"That's exactly what happened.

Himeko explains to the trio why he appeared on Dusk Street and the tasks related to the Fire Moth.

"To capture Vilwe?" said

Maple Leaf not too calmly.

"Hmm. Originally, yesterday's arrest was already in hand, but this guy was too well prepared, and in the end he was still tricked.

Scar quietly looked at Himeko's face, it seemed that this was the first time he had seen Himeko show such an unhappy state of mind.

It seems that the man named Vilve, who calls himself a magician, has really taught her a lesson.

"So, I'm suddenly interested in Verway" Maple shook her head speechlessly, what the hell was Ellie not interested in ♪


"That's... In fact...... Sister Meko, I actually met Vilvey last night.

As soon as Maple Leaf's voice fell, Himeko was a little shocked, and even the marks on the side were incredible.

Could it be that yesterday's reminiscence was with Verve?

"Maple Leaf, did you meet Vervie?" said

Scarf, slightly questioning.

"Otherwise, didn't I tell you all last night? If it weren't for her, how could I have come back so late.

Maple Leaf whispered, glancing at Himeko's face from time to time, as if he was afraid that something strange would happen.

After all, he didn't notify or inform Sister Meko of his encounter with Vilvie in the first place.

This is a big taboo for the team.

"Maple Leaf, why are you only saying it now?!"

Himeko looked at Maple Leaf with a serious face, as if a lion had met a rabbit, and only the fate of being interrogated and dying.

"Oops~ I think it must be that Maple Leaf thinks that it was too late to come back last night and everyone was very happy at that time, so I thought about waiting until tomorrow. Isn't that right

, Maple Leaf?" Elysia was the first to relieve Maple Leaf, and he kept nodding his head on the side.

However, this phrase does not work at all for Himeko.

After all, the current Maple Leaf is her team member, whether it is on vacation or fighting, as long as there is an emergency, she must report it and must not delay.

However, now Maple Leaf has broken this rule.

"Maple Leaf, due to violating the rules, is now canceling the rest day and returning to the team from now on.

Maple Leaf silently listened to Himeko's order, and lowered his head helplessly, and his heart, which was originally happy last night, was now all gone in the morning.

"This is a warning to you, and the next offense is not as simple as canceling your day off. "

Got it. Maple

Leaf replied weakly.

"Also, Ellie, you have to remember that I will never take sides. "


Elysia said categorically.

Everything is explained after it has been explained.

Maple began to talk to Himeko about Velvet's words before leaving.

However, before the words could be spoken, Padophylis, who was under the grass hut, came to the crowd in a sleepy and hazy manner.

"What, are you all awake?" The

young hands kept rubbing their eyes, and their bodies swayed to and fro to Elysia's side, one accidentally grabbed her arm, and then stretched out a large lazy waist.

However, this operation did not wake her up, but caused her to fall asleep again.

Himeko watched quietly, and then prepared to tell what had just happened again, but the maple leaves in front of him gave people the feeling that they didn't want to say anything.

He looked at Padophylis with gentle eyes, and that soft, calm and peaceful expression made Himeko have an indescribable illusion, like a father to his children.

At this time, Maple Leaf stepped forward and stroked Pardophyllis's hair, and then whispered, "Ellie, I'm in trouble."

"♪♪ Don't worry. As the

words fell, Ellie sent Padophyllis back to the hut.

Today, only Trace, Himeko, Elysia, and the team remain.

"Let's get started. "


In this way, Maple Leaf told the three of them about the events of last night and the words she had left behind.

"According to what you say, what is the purpose of Vilve's appointment to meet next week?"

"Oh, what bad intentions would the girl have, Vilwe, ♪♪ who must have agreed to join the Fire Chaser.

"I think according to Ellie, it should be true. After all, she already had some information about the Fire Chaser Moth. And, after the contact between you and me, she should also understand the members of the Fire Chasing Moth and the possibilities that exist between us.

Himeko said thoughtfully.

"In that case, let's meet her again. Everyone is prepared to avoid special situations. "

Understood. Everyone

said in unison.

In this way, Maple Leaf and Scar, Elysia nervously prepared various things, and Himeko reported the relevant information to the Fire Chase Moth Operations Command Room.

Right now, the time is getting closer.

In the evening, Maple and Pardophyllis sat on the roof of a house somewhere, watching the dusk fall.

"Pado, are you having fun these days?"

"Well, I'm so happy. It's been a long time since we've met so many people. Especially, people outside of Dusk Street. I really didn't expect that we would be able to make so many friends one day.

"Don't worry, you will have more and more friends in the future. Our Pardo is very cute, and friends are indispensable. Maple

said with a smile.

However, this sentence also made Pardo show a slightly shy look.

"Pado, we're leaving tomorrow. The rest of your life is up to you.

Pardophyllis listened to Maple Leaf's words silently and didn't say anything.

In fact, she knows very well that such days will disappear sooner or later, and she has already prepared for it.


Padophyllis replied simply.

"Don't worry, Pardo. When you arrive in a new environment, I guarantee that you will gain a different life, and you will experience the most simple life you have ever had. You won't be bothered by being hungry or cold at night. And that place is your real home. Maple

looked softly at Pardophyllis in front of her, stroking her hair from time to time, and this scene looked particularly warm in the light of the night.

Padophylis, on the side, lowered his head and was silent, as if he was thinking about everything Maple Leaf said.

I don't know how long it took, but Padophyllis just replied, "Hmm." (


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