In the next time, Mu Qing introduced the locations of the bathroom, locker room, lounge and other rooms in turn.

Since the work this time was still quite meticulous, Mu Qing naturally felt an obvious deficit in spiritual power, but fortunately, after her ability was improved, the recovery speed of her spiritual power was also improving, and the spiritual power of the kung fu introduced had recovered again.

"Okay, now that you've introduced the renovated store, do you have anything else you'd like to ask?"

"Me! I still have questions!

Ashley hurriedly shouted.

"It's a maid café, but the maid... How? There were maids in the UK many years ago, but they were all female employees who were in charge of household chores in large households, so they should be different from your Japanese maids, right? "

“emm...... Well... You can just think of yourself as a waiter dressed as a maid, and you really won't go to the Internet to find some maid café videos to see, and when you are tired of learning, you can sleep directly in the lounge, no problem!

Mu Qing said something strange and gave Ashley a thumbs up, giving people a sense of unreliability without any intention of being responsible...

"Hehe, with Miss Muqing's strong ability, any store can be created, right? Why did you choose a shop like a maid café?

Kurumi smiled teasingly, then lowered his body slightly, and sent his voice close to Mu Qing's ears.

"Or does Miss Mu Qing like to watch people do such things, right? Master~

" "How is it possible..."Mu

Qing couldn't help but raise her head back slightly, slightly distancing herself from the madness who suddenly approached.

Kurumi seems to like to whisper in his ear coldly.,This is the second time....

But...... Kurumi's "master",It's really a rare experience... Even "I" have never heard of it, have I?

「...... You're talking about me again, aren't you?"

"How can you?"

Mu Qing spread her hands.

"Miss Mu Qing is talking to herself over there again..."

Ashley looked at Mu Qing, who was dressed in spiritual clothes and exuded soft power, but she was talking to herself alone at the moment, and couldn't help but complain to Sai Xi'er.

“...... Most elves have some strange hobbies, so you can leave them alone.

Sai Xi'er saw Kurumi smiling to himself on the other side, and shook his head slightly.


Mu Qing asked the three girls from the UK and the crazy three to live in their own shops, one is to facilitate work, and the other is to facilitate their daily life, after all, staying on the air ship all day is not a solution.

Mu Qing also learned the set in the AST team, that is, the team members can usually not be at the base, and will only be called back to the base when they go out on a mission.

At the same time, Mu Qing asked for a way to forge identity information from Mad San.

As for Kurumi's modus operandi... To be honest, it was much simpler than Mu Qing imagined, just a simple forgery of identity certificates and transfer documents successfully obtained the identity of a transfer student.

It can't be said that the school is not responsible, after all, it is indeed almost the same to have these documents, and it is no wonder that Ashley in the original text has also successfully mixed into Zen High School as a transfer student, which is indeed not too difficult.

Mu Qing directly constructed all kinds of document entities and handed them to the three of them, the documents were given to them, and the rest was left to them to do by themselves, after all, the three of them were magicians who could take charge of themselves, and this kind of trivial thing could still be done.

But what is interesting is Ashley, she deliberately chose the class she transferred to, Mu Qing secretly glanced at it, and chose the second and third classes of high school, which happened to be Mikie's class.

Good guy, in order to facilitate the consultation with origami, Miki Megumi deliberately let AST arrange, from the first year of high school to the second year of high school, Ashley, you are exactly the same age as Miki Megumi, but you run a class...

It's hard not to wonder if there are no problems between you!

“...... Don't look at me like that... I just think that Miki Megumi guy is more compatible with me!

Ashley looked at Mu Qing's meaningful expression and couldn't help but return loudly.

"I know, I understand~ Keep up the good work!"

“...... Damn it...... Why are you all like this?"

Ashley scratched her hair in annoyance, her face a little unnatural.

Leonora and Cecier went to the first and second classes of high school respectively, and as for the accident-prone place - the second and fourth classes of high school where Wuhe Shidao is located, Mu Qing did not let any of them go.

After all, as Mu Qing said, that class is an accident-prone area, and during this time, the class has successfully transferred two transfer students in a row, and it would be outrageous to transfer again...

Kurumi is quite uncomfortable living with other people.,Although it's not the ontology.,But she's also a Kurumi.,It's just that the timing is different.。

She was always alone in her memory, and she had little long-term contact with anyone else, let alone lived together.

This has to rely on herself, and Mu Qing can't help her.

"Actually, you're just lazy..."

Don't talk nonsense. The

author is great: "The next few chapters should make Li Muqing (Mu Qing from the previous world line) appear and walk around twice".

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