"The morning sun is shining on the earth, and the free birds are soaring in the air..."

Earth, ah... Freedom, please put my heart into it.

Elysia silently looked at the mark standing by the window.

"Hmm... Blanca, do you know what he's doing?"

"Well... Most of them are stupid in their brains, so why don't they make a nervous decision.

Blanca said maliciously.

"Hey, Blanca. You can't say that, I'm working early in the morning, and at this sunny moment and two lovely people come to visit me, I can't chant a poem..."

Elysia watched thoughtfully.

"Hey, don't. Ellie, don't let this thing go astray, he's going to get sick every time.

Just as Scar was about to quibble again, Blanca's eyes stared at him sharply.

For a while, he hurriedly hid back in the quilt and pretended to be a patient in unbearable pain.


, there was a knock at the door.

"Oh, Himeko is here. I'm going to open the door.

Elysia immediately stood up and opened the door.

"Himeko, you're here. "


At this time, Blanca looked at Elysia and Himeko suspiciously, and a strange feeling appeared in her mind.


, what's going on?" "Blanca, what's wrong?"

"Ah, it's not a big deal, Himeko. I was thinking about one thing. Why you two can be alive and kick right now. And he can't?"

Blanca gestured to the mark lying on the bed.

At this moment, he also sensed a hint of danger, so he carried Blanca's figure on his back and frantically guided Elysia and Himeko behind.

"Blanca, I know why.

"What do you say? "

It must be that Captain Scar is too empty, and he is not as good as our two girls.

Ellie pinched her waist and said unabashedly.

Blanca listened thoughtfully to Elysia's words, and it seemed that it was time to show a little bit of hard work.

"Don't worry, Ellie. I have studied some pharmaceutical technology before, as long as I inject it, the whole person will be masculine in an instant, and it will not work.

"Ahh "

Ah, what do you want this for?"

"I see Maple Leaf lying on the hospital bed all day, it's time to strengthen his bones.

Ellie held up her seemingly weak hands, as if to prove something.

At this moment, Trace quietly listened to the undisguised words of the two, and his heart suddenly cooled for a while.

Now in his heart, he can be said to have regret for deliberately pretending to be sick.

Scar looked at Himeko to the side, and now he could only pin his last hope on her.

"Ahem, ahem. "

Hmm, what's wrong?" Himeko?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Ellie isn't messing around.

Elysia looked at Himeko, who was a little serious, and suddenly her whole expression fell.

"Ah, Himeko. Ellie, she's still young, and I'm just playing with her.

Blanca explained quickly.

"Hmm. Besides..."

Before Himeko finished speaking, Blanca quickly said, "Don't worry, Ellie, I'm sure I won't give it to her." However, the traces, the high and low are all in a complete set.

Blanca said loudly, as if someone wouldn't hear him.

Himeko didn't say anything anymore when she saw this, after all, she couldn't do anything about it herself.

At this time, the traces that were still lying flat instantly came out of the quilt, and they were alive for a while, scurrying around, all showing their strong posture and vitality.

"Blanca, you see, I'm totally fine. "

Is it?"

Blanca glared at the smiling mark in front of her in a vicious manner, and he was instantly quiet at this moment.

Immediately afterward, the room entered a verbal fight between Blanca and Scar.

Himeko and Elysia, who were on the side, shook their heads when they saw this, and then left the room.

"Well, Himeko, I wonder why Captain Scar and Blanca are either on the way to quarrel or fight?"

You're going to have to ask them yourself. Then again, I'm quite confused.

Elysia pondered carefully, and said that she had seen this situation in her previous experience.

However, it doesn't seem to be as strong as Blanca and Scar.

"Ah, forget it. I don't want to. The

two talked to each other and came to the hospital room where Maple Leaf was.

"Oh~ still asleep.

Elysia looked at Maple Leaf's face silently, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be quite good-looking.

"Alright, Ellie. Maple hasn't woken up yet, so let him sleep a little longer. "

Ahh All right.

Elysia complied with Himeko's words and sat down in a chair beside her.

Himeko, on the other hand, stood by the window and watched what she saw.

The room was quiet at the moment, there was no overly loud noise, and there was no artillery fire during the battle. Only the click of the alarm clock and the breathing of everyone.

Quiet, peaceful, comfortable, perhaps more descriptive of the moment.

"Himeko, do you think Maple Leaf is actually a little mysterious?

Elysia said suddenly.

However, this sentence also caused Himeko's body to suddenly shake.

"How do you say it? I always feel that Maple Leaf knows something.

Himeko listened silently to what Elysia had to say.

In her opinion, the mystery is in line with Elysia's thoughts.

After all, everything he does seems to have a lot of suspicion. Even, the strength and Honkai energy he showed at the beginning made Himeko feel incredible.

There is no better way to describe him than in terms of mystery.

"This... Everyone may have secrets in them, and they don't want to say that we can't force them to know. Perhaps, one day when he has some new ideas, we will know everything.

Himeko said lightly to Elysia.

"Oh, that's right. Himeko, how did you and Maple Leaf meet in the first place? "

This... The two of us met on the same street. "


"When Honkaimon invaded a town, I was cleaning up the streets of Honkaimon, and he appeared in an instant. "

For a moment?"

Elysia looked at Himeko quizzically.

However, at this time, Maple Leaf, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

"You... It's all in... Yes. "

Maple Leaf, Himeko will tell me about your black history.

Elysia whispered in Maple Leaf's ear.

As a result, in the next second, Maple Leaf immediately raised his body.


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