"Is it just an eviction? Hmph, sure enough, it's a local army, and there's no pursuit at all.


Liaozi glanced at the DEM magician who suddenly appeared beside her, but did not respond to any of her words.

This guy... Looks like the captain of this DEM team, right?

At the moment when the accident happened, Jessica, with her strong magician strength, successfully shook off the pursuit of the black ball and came to Liaozi's side.

At this moment, she looked at the elf girl, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but hook an arc.

If he can kill the elves, Lord Westcourt will definitely be able to look at himself differently, right? After all, Chonggong Zhen was awarded the honorable title of Adpassos No. 2 because she had killed the elves.

Although he is also Adpus, he is second to Shinna's No. 3.

And since he doesn't have any particularly outstanding records, whether in the company or outside the company, you can almost hear the words "Adipus No. 1 and 2 are far superior to other Adesps..."

I admit that I am far inferior to the world's strongest magician Allen-sama who is the number 1 of Adrepus, but really... Sooner or later, you will be defeated!

But...... Now is the time to make up for this shortcoming.

Although Jessica thought about capturing this elf alive and bringing it back to the DEM club, this guy made himself suffer such a big loss, how could he let her live?

And this elf... It's too dangerous, and the many magicians and battle robots present, including Shina, are no match for her...

Once she returns to normal, I'm afraid that no one of the magicians she knows will be able to defeat her, except for Lord Allen.

Jessica thought about tightening the laser blade in her hand.

"Since you AST can't do it, then I'll accept this battle!"

With that, the blade of light slashed at the girl.



A lightsaber stops Jessica's attack.

Jessica notices that it is an AST-style lightsaber, and that the owner of the lightsaber is the white-haired girl who was specifically removed from the combat by the AST captain.

"Origami?! What are you doing here? How are you—

" "Captain, I'm willing to accept any punishment when I get back, but please don't let her hurt this elf now!" Please!

Origami hurriedly shouted and interrupted before the burnt could finish speaking.


couldn't help frowning as he looked at the origami.

What is her situation today? Something is too abnormal, isn't it?

Not to mention the quality of this elf, Origami actually drew a sword to the magician of the DEM club for the elf... Does she really not know what that means?

She should be very clear about the strength of the DEM club, after all, the Azuck Croft incident not long ago is still vivid, what is the reason?

"Lord Captain of AST, depending on your attitude, I can choose to ignore or... Think of this team's actions as an attack on the DEM Agency? "



Origami joined AST relatively early, plus he was brave in battle, and often helped other team members, at this moment, Miki Megumi and other team members came over to help Origami intercede.

“...... Local troops are indeed local troops, and can this kind of loose organization still be called an army? Captain AST, hurry up and get this guy out! "

“...... I understand.

Hearing Jessica's words, the tone was quite impatient, and the burnt child thought for a moment before nodding slightly.

"It seems that your captain is still more sensible than you..."

"'The magician of the DEM Society was suddenly attacked by the elves when he illegally invaded the AST law enforcement area with his arms, and after the AST helped repel the elves, the magicians of the DEM Society attacked the AST members for no reason, and we were forced to defend ourselves.' Just explain it to your superiors. "


“...... You guy! The

unexpected situation made Jessica's expression change instantly.

How is it different from what I thought!

"In addition, there is no need to worry about origami, about their portable camera installations... After all, today's incident is a bit big, in order to avoid the public from discovering or causing other adverse effects, just let the team members bring a few more shielding devices over, this shielding distance must be impossible to pass even with the advanced equipment of the DEM club, right? "


No, who's going to bring a shield when they fight?! I'm afraid that in addition to these, the troops will only carry the troops in the places where they have to fight with the elves and hide their own existence, right?

But doesn't this mean that after the AST support comes, the elf data transmitted by myself and my teammates to the headquarters will also be interrupted?

“...... Just AST... Unexpectedly!

Jessica's sword slashed at the elven girl again, but sure enough, she was stopped by the origami.

"Since you AST are determined to stop me... Then don't blame us for being unkind! The

other black balls gradually faded and disappeared with the passage of time, and the other DEM magicians were able to get out because of this, and at this moment, they noticed that the situation was not right and immediately rushed over and confronted AST.

The magicians on both sides smell of gunpowder, and conflict can break out at any time.


Author greatly:" Thanks to 2333_135404393 and chaos_605626740599726249 a month of VIP, 2 chapters will be added in the next period of time, and the additional chapters will be marked after the chapter name "Author greatly:"

Because there have been a lot of things recently, the time for adding more is uncertain, but it must be added! "

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