"Employers. A

mysterious woman silently approached Jons.

"Don't forget, how did things go?"

"Sorry, I didn't catch the magician.

Jons looked at her with a little surprise, he didn't seem to expect the pupa to miss the moment, especially in her hands.

"It's okay, tell me about the situation. "

When I got to Dusk Street, I found the man's hiding place. However, it seems that she will... Some kind of special means. In the process of capture, there are often all kinds of strange little things, including foggy bombs and robot trouble.

Jons listened thoughtfully, not forgetting what was said.

"This guy has some skills.

"Besides, that magician doesn't seem to be a real person. "

What do you mean?"

"The moment I touched the magician, I cut off her arm. And all that is revealed are all kinds of mechanical lines.

Don't forget to say it silently.

“...... Android?"

Jons thought calmly, but the Me-Don seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked at the darkest side of the house.

"Alright. Don't forget, you go down first.


Don't forget, he left the place in an instant, leaving Jons silently where he was.


Mebius Labs:

At this time, Maple Leaf is still lying on the laboratory table, motionless, and there are bursts of snoring from time to time.

And he's been here for almost a day and a night.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the laboratory room, and a man wearing a mask came to Maple Leaf's side.

"I'll go, this guy slept pretty soundly. With

that, he lifted all the chains that were bound to Maple Leaf's hands and legs.

At this moment, the sleeping maple leaf shook his eyebrows and opened his eyes as if awake.

"What's going on, what are you going to do?" Maple

curled up to the side, rummaging back and forth from time to time to find something different about his body.

"Hey, Maple Leaf. I'm just going to loosen the tie for you, do you have such a big reaction?" Maple

looked at him blankly, and for a moment there was a slight sense of familiarity.

"You don't know me if I wear a mask?" he

removed the mask, and a familiar face met Maple Leaf's eyes.

"Wow, Scar, you're finally here!" Maple

immediately pounced on Scar's body, showing a weeping face.

"Alright, alright.

Scar patted him on the back and cared for him like a father with a child.

"Alright, Maple Leaf. Let's go. Scar

said quickly.

"Hey, wait. Marks, why are you wearing a mask?" the

keen Maple Leaf instantly sensed a most fatal problem.

Because, when Scara came to Dr. Mebius's lab, he had a normal makeup face, and he couldn't bring anything else with him.

This time, however, he came to Dr. Mebius's lab and put on a mask.

"Trace, you shouldn't have something to hide from me. "

How is it possible... Okay, let's get out of here, after all, this is still Dr. Mebius's lab.

"I'm not leaving. If you don't say it, I won't leave. Maple

Leaf said stiffly.

However, Scar didn't get used to him, and just left him alone, and walked straight towards the door of the laboratory.

At this time, Maple Leaf watched the mark step by step and walked to the door of the laboratory, and his heart was extremely nervous. But he still believed that the mark couldn't just be left alone.

At this time, the trace gradually stepped into the door, and the maple leaf was still unmoving, but his heart was no longer firm.

When the door to the laboratory closed, Maple Leaf's trembling feet immediately rushed away.

"No, just kidding, you really don't care!"

With that, the two left the Mebius Laboratory.


A day has passed.

Maple and Elysia stood outside Himeko's door waiting.

"Maple Leaf, what are you doing?"

"Ah, you didn't do anything. "

Hmph╯^╰, you can't fool me. Not in the room for a day and a night, there are definitely ghosts.

Elysia pouted.

"Ellie, you haven't been to Sister Meko's room yet, you can go and see it.

"Don't get away with it, I've been to Himeko's room a long time ago. "


Maple looked at Elysia in shock, he didn't expect Ellie to be so fast.

I've been here for a year, and I haven't even knocked on Himeko's door, let alone entered her room.

"Wow, Maple Leaf, don't stand still. What the hell are you doing? I'm really curious. "

Ahh It's really nothing, it's just to eat, chat, and drink with the traces.

As soon as the words fell, Elysia stared closely into Maple Leaf's eyes, and a force that saw through everything hit Maple Leaf.

Let its eyes wander, up and down, left and right, back and forth.

"What? You're lying to me. Otherwise, I'll tell Himeko and say you didn't come home overnight..."

"Hey, Ellie, I really didn't go anywhere. That is, to sit in Dr. Mebius's laboratory. Maple

Leaf said quickly.

"What, go to Mebius, you don't call me.

"Ellie, next time, next time, I'll definitely call you.

"Okay. Maple

heard Elysia's words, and her heart finally calmed down.

"Ah, yes. Maple Leaf, I remember the day before yesterday, Captain Scar seems to have been walking back and forth at your door.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I was taking a leisurely walk the night before when I saw Captain Scar swinging back and forth outside your door. I even said hi to him.

Maple Leaf pondered Elysia's words carefully, and seemed to have an answer in his heart.

At this moment, Himeko walked out of the room.

"Let's go, let's start today's training. "

Hmm. The

two said at the same time.

Just as the three of them set off at the same time, the trace happened to pass by.

"Trace, why are you here too?"

Himeko asked.

However, before the mark could answer, the maple leaves on the side immediately rushed towards the trace.

"Traces! I knew you had something to hide from me!" At

this moment, there were traces of maple leaves on his back, and he hurriedly led people to run together, trying to find a clean place.

"That's... What are they doing with the two of them?"

"Himeko, I don't know. We can't figure out what's going on in the boy's mind.

Elysia said to Himeko with a smile, and then looked at the two of them running, and seemed to have the answer in her heart.

The other side.

"Alright, Maple Leaf, hurry down.

"No, trace, you definitely have something to hide from me. If you don't say it, I won't come down.

"Okay, I said.

Seeing this, Maple Leaf did not continue to make trouble, but let go of his back.

"That's... Maple Leaf, I'll start with a little bit in advance. "


"Number one, don't make a lot of noise. The second point is that you know and I know. The third point is that everything must be done with virtue, and the gentleman should not move his mouth.

Maple Leaf listened silently to the trace's words, and from between the lines of his words, he knew very well that it was probably not a good thing.

"Okay, let's talk. Maple

Leaf said silently.

In this way, the two talked happily and got to know each other better.

"Marks, is there something wrong with you!"

"Are you going to betray your brother for Dr. Mebius?" "

Hey, that's not the case. I just owe Dr. Mebius a favor, and I don't pay it back... It's embarrassing. Trace

Zhen said eloquently.

"I'm sorry, some rotten guy didn't sleep in the middle of the night and carried me to Dr. Mebius's lab.

"You culprit!" Maple

said, clenching his punchbag-sized fist and pointing at his chest.

"Hey, wait. You promised me.

"That's for sure. I promised you before that I was the previous me. But now I'm the one who wants to beat you up. With

that, a real competition began with the trace.

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