Inside the Firechaser Moth base—

Elysia walks alone in a corridor that never ends.

After some time, she opened the door and walked in.

I saw that the colors in the room were gorgeous, but pink became the most important color in the whole room.

And on top of the spacious and comfortable bed, there are many cute little dolls.

Elysia collapsed on the bed, picking up the doll and gradually feeling drowsy.

After experiencing the events of the Second Lawgiver, she finally has a chance to rest at this moment.

The long-lost calm made him feel a little relaxed.

Soon, I fell asleep.


"Ellie, come here!" "

Marianne, wait for me."

Elysia trotted to Marianne's side.

They looked at the huge watermelon on the side, and their longing could not be calmed in their hearts for a long time.

"Ellie, or let's get one.

"Oh, Marianne, no. If Selya's mother finds out, she will be scolded.

Marianne looked at Elysia speechlessly, very depressed. Because, Ellie always likes to talk about Selia's mother at every turn.

"It's okay, you don't take me. As long as you don't tell Selia's mother. Before

Alysia could respond. Marianne stepped forward and touched the round watermelon in front of her.

However, Elysia grabbed Marianne from the side.

"Marianne, no. We can't take other people's things.

"Ellie, don't drag me. "

No, Marianne, you can't take it!" the

two of them tugged at each other, and neither of them let anyone.

As time passed, it became clear to Marianne that her strength did not seem to last as long-lasting.

Just as she was about to lose her legs, her feet slipped, and she fell to the ground with Elysia.


the two shouted in unison.

"It hurts!"

"Ellie, I blame you."

Marianne, who had fallen, complained a little about Elysia, and seemed very unhappy in her heart.

However, the next moment she realized that something was wrong.

I saw a relatively obvious scar on Elysia's arm.

Dripping blood slowly poured out of his body and continued to fall into the ground.

"Ahh Nervously

, Marianne ignored the dirt on her body and ran to Elysia's side.

However, at this moment, Elysia quietly watched her blood flow into the land.

In a short time, the grass around the land withered instantly.

This small area seems to have become lifeless.

"Ellie, are you alright?" Marianne

on the side kept touching Elysia's body.


Elysia looked at Marianne with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I...... Not intentionally.

"I know, Marianne is my best friend. So, these are all trivial things~"

Marianne couldn't help but feel a little touched when she heard Elysia's words.

The shy heart couldn't help but make her lower her head.

"Ah~ It turns out that Marianne will have such a cute scene. "

What, Ellie. I...... I...... I've always been like that. "

Well, we're all cute girl papers. "

Alright, Ellie. Let's go, let's go back first and help you take care of your wounds. "


In this way, Marianne took Elysia back to their home.

Time flies, and the night's dullness is gradually approaching. The quiet of the night gives a sense of comfort and stability.

At this moment, a dark figure entered the kitchen and took out some things, and then turned to another room.

I saw that a girl in the room was rolling left and right on the bed, and it seemed that she couldn't sleep for some reason.

The crisp knock on the door was loud in the middle of the night.

"Marianne, I'm coming. A

whispering voice woke Marianne, who had been unable to sleep.

She slowly looked through the crack in the door to the people outside.


"Wait a minute, I'll open the door right away."

With that, Elysia put down her belongings and took out the key to open the door that sealed Marianne's room.

Then, enter this room.

"Look, Marianne, I've brought you something to eat.

Elysia smiled at Marianne.

And at this moment, she couldn't bear her stomach, and directly chose the method of gobbling up.

"Marianne, slow down.

Elysia looked at Marianne quietly.

When they returned home, they had prepared plenty of reasons to face Serya's mother's questioning.

But Selia's mother eventually punished Marianne by locking her in her room and not allowing her to eat dinner.

"Ellie, how did you get the keys and the food? "

Well... I found it all in the kitchen, probably because Mother Selia had forgotten it. "


Marianne was still eating peacefully and didn't pay too much attention to it.

Elysia, on the side, looked at her with a smile.

At this moment, a strange idea came to Elysia's mind.

As she slowly approached Marianne, her hands immediately grasping her weakest spot and unleashing a round of frantic scratching.

"Haha! Ellie, don't get it.

"I don't, I don't.


Marianne leaned back and fell back when she was scratched by Elysia, and for a moment she was completely overwhelmed and could only laugh loudly.

However, it didn't take long for Marianne to grasp the momentum and turn the tide of battle once again.

"How about it? If you scratch me, I'll scratch you.

"Hmph, hmph, look at me. The

two of them frantically exchanged their main hands in the night.

It can be said that there are back and forth.

I don't know how long it took, and the fight between the two gradually subsided.

The two, who no longer fight, lay on a bed and silently looked at the ceiling of the house.


"What's wrong, Ellie. "

Hmm... Marianne, what are your dreams

?" "Dreams?"

Elysia turned her head to look at Marianne to the side.

"Ellie, what are your dreams?

"Well, my. I want to find the perfect paradise for everyone to enjoy!"

Marianne tilted her head, as if she didn't understand what Elysia was talking about.

But looking at the smile on Ellie's face, she seemed to understand a little more.

"Also, I really want to go out and see the outside world. "

The outside world?"

"Hmm. The outside world, an unknown and beautiful world,"

said Elysia with great longing.

However, Marianne on the side didn't say anything.

"Marianne, what about yours?"

"Hmm... Nothing dreams.

"What, are you going to hide this from me? ╯^╰

" "Ellie, no. Dreams or anything didn't work. Merely...... I...... I just want to protect the orphanage.

Marianne's tone grew smaller and smaller, but even so Elisa managed to capture the most crucial words.


As Ellie's last voice fell, the sleepiness of the evening time also set in, and the two of them gradually fell into a deep sleep.


The next day,

the children were living the same life as before.

Elysia and Marianne and the rest of the group began to have a good time.

However, a group of strangely dressed people came to the village again.

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