"Notice! Please the first team, hurry up and assemble in the combat command room!" "Notify again! Please the first team, hurry up and assemble in the combat command room!" The

sound of the announcement resounded throughout the entire base of the Fire Chaser Moth, accompanied by a rapid flashing of red alarm bells.

The originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became extremely noisy, and the sound of many feet echoed in the base.

Himeko and Maple Leaf glanced at each other, and then quickly suspended the training time of the fifth team.

"Fifth Squad! Assemble!"

Himeko shouted.

However, the recruits did not gather immediately, but were stunned for a few seconds. It wasn't until Elysia came out first that the fifth team was able to regroup.

Himeko looked solemnly at the fifth squad in front of him.

"Fifth Squad!All obey orders

!" "Yes

!" "Next, get into combat readiness! No one is allowed to leave this place!"

Himeko gave the order to the Fifth Squad.


"Also, Maple Leaf, you're the vice-captain of the fifth squad. If I'm not here, you're in control. Maple

Leaf listened to Himeko's words, and always felt like he was setting up something not very good.


he responded.

Himeko laid everything out, then turned and left Team 5.

The maple leaves on the side quietly looked at her in the distance.

"Maple Leaf, do you know what happened?"

Elysia on the side came to Maple Leaf's side, and Maple Leaf looked at Himeko, who was long gone, and continued, "This is a signal. "

Signal?" Typically

, the Fire Chaser Moth uses an oversized mainframe computer to predict a massive Honkai outbreak. However, under normal circumstances, it can only differ from the actual situation for a few hours.

And we also focus on three types of signals for the extent of the Honkai outbreak. They are: white, black and red.

The white color represents the occurrence of a lower level of collapse, or a general condition.

Black represents Honkai energy over 500Hz.

Red represents the largest Honkai outbreak.

Elysia listened thoughtfully, and suddenly she remembered the red alarm that had flashed earlier.

"That's... Red this time?"

"Well, the second Honkai is about to begin. Maple

Leaf said lightly.

"Second Honkai?"

Elysia looked at Maple Leaf quizzically.

At the same time, the other side.

Fire Moth Command Room:

"Hurry up! Fix it!"

Jons shouted in a terrifying voice.

At this time, he looked anxious, and even had an unbelievable posture. It was as if it had broken his perception again.

Today's combat command room is noisy, with almost all computers and monitors paralyzed.

Many researchers are constantly working on the special situation in front of them.

"Sir Elwin, this virus will regenerate indefinitely, it's a type we haven't seen before!" the

strange man shouted at Elwin.

It's a pity that even Erwin is a little too late to take care of it now, after all, almost all the equipment of the Fire Chaser Moth has been invaded by the same virus.

All sorts of extremely confidential information are constantly being exposed. It's really hard to cope with it on your own.

"Erwin, what's the situation?"

"I'm not optimistic, the other party's virus invasion is too strong, if you want to crack it, it will probably take a little time."

Jons listened to Erwyn's words in silence.

At this time, I was already holding back a belly of anger in my heart. Claimed to have the strongest firewall and the ultimate defense mechanism, but it was invaded by a stranger who didn't know yet.

If this is spread out, it will not be ridiculed by the world.

"Erwin, I don't care what method you use, I will limit you to fix it for me in the shortest possible time. If you can't fix it, get out of here!"

Jons said to Erwin mercilessly.

"I'll go, boss, aren't you embarrassing me?

Erwin looked at Jons, and the next second he stopped talking. After all, it is estimated that the job is not guaranteed.

"Everyone, cheer up, give me the fastest way to solve the garbage virus. Otherwise, you people will get out of here as soon as possible.

Erwin said to all the scientists around him, and they began to work on conservation.

At this time, Jons on the side lit a cigarette and quietly looked at a red dot on the monitor.

He wasn't sure if the point was before or after the invasion.

"First Squad, Captain, Marks. Come and report.

Scar looked at the chaotic command room in front of him, all kinds of rushes continued, and the noise resounded through the world.

"Commander, is this?"

Jons puffed slightly, then said to the mark flatly, "The virus has invaded almost all of the equipment of the Fire Chaser Moth, and it is being repaired now."

Hearing Jons's words, he couldn't help but be a little shocked, he never thought that the rock-solid Fire Chaser Moth could be invaded by other viruses.

"Ahem, forget it. I won't mention it. "

Trace, I called you here today for another reason. "

Now, you go to the city of Tomsk, in Siberia. There seem to be signs of a potential Honkai eruption. "

Commander, really?"

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case." Remember, report as soon as you have a situation.


"So, what about this invasion?" asked

Trace again.

"Leave it to me.

At this moment, a familiar voice came into the ears of the two of them.

"Fifth Squad, Captain Himeko. "

Himeko, you're here too.

Mark said to Himeko.

"Now the second, third, and fourth squads are gone. How could Team 5 stay in the base all the time?

Scar put his hand on Himeko's shoulder and said, "Hey, it's okay." Rest a little longer, and we'll take care of the rest.

"Come on, you're not as good as I am. Traces

were a little shocked when they heard this.

"Okay, Himeko. You're bad at learning from Maple Leaf, aren't you? The

two of them teased each other.

"You two, I really don't exist, do you?

Jons stroked his forehead and looked at the two of them speechlessly.

"Report, command. Leave this invasion to us.

Himeko said loudly.

Jons looked at Himeko's determined eyes and couldn't help but shake his head.

Just as he was about to announce the mission of the third team, Erwin suddenly interrupted him.

"Report, Boss. The intrusive virus has been successfully removed.

Jons heard Erwin's words, and immediately looked at the monitor behind him. The original reddish signal turned black.


"Next, Erwin. You quickly check the lost information and work with Himeko to find out the source and purpose of the virus. Himeko, I allow you to use force to enforce it in appropriate circumstances.


Erwin and Himeko shouted together.

"Trace, you're in charge of going to Tomsk and dealing with the local Honkai energy. The coordinates will then be sent to you. "

Understood. Traces

said resolutely.

However, at this moment, the display screen, which was originally safe and sound, went black instantly.

This caused the crowd to be bored again. Jons on the side saw this scene and roared, "Elwin, what are you eating, do you want me to kick you out!"

"Ahh It's none of my business. I...... I don't know.

Erwin said with an aggrieved expression.

At this time, lines of clear handwriting keep appearing on the black-screened monitor.

[Hello everyone, Moth of Fire!

] [I won't introduce myself for the time being, but I can still provide you with a little information.]

I am the greatest magician of this century, and I will use the greatest magic to expose the crimes of the Fire Chasers. 【

At that time, please watch it carefully.】

Just like that, the font in the black screen disappears instantly, leaving only the normal display to work.


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