"This is—"

Maple Leaf struggled to open his eyes, looking at the ceiling that was both familiar and unfamiliar with a confused expression.

At this time, he did not seem to be fully awake from his sleep, but watched in a hazy manner.

Suddenly, a feeling of pain surged into Maple Leaf's heart, directly waking him up from his confusion.

"Oops, I'll go. Why does my neck hurt so much?"

muttered Maple Leaf.

Just as he was about to touch his neck with his hands, he suddenly found that his hands were already bound.

Maple looked at his bound hands sluggishly, and couldn't figure out the situation for a while.


At this moment, the maple leaf struggled desperately, shaking back and forth, shaking and shaking, as if he wanted to tear it off with brute force.

But no matter what you do, these are not things that can be broken by manpower alone.

As time passed, Maple Leaf's physical strength gradually disappeared.

At this time, he finally calmly looked at everything around him, and the familiar scenes and instruments made it impossible for Maple Leaf to forget in his life.

Maple Leaf quietly looked at the items on the table beside him, and the cold instruments made him shiver a little.

At this point, he slowly closed his eyes, obviously knowing what the hell this was.

And she was lying on her laboratory bench by chance.

Needless to say, this is Dr. Mebius's lab.

At this time, Maple Leaf thought carefully about what went wrong. Why did he appear in this place and who didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and moved himself to this experimental bench idlely.

This kind of problem makes the maple leaf, which has a lot of things to do, even more headaches.

But there is a fatal problem that is even more important than just now.

That's how to escape this place.

If Dr. Mebius had returned, he would have been unable to eat and walk around.

But even so, at this time, Maple Leaf was still lying motionless on the experimental table.

"Well, forget it. No matter how much you break free, it's useless, just wait.

In this way, Maple Leaf waited quietly on the laboratory bench for Dr. Mebius's arrival.

After some time, a familiar footstep heard throughout the laboratory.

However, at this time, the maple leaf was still indifferent, and did not even raise his eyelids.

"Okay. I slept soundly. With

that, he directly picked up the nearby tweezers and clamped his nostrils, quietly waiting for the maple leaf to wake up.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. From

time to time, there was a buzzing sound in the lab. And the original face of the maple leaf gradually became extremely pale.


What's going on!Is anyone trying to murder me!"

Maple Leaf, who woke up, looked at everything in front of him with a little anger, but the moment he saw Dr. Mebius, his angry face instantly became gentle.

"Oh~ Dear Dr. Mebius, hello. It's been a long time since we last met. Maple

Leaf said happily.

"Indeed, Maple Leaf. We haven't seen each other since we last met. "

Why, when I see me, can I eat you?"

"Ahaha, how could it be." Dr. Mebius, you are the most reasonable of the Fire Chasers, and would never do such a thing. "

Oh~ really?" Dr

. Mebius looked at Maple Leaf with disdain, then picked up the scalpel next to him and wiped it constantly.

"Ahh That one...... Dr. Mebius, I think this thing you're holding in your hand is in danger of being lost, or if you put it down, we can talk about it. Maple

looked at the scalpel in Dr. Mebius's hand with trembling all over, and his heart was already tense.

"Little mouse, you said, I'll cut your body, what do you think?"

Maple Leaf suddenly felt bad in his heart when he heard it, and now Mebius has changed his name to guinea pig, and this time it's completely over.

"Ahh Well, Dr. Mebius, I was wrong! Please, I was wrong!"

"Heh, Maple Leaf, you should have paid a little for yourself at that time.

As Mebius's words fell, she picked up her scalpel and slashed Maple Leaf's right arm. Bright red blood slowly ran down his arm.

Maple Leaf, on the other hand, closed his eyes tightly, and although he felt a burst of pain, he still couldn't believe that Dr. Mebius had really hurt himself.

"Okay, we'll clear it up this time.

Mebius said lightly.


At this time, Maple immediately opened his eyes, looked at the blood on his arm, and then looked at Mebius on the side, he was very puzzled by this move.

"What? Do you really want me to make a hole for you?"

"Oh no, no, no, that's it, that's it. Maple

Leaf hurriedly said.

"Alright, I have a headache listening to you. "

Aha, that... Dr. Mebius, what do you want my blood for?"

Maple Leaf whispered.

"It's nothing, there is a shortage of human blood in the laboratory, so I can only use your blood to temporarily fill it in the middle of the night.

"Oh oh, okay, okay. Maple

Leaf said, looking at Dr. Mebius who was busy in front of him from time to time. At this time, some questions in my mind suddenly surfaced.

"That's... Dr. Mebius, I actually have some questions for you. "


Mebius said with a look of boredom.

"That's... How did you know about Elysia?"

"Maple Leaf, I think you forgot all the Fire Chasing Moths, so you dared to enter my lab without knocking.


At this time, Maple Leaf listened to Mebius's words, his face was shocked, he himself seemed to have no idea that there was a knock on the door.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door of the laboratory.

"Enter. A

woman entered the door of the laboratory and stood where the light was not shining.

And the maple leaf lying on the experimental table kept looking at the black figure.

"Oh, it turned out to be you.

Mebius looked at her, then took out a bottle and handed it to the woman.

"You're really not afraid of death. After taking so much, the side effects can be very significant.

"It's fine. With

that, she turned and walked away.

At this time, Maple Leaf on the side asked

, "Hey, Dr. Mebius, who was that person just now, why do I always feel an inexplicable familiarity with this figure?"

Dr. Mebius said lightly.

However, because of these words, Maple Leaf's eyes widened.

"What's wrong with her? Why do you say you're not afraid of death

? What do you mean?" "Maple Leaf, don't you think you talk a lot? How do you feel that I will tell you everything.

With that, Mebius picked up his things and prepared to leave the lab.

"Ah, Dr. Mebius, you let me go first.

Seeing this, Maple Leaf suddenly said.

However, instead of responding to him, Mebius left the lab straight away.

"Dr. Mebius!".

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