With the timely forced landing of the large transport plane, the entire team of the fourth squad flew down from the plane in a uniform manner.

"Everyone get ready to fight!"

Lisa exclaimed.

"Yes!" all

the team members assumed a fighting posture and followed Lisa to the Siberian Energy Company not far away.

I saw that many Honkai beasts were wandering back and forth here, and it seemed that because of the strong Honkai energy in the area, they had not been able to leave, but gathered together.

At this moment, Lisa is observing the current situation, and now that there is a large leak in the Honkai energy storage tank, it is hard to imagine that there will be no special Honkai beast or the same large-scale Honkai as last time.

"Captain, you can't get up. The

team member on the side said.

However, Lisa did not respond to him immediately, but carefully observed everything around her.


With Lisa's order, the mecha troops immediately poured out, and countless missiles fell in the area where the Honkai Beast was located like fairy scattered flowers.

In an instant, thick smoke rose everywhere, and the sound of a powerful explosion instantly flooded the entire area.

"Roar, roar!!" the

Honkai beast roared, roaring.

Lisa looked at the Honkai Beasts caught in the cannon fire in front of them, and although these were not painful for them, they could still cause some damage.

"Railgun! Ready!" The

giant electromagnetic railgun suddenly appeared behind Lisa.

A 430mm giant railgun that can penetrate the shells of any Honkaimon. Compared to normal ammunition, the railgun is more powerful and penetrates.


Lisa gave the order, and the railgun spun itself, aiming at the established position, and then burst out with a powerful bombardment.

In an instant, it continuously pierced through the bodies of many Honkai Beasts, and also left an indelible burning mark in place.

"Everyone! Follow me with exoskeleton armor, and the rest will strike with long-range fire

!" "Understood!" shouted

the team.

Under Lisa's command, the group dispersed into two groups, one of which was to charge into battle, and the other was to strike with fire.

Lisa took out her long-silent twin spears and forged ahead, engaging in a fierce battle with the Honkaimon.

Because each captain of each squad is equipped with a weapon made of special materials, he still has good combat power while facing Honkaimon.

Lisa's weapon, the Twin Spear, is made of the best soul steel and armor-piercing bullets of special materials, so it is very suitable for dealing with Honkai Beasts with a hard shell.

"Everyone, take care of it

!" "Understood!"

Lisa galloped quickly across the battlefield, for a veteran like her, she had the strength and maneuver she needed.

I saw the ordinary Honkai beast suddenly attack her, and Lisa slid directly to her back.

Immediately, he fired several shots, and then swung his right fist and smashed it into the injured part of the Honkai Beast.

The impact instantly caused it to collapse to the ground.

The team members on the side couldn't help but be amazed when they saw the captain's punch, as if they had never seen such a ferocious captain

Lisa stride behind the Honkaimon, and then shot it several times in the injured area.

For a moment, the purple liquid slowly came out, and the life of this Honkai beast also ended.

At this time, Lisa stood on the corpse of the dead Honkai Beast, looking at the battlefield filled with gunsmoke.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, as if he felt the power brought to him by something.

But what she didn't know was that purple lines appeared on her neck again.

It's just that unlike before, the color of the texture seems to be brighter and more vivid at this moment.

At this moment, Lisa moved again, stepping into the crowd of Honkai Beasts at a lightning speed.

"Captain, you can't go there!" said

the team member on the side.

As Lisa infiltrated alone, countless Honkai beasts immediately reversed their targets and struck at the nearest enemy.

However, at this time, Lisa seemed to be descended from the gods, skillfully dodging one attack after another from the Honkai Beast.

Then he launched an offensive and slashed one Honkai Beast after another.

Lisa, who is obsessed, enjoys the joy of slaughter in an endless time.

However, in her eyes at the moment, it was a different view.

The former team members appeared at Lisa's side and attacked Honkai with her.

Unlike then, they are the real hunters at this moment.

With her own strength, she slayed almost all of the Honkai Beasts and successfully saved her former comrades.

At this moment, Lisa looked at everything in front of her, and now she finally had power, a power that could save everything.


A cry suddenly reached Lisa's ears.

However, it was this sound that made her a little blurred.


the sudden voice instantly broke Lisa's dream and pulled her back from the illusion.

At this moment, she looked at everything in front of her in a daze, as if what she had just experienced was a dream.

At this time, when she looked around again, the scene in front of her made her completely stunned.

I saw that Lisa was holding a sword in her hand and sticking it straight into one of the team members.

And her own hands were already covered with blood.

Trembling, Lisa let go of her hands in an instant.

The team member who was stabbed in the chest by her said with difficulty: "Captain, you have finally woken up..."

Lisa looked at him in shock, and for a moment the whole person fell into a trance.

She looked around again, only to see countless corpses lying on the ground. It was the corpse of his own team, his own squad.

She couldn't believe that all this had happened so suddenly, and it was not the same scenery in her eyes just now.

Obviously, he has saved everyone, and he already has the power to defeat Honkaimon. However, what she saw was not what Lisa had hoped for.

For a moment, Lisa seemed to have trouble distinguishing between reality and reality.

However, just when Lisa was still indulging in the void and reality, the Honkai beast on the side attacked again, and it instantly penetrated her body.

"Captain!" shouted

the impaled team member.

At this moment, Lisa quietly looked at her body that had been pierced, and saw a slender tail thorn-like thing appear on her chest.


A mouthful of blood slowly flowed down.

"Captain, Captain!" the

impaled team member still shouted.

Then he covered the wound in front of him strongly, got up with difficulty, and kept walking in the direction of the captain.

However, Lisa looked at him with a smile and shook her head at him.

After that, Honkaimon instantly retracted the tail spike that pierced its body.

Lisa also collapsed weakly at this moment.

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