In the slightly dimly lit room, a large number of various instruments were placed on the floor, among which a scalpel that had long been stained with blood rested on the side of the table, and these all revealed a sense of fear.

Suddenly, somewhere the lights turned on instantly. A blue light shone on a lab bench in the room.

Immediately afterward, a covered object appeared on the test table.

The white bandage enveloped it tightly, and a transparent substance encircled it around it again.

If you look closely, you won't be able to see anything clearly. There are only vague lines and white edges, and nothing else.

In the quiet room, an inexplicable sound suddenly sounded.

"Dr. Mebius, you take your breath. "

This has to make me angry! How can anyone be so perverted!"

Mebius slapped his hand on the table, his face full of anger.

In her heart, she seemed to want to immediately make the person who provoked her into an experimental specimen.

"Hey, Dr. Mebius, there's no way around that. After all, Jons is still the leader of the Fire Moth.

"Sooner or later, the leader will tear him off.

Blanca shook her head helplessly when she heard what Mebius said.

"What? Blanca, you're looking at Jons?"

"Not really, Dr. Mebius. You know, I came to you of my own free will. For the sake of lofty ideals, this little thing still requires patience.

Blanca said with a smile to Mebius.

However, she was greeted with a sneering eye attack.

Mebius stared at Blanca intensely, and for a moment there was always a feeling of inexplicability, as if she had something to say.

"Blanca, if you have anything, just say it. "

Ahh It's not anything particularly important. Actually, now that the body of the Second Lawgiver is ready to be transported back, then our current research should have stopped. So...... I should be able to leave work early.

Mebius listened silently to what Blanca had to say, and she knew one of the most important things in the midst of all the nonsense, and that was to leave work early.

And for this, Mebius is very clear about why Blanca.

After all, the relationship between Trace and Blanca has basically changed from boyfriend and girlfriend to one between husband and wife.

As long as time is available, the two will stay together all day.

Sometimes I don't even want to enter the laboratory, and even if I do, I will be out of the state because of something.

Mebius looked at Blanca mercilessly.

"Haha... That one...... Dr. Mebius, I... Don't look at me like that. "

Blanca, I've told you so many times. No other thought is allowed in the lab. "

Ah, Dr. Mebius. Don't do that... I don't think it's really okay now, or I'll go first.

Blanca said with a little anxiety, as if she was afraid that Mebius would suddenly give her some work again.

"Let's go. I really thought I couldn't do anything without you.

Mebius waved at her casually, and was once again buried in the experiment.

Blanca watched silently, but finally chose to leave the lab, leaving a message before leaving: "Don't worry, Dr. Mebius." I'm going to be fully involved in the experiment next month. With

that, the door to the laboratory opened and closed. In the entire laboratory, Mebius was the only one.

She didn't respond to what Blanca had said.

Because she doesn't know how many times she's heard this sentence.

Each time, it is said that the next month will be fully dedicated. But as soon as it comes to the next month, Blanca will take time off for various reasons. Actually, it's still for the sake of love.

"Alas, just deduct the salary directly next month, it just so happens that the laboratory's funds are a little lacking, make up for it.

Mebius thought silently. Before he could wait a few seconds, he shook his head helplessly.

However, just then, the door to the laboratory was opened again.

Mebius looked silently at the man inside the door, his eyes seeming to see through everything.

"Oh... I didn't expect you to come so quickly. "


"Himeko, do you know where Maple Leaf went?"

"I don't know. Isn't he supposed to be in the hospital room?"

Elysia said confusedly. She actually didn't quite understand why Maple still liked to run around even though she was seriously injured.

"Alright, Ellie. Don't think about it, he must be in the Fire Chaser Moth, it's fine.

"That's right, forget it, don't think about it.

Elysia shook her head frantically and stopped thinking about it.

"Himeko, have you received any information about the Honkai Files?"


Himeko pondered silently.

This Honkai dossier is now known to almost all members of the Fire Moth.

And it was created by Dr. Mebius himself.

This file records information about the Honkai as a whole, as well as some of the terms and names of the plans.

Large-scale collapses that occurred not long ago have also been recorded, and are named after the first and second collapses, respectively.

Among them, the "people" born of the first and second collapses are also called "lawyers" who have amazing destructive power.

And the strength and strength possessed by these lawgivers are far from being comparable to the emperor-level Honkai Beasts. Even the Judgment-level Honkai Beast is difficult to compete with.

In addition, the Honkai Archives also record the number of times the first and second large-scale Honkai eruptions.

Throughout the changes in development, from the beginning of the first collapse to the beginning of the second collapse. So there is a high probability that there will be a third or even a fourth such breakdown.

"The Lawgiver, the Great Collapse?" thought

to Elysia silently.

After all, she seemed to have heard these familiar terms and names during the second Honkai, and they all seemed to come out of Maple Leaf's mouth.

At this time, Himeko suddenly said, "It seems that the Honkai we encounter in the future is likely to be even more dangerous. "

Ellie, next, we're going to be a little more cautious.

"Don't worry, Himeko. With me here, I promise to beat the Honkai and escape.

Elysia raised her arms, showing her strength.

"Good, good.

Himeko gently stroked Elysia's hair.

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