[One day, He fell from heaven.] People looked up and saw the starry sky. [

Xingyue sent the daughter of God, she wants to be a companion of man

] [Now the time of humanity is coming] [Now the time of

hope has come]


Elysia walked alone into the depths of the town of Vostok-51.

It's just that the once lively town no longer exists. Only ruins and dust float in the boundless sky.

And those memories of the past seem to be just a snap.

Elysia carefully stepped over the collapsed debris of the house, step by step toward her goal.

Even though Vostok no longer exists, she still relies on her memories to find memories of the past.

After some time, Elysia silently slowed down. It wasn't until a collapsed house appeared in front of her eyes that she stopped.

She quietly looked at everything in front of her, as if thinking of something, and a tear suddenly flowed from the corner of her eye.

Elysia quickly wiped away her tears, after all, she was a very strong and lovely person.

At this time, a broken plaque under the ruins caught Elysia's attention.

She unhurriedly pulled it away, and then came into view a plaque that was missing more than half of it.

However, this plaque has a word that has been dusty for a long time - courtyard.

Seeing this, Elysia stroked the word with her hand.

At this time, a series of magical pictures suddenly flooded into her mind.

"Have you figured out what name you're going to want?"

"Ahh "

I think Attalahia and Theia are a good fit. "

Mother Selia, names are the most important thing in life. And I, ah, want a more cute name.



Seria looked at the little girl silently, and suddenly an old story came to her mind.

"Let me tell you a story. "

Hmm?!story?!!wow ♪!" The

little girl instantly became happier and more excited when she heard Selia's words.

"Once upon a time there was a man..."

Story content: According to legend, there is a paradise at the end of the world. The protagonist of the story embarks on a journey to find this paradise. Even a lot of them are trying to dissuade him from abandoning this illusory fantasy. But the protagonist still didn't give up, until at the end of the world, he finally found paradise. However, the so-called paradise in front of us is empty.

As if there really is, as those people say, there is no such thing as paradise.

But this does not make the protagonist give up, and he stands at the end of the world and says, "If there is no paradise, then make a paradise yourself." In

this way, the protagonist steps into the journey again, until he finally arrives at Paradise, where it is, at the end of this journey.

People cheered and shouted its name——。 And so the story ends. "

Wow! what a story!" said

the little girl, loudest.

"This story was also told to me by my parents when I was a child, and I will tell it to you today. "

Wow, Mother Selia, that's amazing!"

the little girl exclaimed, as if more excited than the people in the story.

"So, have you figured out what name you're going to want?"

said Selia with a smile.

"Hmm... Well...... Paradise............ Elysia... My name is Elysia!,"

the little girl exclaimed.

"Good, good. Elysia, Elysia.

Seria stroked the little girl, repeating her name over and over again.

In this way, the little girl succeeded in achieving her own name in the story of Selia's mother.

I don't know how long it has been, and she also ushered in her first birthday.

"Marianne, why are you stealing cookies again?

"Oh, no. You're wrong, you're wrong. "

Oh~, I'm going to tell Mother Selia. "

Huh? Don't tell wow, I... I'll give you a piece.

"Hee-hee, well, I'll help you.

Ellie picked up Marianne's biscuit and grinned as she ate it. But who knows, in the next second, Seria has already come to the side of the two.

"You two, why are you stealing food here?"


"Mother Selia, that—"

said Elysia shudderingly.

"You two, don't eat for the whole afternoon. "

Ah!" said

Elysia and Marianne, looking feeble.

As the afternoon passed quickly, the evening dusk had quietly fallen.

At this moment, Elysia sat on the swing outside the house, stroking her empty belly, and her helpless expression instantly reflected her face.

"Ahh I'm so hungry—"

At this time, Elysia looked at the evening dusk. Suddenly, the little devil in her mind gave her a notice.

That is, the evening has arrived, and the afternoon has returned. In other words, Serya's mother only said that she was not allowed to eat in the afternoon, but she was not allowed to eat in the evening.

So, driven by the little devil, Elysia immediately stood up for her petite figure.

However, on the other side, the cherub suddenly appears to dissuade Elysia.

While the two were arguing, a hungry Elysia finally chose to talk to Selia's mother before eating.

With that, she entered the door of the welfare home. What caught my eye was a burst of darkness.

"That......... How...... Don't you turn on the lights?"

said Elysia, trembling slightly.

"Selia's mother, Marianne?"

As Elysia deepened, fear crept into her heart. Just when she didn't know what to do, suddenly a voice rang out in her ear.

"Happy birthday, Elysia!"

"Happy birthday!"

Huge flowers instantly floated from the top of Elysia's head.

Elysia watched in shock, as she seemed to be unable to believe her eyes.


Happy birthday, Elysia!" said

Selia with a smile as she held her birthday cake.

"Selia... Mother...... Mother.

Elysia choked up at her, and at her many of her friends.

"Ellie, don't stand, blow out the candles and make a wish.

Marianne said happily.

"Make a wish, blow out the candles?"

It's to make your wish in front of the cake and then blow out the candles. In this case, your wish may come true. "

It turns out... It's okay to do that.

Elysia listened to them in amazement.

Then he made a wish to the candle in front of him.

[I hope that I can create a perfect paradise, a paradise where everyone and everyone can have a better life. Poof


A burst of exhalation blew out all the candles in an instant.

"Elysia, it's time for us to go. The

team member on the side said loudly.

At this moment, Elysia suddenly woke up, and she looked at the broken plaque and everything around her in a slightly daze.

"Seemingly, something interesting came to mind.

Elysia said. Then, looking at the already dark sky, he wiped the plaque and left the place.

It didn't take long for Elysia to return to the Firechaser Moth base.

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