The morning sun shone through a dimly lit room, resembling a strange form of scattered flowers.

Next to the white wall, a bouquet of flowers was placed on a wooden table, and the faint light shimmered through it.


a faint, slightly feeble voice broke the silence.

Maple Leaf opened his eyes and was greeted by the more familiar ceiling.

It is a different kind of ceiling made of green intoxicating flowers, which means hope.

Maple blinked his eyes and looked at everything around him. Although the curtains blocked out the sunlight, he was still able to see everything around him with the help of the scattered light.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he was still alive.

"Alas, it belongs to the great fortune of the great fortune. Maple

Leaf sighed slightly.


familiar voice appeared.

[Congratulations on successfully defeating the First Lawgiver

] [Blazing Trial Upgraded to Lv5] [Advanced can be opened

] [Reward: A bottle of Honkai Energy Serum Elixir]

Maple Leaf looked at the information in front of him, but he didn't expect that the reward given for defeating a Lawgiver was actually a serum.

Can this be picked a little more?,

Maple Leaf complained weakly.

[Whether to turn on the advanced

] [Open]

Maple Leaf silently thought in his heart.

However, after more than ten seconds, nothing happened.

"What the hell, the system blew up?"

suddenly a familiar panel popped up again.

[Name: Maple Leaf

] [Honkai Energy Erosion: 15%] [Continuous Rising

] [Weapon: Blazing Burst Form] [Lv1] [

Skill: Bloom Absorption: Forcibly absorb the surrounding Honkai Energy and use it for your own use. This greatly strengthens all of its abilities, but it does great damage to itself. 【

Incineration: Gain a shield against critical damage.】 (New)

[Ability: Beyond Time and Space: Suspend World Running Time.] Maple

Leaf silently looked at his brand new panel, and there was nothing but the name of the weapon and one more skill.

It's really a buckle! Maple

Leaf roared helplessly in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of the door opening outside the house.

A young girl came to Maple Leaf.

"You're ♪ awake!"

she said to Maple Leaf in a voice that was innocent and flirtatious.

Although Maple Leaf couldn't see the girl in front of her clearly, her voice made Maple Leaf very familiar, and she couldn't even speak for a while.

He didn't seem to understand why she was here.

"Uh-huh ♪, what's the matter, don't you know me?"

the girl opened the curtain and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Ellie... Thea?"

Maple said slowly.

"Congratulations! That's right" Maple Leaf silently looked at Elysia's face, her movements, her words shook Maple Leaf's ♪

heart all the time.

The girl who is as gorgeous as a flying flower, the girl who does it from her heart, is pure and flawless, loves the world, comes from the stars, and finally runs to the stars.

Elysia: Right

now in front of me.

"Oh, Maple Leaf, you keep staring at me, don't you feel shy?" Elysia said suddenly, ♪

this sentence instantly woke up the obsessed Maple Leaf.

He lowered his head embarrassedly, as if he was a little shy about what he had just offended. Then, try to find some topics to confuse the atmosphere.

"That's... Elysia, why are you here?"


Elysia put the tip of her hand near her lips, tilting her head in thought.

The maple leaf on the side saw this scene, and his whole face was like a teapot boiling water.

"Hmph~, I'm now a warrior of the Fire Chase Moth just like you. It's a lot worse than you, but sooner or later you'll catch up.

Elysia pursed her lips, and there was a hint of pride in her breath.

Maple Leaf couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw this, this was the first time he had seen this arrogant version of Ellie.

"Oh, yes. meko...... Himeko, how is she now?"

Elysia looked at the flustered Maple Leaf, and her eyes couldn't help but sparkle with a hint of light. She seemed to sense a different feeling from Maple Leaf.

"Don't worry, Himeko is fine, she'll be over in a moment. It's you, who slept for about a week, and woke up and still cared so much about Himeko~"

Elysia deliberately lengthened the tone behind her, and this also made Maple Leaf feel a sense of having something to say.

At this moment, the nearby door was opened again.

And Maple Leaf also immediately sat upright at this time, posing as if he was fully recovered.

After all, for him, he must not put on a sick appearance in front of Himeko.

"Wake up.

Himeko, holding the fruit, stood in front of the maple leaf.

"Hmm. The

two looked at each other and didn't say much.

Only a shallow smile is expressed on the face.

Elysia looked at the two in front of her, and for a moment felt that her inner thoughts had been confirmed.

Himeko threw the fruit out of his hand and sent it to Maple Leaf.

"Washed. Maple

Leaf listened and nibbled on the fruit without hesitation. Elysia, on the other hand, pouted, seemingly a little dissatisfied with Himeko's actions.

"And yours.

Once again, Himeko threw the fruit into Elysia's hands.


Ellie happily ate the fruit, humming a subtle tone from time to time.

In this way, the three of them spent a slightly pleasant day together.

A few days later

, the Fire Moth Operations Command Room:

"Report! Third Squad, Maple Leaf. Come and return to the team.

Jons looked at Maple Leaf with a little seriousness, then at the man next to him.

"That's... I seem to remember to just ask Maple Leaf to come over alone, Himeko, why are you here?"

"I'm also his senior, so I should be with him.

Jons looked at Himeko quietly, he actually knew very well why Himeko had come with Maple Leaf.

"Jons, Maple Leaf...

Himeko, I'm judging by myself. "

Do you know why I called you?"

"Yes. It's nothing more than not listening to commands, disturbing the morale of the army and the like. Maple Leaf said a little unconcernedly.

"You know that, too. Jons looked at Maple Leaf solemnly.

"Because Maple Leaf has violated discipline many times, he does not obey the command. From now on, he will no longer serve as the leader of the third squad. Instead, he relearned as a member of the fifth squad. "

Jons, this—"

Himeko said, slightly shocked.

"Himeko, I hope you don't get emotional. Over the past year, Maple Leaf has ignored the rules of the Fire Moth more than once, and no organization and discipline will harm everyone sooner or later.

Jons said.

He then left the operations command room, leaving Himeko with no time for explanation.

At the moment, only Maple Leaf and Himeko are left.

Himeko looked at Maple Leaf's face silently, she wasn't incomprehensible to Jons's words.

"Sister meko, what's wrong with you?" Maple looked at Himeko who was silently contemplative.

"Nothing. "

Well, don't worry. It doesn't matter if this captain is not right, I don't have this thing in common anyway. Maple

Leaf said indifferently.

Actually, he understood what Jons meant, but for his current self, what is more important is the world.

After all, he knows very well what the end of this world is for everyone.

And after a year-long precipitation, he is also more determined about the purpose of his crossing here.

Even if it is difficult to succeed, even if it is impossible to succeed. You have to try, whether you succeed or not.

Even saving one person may increase the 0.001 percent win rate in the final battle.

Maple Leaf looked at Himeko silently, and then quickly changed the subject: "Sister meko, haven't we been to visit Dr. Mebius for a long time? Why don't we go and have a look?" However, before Himeko

could speak, Maple Leaf took her hand and left the battle command room.

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