"Everyone! This time, the Honkai Beasts and the Dead are more numerous and scattered. Therefore, we divided into groups to clear out the Honkai and the dead in different areas. "


the team members said aloud.

"Maple Leaf and Ellie, you two are probably going to separate, no problem. "

Don't worry, Sister Ling. Ellie and I are both very strong. Even if you are separated, you will be perfectly fine. "

Well, I'm fighting alone, I've been looking forward to it for a long time~" Ling Shuang looked at the two of them with relief, maybe she really didn't ♪♪

have to worry about these two anymore.

"Good. In

this way, Ling Shuang reassigned it. Directions east, south, west, north and northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest, four people.

"Stay in touch no matter what happens. Do you understand!

" "Understood

!" "Then, let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone rushed in their own directions.

The first to bear the brunt was the team led by Ling Shuang, who rushed to the center of the sky.

Along the way, there were no Honkai Beasts or Dead Soldiers. Even the residents have not even met them, and it seems that many people are reluctant to go out because of the Honkai disease.

After a while, Ling Shuang saw that the armed forces of Changkong City were building defenses on some of his streets.

"Hey, this is not the place for you to mess around, don't go any further. The

armed men on the side saw a group of strangers running towards this place and hurriedly scolded them.

However, they did not slow down in the slightest and continued to move on.

As they got closer to the armed forces, the clearer they could see who the stranger in front of them was.

At this time, one of the officers looked at it and saw that all of these people had a silver-white moth on their clothes.

Suddenly, it was as if I understood everything.


" "Sir, this...?"

said the team member on the side, confused.

But in the next second, he was scolded by the commander by lifting his collar and saying, "I'll say one more word, let go!"

With the commander's order, all the team members chose to open the original passage regardless of the reason.

Ling Shuang and the team members smoothly entered the area where the Honkai Beasts and the dead gathered.

"Everyone, get on your weapons!" As

soon as the words fell, everyone took out the melee weapons they had prepared for a long time and fought to the death against the Honkai Beast and the Dead.

Ling Shuang took out a special small grip device and immediately slashed at the chariot-level Honkai Beast.

In an instant, the chariot-level Honkai Beast was split in two.

A sharp scythe appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the other side.

Elysia has also arrived at her place. She drew her bowstring, and an arrow struck the dead man's head, followed by another arrow that happened to hit the sword again.

As the third and fourth arrows were fired, the first arrow that had originally hit the dead man's head instantly pierced through it, forcing a hole in the dead man's head.

The rest of the team members looked incredulous and couldn't even believe their eyes.

Not to mention the strength of this woman, just the kind of sword and arrow made out of thin air shocked this group of people.

"Gee, why do you keep looking at me?" said

Elysia suddenly.

Seeing this, the rest of the team members looked at him in embarrassment, and instead looked at the Honkai Beast in front of them.

At this moment, Elysia looked at everyone with a smile, and then turned to the battle again.


At this time, Maple Leaf stood on the road, quietly looking at the Honkai Beast not far away.

Now he is located in the southwestern suburbs of Changkong City.

It is said that there are more Honkai beasts and dead soldiers here than in other regions.

"Well, I'm so unlucky. Maple

Leaf complained helplessly.

"Captain, the Honkai Beast is coming towards us. The

team member on the side said.

Seeing this, Maple Leaf no longer continued to complain, but took out his own blazing trial and inserted it on the ground, put his hands on the hilt of the sword, and looked at the Honkai Beast that kept running with a strong attitude.

"Wow! so handsome!" said

the female player on the side.

"Cut ~ what to pretend. The

male team members on the other side were very unhappy.

At this moment, Maple Leaf was speechless in his heart, although he was very grateful for what the woman said just now, but he and another man, no grievances, why did they have to be so angry.

Maple Leaf shook his head helplessly.

Then, he silently watched the approaching Honkaimon.


As soon as the words fell, everyone instantly fought with the Honkai Beast in a swift manner.

Maple Leaf held a giant sword and slashed down on the body of the Honkai Beast.

Suddenly, its entire body fell to the ground, as if it was under a tenfold squeeze.

However, before he could withstand it for a few seconds, the strong flames of the sword body instantly engulfed his body, leaving no trace.

The team members looked at Maple Leaf in surprise, they didn't expect this person to be so strong.

It can actually wear away the body of the Honkai Beast, and there is not even a residue left.

"Cut~ Isn't it just that the weapon is a little more powerful?" said

the male team member again.

At this time, Maple Leaf was speechless, and he didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person.

"Captain, there's a guy over there

!" "What?!"

Maple Leaf said in surprise.

Then he followed the team member just now to the scene of the incident.

I saw a man holding a baseball bat in his hand and fighting the chariot-class Honkai Beast.

Although the baseball bat's attack was painless to Honkaimon, it still couldn't do anything about the man.

Agile speed, flexible positioning, and a slight bit of a practitioner make it impossible for Honkaimon to take advantage of it.

At this moment, the maple leaf looked at it with interest.

At this point, the Chariot-level Honkai Beast seemed to be a little unbearable in this situation.

Immediately, he launched a bad breath attack on the man in front of him.

For a moment, he suddenly felt dizzy when he was defenseless.

Before he could react, the chariot-class Honkai Beast threw a punch at its body.


"Wait. There

was a loud bang, splashing up puffs of dust.

Maple Leaf stared at the moment when the smoke and dust cleared, as if desperate to know what happened

to the man, and as the dust cleared, there was no sign of him in the position where the Honkai Beast had smashed.

"Captain, you see he's there.

Following the line of sight of his teammates, Maple Leaf found that the man at this moment was pressed against the abdomen of the chariot-class Honkai Beast.

Then, he hurried down, waving the baseball bat in his hand, hitting it in every direction.

However, this level of attack has no effect on it at all.

As time passed, his physical strength gradually fell to the upper hand.

"Alright, it's our turn. Maple

said excitedly.

"Hey, Captain, why didn't we help in the first place?

The appearance of the protagonist is usually the final finale. With

that, he saw that the man at this moment was about to lose.

Resolutely leaping forward, a giant sword instantly plunged into the body of the chariot-level Honkai Beast.

As it collapsed in front of the man, the maple leaf on its back greeted the sunlight, then turned to the person on the ground and said, "Yo, long time no see, Kevin." "

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