Suddenly, scorching flames instantly fell straight down from the sky, like a torrent that went straight down three thousand feet, surging between the two.

Seeing this, the Third Lawgiver fled the place instantly, leaving only Elysia quietly watching the scenery in front of her.

At this time, she did not feel afraid, on the contrary, it was a comfortable and gentle feeling.

At this moment, a vague figure slowly appeared beside her.

I saw the figure holding the great sword in one hand, standing in front of Elysia as an absolute king.

"I'm sorry... Ellie, I'm late.

Elysia couldn't help but smile as she heard the familiar voice.

"Hmph, hmph, you know to come back.

"Rest assured, there won't be a next time. "

Ah, then you're going to do what you say.

Elysia smiled.

"The third lawyer will be handed over to us, you go and take care of Sister Ling first.


With that, Elysia stood up again. However, the next second, she suddenly realized that she had missed something.

Just as she was about to look again, she found that Maple Leaf had already started a big battle with the Third Lawgiver at this time.

The fiery greatsword burst into flames, slashing at the Third Lawgiver. For a moment, the entire area was shattered and burned endlessly.

However, if you look closely, the third lawyer still has the upper hand. Maple Leaf's attack did not deal damage to the others, but instead its attack cut several wounds on Maple Leaf's body.

At this time, the maple leaf did not dare to slack off in the slightest, even if he made a wrong step, he could bury himself.

Electromagnetic blades and greatswords collide with each other, and fierce sparks and electromagnetism are unleashed in this land.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning slashed down in the air, approaching the maple leaf.

"Beyond time and space..."

, Maple

Leaf's words rose up with a strong explosion sound, and a burst of dust swept up.

"Maple Leaf!"

Exclaimed Elysia, who was watching Ling Shuang from the side, in shock.

As a result, in the next second, she suddenly found that Maple Leaf had already come behind the Third Lawr.

Then a sword fell, but the unexpected happened again.

The third lawgiver once again came to the back of Maple Leaf at a flashing speed, and it was directly a punch.

"Beyond time

and space!" the voice fell again, and the speed of the entire space became as slow as an animation frame by frame.

Maple Leaf grabbed the blade stabbed by the Third Lawgiver, and then twisted towards the earth.

The pause of time ended, and the Third Lawgiver instantly stabbed into the earth in the direction specified by the maple leaf.

"Up!" Maple

Leaf shouted.

Suddenly, two mysterious figures came near the Third Lawgiver from different directions.

Once again, another great sword appeared in the air and jumped down in a slashing manner, and if it hit, it could directly cut off the waist of the third lawyer.

On the other side, a spear was like a rainbow, piercing straight out, and rushing straight at the third lawmaker with a sharp posture. A figure followed closely behind.

At this time, Elysia quietly watched the rapidly changing battlefield.

The three different directions once again formed a siege battle like Ling Shuang at that time, but this time the third law was imprisoned by the maple leaf and the whole body was also showing a downward imbalance.

This greatly increases the likelihood of a hit.

Suddenly, the Third Lawgiver became agitated again, and a strong electric current stimulated Maple Leaf's entire body.

At this moment, he wanted to say beyond time and space again, but the paralysis of his lips made it impossible for him to do so.

Seeing that everyone was about to succeed, the Third Lawgiver instantly burst out with an unprecedented amount of energy.

In an instant, powerful energy poured out of her body, knocking everyone present into the air, and the area of influence spread throughout the entire Sky City.


Time goes back to Himeko and the traces:

"Hey, I'm Team Five, Captain Himeko, what's going on?Maple Leaf!Ellie!How are you!" Himeko

said loudly.

However, she was greeted by a cacophony of sounds.

"Himeko, in the current situation, it is estimated that Changkong City has fallen into the third major collapse. Now it's imperative that we go there immediately and help Maple Leaf and Ellie. Trace

said quietly.

Himeko nodded, and headed to Sky City with Scar and the entire team.

They sit on top of the plane, constantly in touch with current communications.

"Hey, hey, is that Captain Himeko and Captain Scarf?"

a familiar voice came from the communication.

"Is that you, Elwin?"

"Himeko! It's really you! Thank goodness I'm finally getting in touch with you!"

"How... Erwin, it's only been a few days, do you miss us so much? Marks

said suddenly.

"No, Scar, are you going to tease me at this time?"

Elwin replied wordlessly.

"Haha, good. I won't tease you.

Himeko couldn't help but laugh as he looked at the laughter on the side.

At this moment, a familiar voice was heard in the communication again.

"Himeko, Scar, how are you doing now?"

"Don't worry, Jons. Himeko and I are in good shape. In addition, we believe that the outbreak of Honkai disease in Sky City is suspected to be related to Haas. And—"

Before he could finish speaking, Jons interrupted him.

"I already know the specifics, and now the top priority is to support Sky City. Also, about Sky City, Erwin will tell you. "


After Scar and Jons replied to each other, it was Erwin who continued to communicate with him.

"That's the general situation, and now Changkong City has almost been razed to the ground by the Third Lawr. The 4th Squad, the 3rd Squad, and the Reserve Team were almost all caught in a difficult battle.

"The damage caused by this Honkai is so severe?"

"Himeko, the impact of the first and second Honkai is not high because it is far away from the city, but the impact caused by the appearance of the third law in the sky this time is far from being comparable.

Himeko listened quietly.

Indeed, as Erwin said, the area where the Third Law appeared caused far more damage in the urban area than any other comparable one, but what was more serious was that through this Honkai, it was very likely that the concept of Honkai would be introduced to the public.

"So, what's going on with the Third Lawr?" asked

the mark on the side.

"This time, the Third Law has the power of lightning and electromagnetism, and the danger factor is very high. "

Electromagnetism and lightning?"

Himeko thought thoughtfully.

"Is there any way to deal with that?"

"Trace, we're ready to liberate Damnation now.

Mark and Himeko listened to Elwin's words in shock, seemingly incredulous to hear them.

Damnation - A satellite, to be exact, is a large weapon developed by the Fire Chaser Moth. Later, due to the express prohibition of the United Nations, the function of the relevant weapon was dismantled, and it became a satellite around the satellite. However, some of the abilities were retained during the dismantling process, and they were permanently banned.

"Damnation is equipped with an electromagnetic and energy separation device that can temporarily decompose the energy carried by an object at the moment of impact.

"By using these techniques, the ability to dismantle the Third Lawgiver may be able to dramatically turn the tide of battle. "

Erwin, you're right. However, you must know that it is punished for personal use, and this is—"

Scar did not choose to continue.

At this time, another communication came.

"Sister Meko!!Is that you?!"

"It's me."


didn't respond to him, but Erwin suddenly said, "Maple Leaf, don't mess around, now is not the time to discuss this." Maple

heard a silent yes sound, and soon Himeko's voice came from his ear, "It's okay."

"Alright, let's get back to what we just said. traces, you can rest assured. This time the matter has been agreed by the United Nations and the top level, so don't worry. "

Understood. Scar

said lightly.

At this point, Himeko said, "So what's next?" "

Damnation will take a long time to recharge and decrypt. Therefore, I hope that you will be able to hold it up until the moment it is completed. "


As soon as the words fell, the three of them broke off communication with Erwin.

Himeko, on the other hand, explained to Maple Leaf the damnation just now, after all, this kind of secret was only known to some of the people who stayed in the Fire Chasing Moth in the early days.

"Do you know what's going on? I only have one thing, I have to contain the third lawyer no matter what!"

(To be continued).

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