Ever since we looked up at the stars, we have been exploring space.

The starry sky, the universe, aliens, and the truth seem to have become opportunities or possibilities for human beings to explore the unknown world.

With the continuous progress of human science and technology, space exploration and exploration of unknown territories have become a must.

Step into space and travel to the moon.

On the vast road of aerospace, the predecessor of the Fire Moth, the former Fire Chaser, has become an important contributor to the opening of this epoch-making era.

"Daddy, when are you coming back?"

"Ahhh Excuse me, little hoo. I shouldn't be back tonight. I'm really sorry.

Himeko blinked.

But in the next second, his face was filled with an extremely dissatisfied look.

It's just that this face is not visible to the father on the other side of the phone at all.

He could only silently listen to the sighing voice of his daughter on the other side of the phone.

"Xiaohu, I'm really sorry. Now the research of this project has entered a critical moment, so there is really no going back tonight. Otherwise, you can go to Mebius's house today and stay with her for another night. The

father on the phone said to Himeko at a very fast pace, as if he did not dare to delay for the slightest moment.

However, on the other end of the phone, Himeko did not respond to him.

"Whew... "The

father hurriedly shouted.

"Okay, I see,"

Himeko said with a little deflated.

"Xiaohuh, rest assured. When I'm done with that, I'll go home and be with you, and I'll take you on a space trip. Father

said in high spirits.

However, at this moment, Himeko is looking at the shining stars in the sky.

Himeko didn't know how many times he had heard what his father had just said.

Ever since she began to remember, she seems to have remained that way, rarely being able to fulfill her original promises.

And she is almost used to these.

After all, Himeko knew very well what his father did.

His experiments and research may have led to unimaginable achievements in the entire scientific and technological enterprise. It may be possible for human beings to go to outer space and look forward to higher and even wider starry skies.

However, because of this, Himeko has been self-reliant since he was a child, and almost everything is made up of his own hands.

"Alright, Xiaohuh. Let's finish it first, I still have something to do here. "

Ahh That one...... Good.

As soon as Himeko's voice fell, the other side had already hung up the phone.

At this time, Himeko silently walked to the sofa next to him, and then sat on it.

In fact, she called not only to ask why her father had not returned, but also to discuss something with him.

However, the communication time between the two is very short, and his father is very busy. So Himeko didn't ask much.

"Hey, get the rest yourself.

Himeko said to himself.

As time went on, Himeko's most important thing was nearing its end.

In the past few days, she has been busy with some things almost all the time.

I even learned how to sew clothes with needles and threads and make some interesting gadgets from all kinds of unused "scraps".

However, Himeko did all this for the birthday party of her best friend, Mebius.

Now, Mebius' birthday is tomorrow. Therefore, Himeko has been working overtime almost overtime in the past few days to learn, and then to make it step by step.

At the beginning, when I communicated with my father online, I wanted to ask my father what advice he had for birthday gifts, but because of some things, I didn't ask.

In the end, Himeko had to think about what to give the gift to herself.

After much consideration, Himeko chose to sew a very special dress for Mebius himself. And that dress was a pink skirt.

After all, when she was hanging out with Mebius, Himeko knew very well that she had taken a special look at the pink dress nearby.

In addition, Himeko also made some bizarre knick-knacks.

However, for Mebius, these are things that can make his eyes shine.

Gradually, the darkness of the night has arrived.

At this time, Himeko was still sewing the dress.

The bright lights in the room shine on Himeko's hands sewing clothes.

The hands were already covered with scars from the sewing process, and some of them had even been covered with band-aids with the pattern of small wine glasses.

The dim night sky gradually entered the depths of the night, and the houses everywhere were closed to rest, and the whole street seemed to have fallen into a good sleep.

However, there is only one house that is still brightly lit.

It's just that at this time, the person in the room has also fallen into a sweet dream.

Time flew by, and in an instant, it was already the evening of the next day.

"Woo... Woo... Whoa—"

Himeko blinked his eyes, and from time to time he made a whining sound.

"Ah, it hurts.

Himeko stroked his neck and his numb hands.

When she first woke up, she was still confused, wiping her eyes. However, in the next second, she was immediately not calm.

I saw that the time displayed on the clock on the side was already evening.

At this time, she looked out of the house in shock, which was already dusk.

"Ahh Actually...... It's so late?"

Himeko uttered a word that he couldn't even believe.

While talking to herself, she immediately set out to tidy up the relevant clothes and various gadgets.

Immediately, he opened the door and rushed all the way to Mebius's home.

The twilight of the setting sun shone on Himeko's body, and for a moment the blinding light made his steps a little uncontrollable.

However, the high level of stability did not allow it to fall.

Immediately after, she crossed the streets that were sparsely populated. In a few moments, they had arrived at the door of Mebius's house.

I saw that on both sides of his house there were flowers that had long since fallen away. Withered branches, wilted, people can't help but feel dilapidated.

However, these are reflected in the twilight, which makes people feel a bleak coolness.

She looked at everything in front of her suspiciously, knowing that she hadn't been here for almost a week. This turned out to be like this.

Himeko was puzzled, but that wasn't the point at the moment.

She slowly banged on the door with both hands.

But who knows, the next second you knock on the door, the door of the house will open automatically.

At this time, Himeko looked puzzled, but subconsciously drove her to the house.

Almost nothing could be seen in the dimly lit room, but the various sounds made under his feet scared Himeko.

"Mei-chan, Mei-chan

?" she kept shouting, but no one responded to her voice.

Himeko continued to walk slowly deeper into the house, carefully stepping into each staircase.

Until, the second floor of the house. The originally dim room seemed to gradually have a glimmer of light due to the twilight outside the window.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from somewhere.

"Anyway... I'm going to make humans... Get Evolved.

At this time, Himeko followed the voice to the door of a room. However, what he saw next made Himeko's hands tremble, and panic instantly flooded over his entire face.

I saw that Mebius was holding a glass bottle that had already been stained with blood in his hand, and his face was covered with blood.

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