wasn't joking.

"I'm also good for you~Hurry up~"

"... Mikie, you are my most precious daughter, the most important treasure I have ever received in my life.

After Torotaro finished speaking, he immediately blackened his old face, wiped his sleeve on his face casually a few times, and then left quickly.

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