Everyone heard the communication in their ears and looked at the maple leaves on the side.

Everyone's eyes seemed to reveal a maple leaf that was about to be punished again, or that he had made some mistake that he shouldn't have made.

"Eh, don't look at me like that. I don't even know what's going on

?" "Maple Leaf, did you do something again?"

"Sister Meko! I really didn't do anything." I'm not always there for you.

Maple Leaf hurriedly explained, but Himeko in front of him was still skeptical.

But if you think about it carefully, Maple Leaf does always stay with itself, and there is basically no element of going alone.

"Forget it, Himeko. When he went to Jons, he would find out what the hell was going on.

"Well, Blanca, I really didn't do anything!" Maple

Leaf defended again.

But what greeted him was not understanding, but a cold wind that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

He looked at Blanca in front of him with a shudder, then slowly twisted his body and kept walking towards the door.

"That's... I still have something to do, so I'll go first.

As soon as the words fell, Maple Leaf ran away like a monkey.

After all, if he really annoyed Blanca, he probably wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

Elysia looked at the distant maple leaf and waved her hands at it, and then turned her energy to Hua's battle again.

At this time, she had already been attracted by Hua's martial arts momentum, and knew in her heart that Hua was not a cute girl, but a handsome and cute girl.


Maple Leaf, who had been running all the way, came to the combat command room non-stop.

Jons and Erwin were greeted by the exchange of words, and on the other side of the two was a familiar figure standing in place.

Maple Leaf looked at the man in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

"Kevin, it's been a long time.

As the words fell, Kevin, dressed in a soldier's uniform, quietly looked at the maple leaf in front of him.

"Maple Leaf, long time no see. "

You guy, you're pretty handsome in this costume, it's a little worse than me, but it's not bad overall.

Maple Leaf carefully evaluated Kevin's clothes, but he didn't hide his praise at all.

However, this undoubtedly ushered in the speechlessness of Jons and Erwin.

At this time, Kevin didn't know what to say, and shook his head helplessly.

"Maple Leaf, don't be when I'm not here. Sometimes, be careful when you speak. "

Understood. Maple

Leaf said seriously.

"By the way, is there something about calling me over this time?"

"It's not a big deal, I want you to explain to me why. "

Why?" Maple

looked at Jons with a little confusion, and it wasn't until his gaze turned to Kevin again that he finally realized what the reason Jons was talking about.

It's just that at the moment, the moment he knew his intentions, the whole person's eyes were slightly flustered, as if he didn't have enough reason to prepare for this matter.

"Uh... Well, didn't you tell me to give me a little time off to write a report? Why don't you wait a few days and I'll tell you?"

said Maple Leaf.

However, Jons in front of him put on a majestic look and stared closely at the maple leaf in front of him, like a lion meeting his prey, and he had completely mastered the life and death of the other party.

"I did give you some time to rest, and you've already rested, so it's time for you to report back.

Maple Leaf listened to Jons's unreasonable words, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart. But how could the leader of the Fire Moth be the one he resisted?

"Alas, since you have asked sincerely, then I will tell you with great mercy. "

Stop me. You'd better give me a normal attitude, or you'll cancel all your vacations for the past few days. "

Understood, command.

Maple Leaf said with a serious face.

"Actually, I found Kevin purely because of my intuition. "


"Right. I met Kevin at a concert before, and it was because of the eye contact and communication that I knew that this guy was destined for me.

Jons listened carefully to Maple Leaf's explanation, in fact, he had already known some information from Kevin, and the reason why he did this was just to know why Maple Leaf didn't hesitate to choose Kevin over anyone else without thinking.

"Just for a glance?"

"Right. Commander, do you know the phrase that one look will explode?"

Jons shook his head.

"It was because I took one look at Kevin, and I exploded. It can't be helped, just because he still has a little charm. Maple

Leaf said with emotion.

However, Jons in front of him looked at his boring banter speechlessly.

However, there is indeed some truth in what Maple Leaf said, and the two have met once before, so this is also reasonable.

"So, I'll ask you why..."

Jons didn't finish speaking, and Maple Leaf on the side kept talking to Kevin, as if he was hiding something, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Maple Leaf, since you like talking to Kevin so much, then it's up to you to take Kevin next. "

Commander, I think that's what you called me here for in the first place. Maple

said with a smile.

At this moment, Jons did not speak, but turned his head to look to the other side.

"Really, if you want to give him to me, just say it. It's like you're going to test me. "

Oh, yes. Maple Leaf, in fact, there is one more thing, now you are in the third squad.

Maple listened to Jons' words in shock, he had no idea that he would be able to return to the team one day.

Although he doesn't really want to go back now, he still has to have the expression he should have.

"Also, you continue to be the captain of the third squad. Kevin, you're on the team.

Jons said lightly.

However, at this time, there was not the slightest joy on Maple Leaf's face.

Originally, he wanted to be an ordinary soldier, and then he took the opportunity to jump to the fifth squad.

However, now that Jons has been reappointed captain, there is no chance of escape.

"No, Command. I think it's good to be in the fifth squad. Captain... Why don't you give it to someone else?"

"Can you tell me what right you have to refuse?"

Jons said solemnly.

"That's... What are you talking about, I... I obey unconditionally.

Maple looked at Jons with great loyalty.

At this moment, Kevin, who was on the side, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the official level crushed people to death.

"Kevin, next, you will join the team of Maple Leaf, and everything will depend on him. "


Kevin said righteously.

Jons watched the two silently, then motioned for them to step back.


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