Horizontal Push Starts From Drawing a Sword

Chapter 176 Return (two more subscriptions)

Lin Shuguang turned back and came to Professor Wang and others.

The crowd hurriedly gathered around.

"Team Lin."

Lin Shuguang's eyes swept across everyone's faces, "Are you all right?"

There are less than ten people left in the team of nearly forty people.

It can be said that the loss was heavy.

"Zhou De and the others have been killed by those walking corpses in order to buy us time..." The soldiers of the Special Administration Bureau were a little choked up here.

They didn't get together temporarily for the same mission, but belonged to the same team. They have been together for nearly five years, experienced various front-line missions, and have long been brothers who have changed their lives.

It's hard to see the brother being torn apart.

Many younger Special Administration Bureau soldiers have red eyes.

Lin Shuguang patted the soldier on the shoulder: "Daxia will not forget them."

"Captain Lin—" Professor Wang opened his mouth with a bit of guilt on his face.

It was all because of the need to protect them that they sacrificed so many young warriors.

The atmosphere became silent.

Many people began to bow their heads in despair.

Lin Shuguang looked at them and said expressionlessly: "This is not the time to think about this, I know that everyone is not feeling well, and I am not feeling well! I brought you all in, and I want to take you out as they are. Why isn't it raised by your parents? If you have to sacrifice your life for a bullshit mission, I can't do it! I won't do it!

I'm leaving my words here, none of the people who come here are cowards!

Now cheer me up! I'm here and I won't let you all have an accident! "

The soldiers of the Special Administration were shocked.

At the call of Lin Shuguang, the group rushed towards the group of walking corpses.

Professor Wang walked to Lin Shuguang and asked, "Captain Lin, where did you go after the white fog disappeared?"

Lin Shuguang's eyes were calm: "I was taken into a maze, and I also encountered these walking corpses after walking out of the maze. I killed all these walking corpses before I walked out."

Everyone listened to Lin Shuguang's light-hearted words, and couldn't help but stare.

Kill them all?

I'm afraid that Lin Shuguang has encountered far more than the number he just encountered.

Possibly more!

Everyone looked at Lin Shuguang's calm face, and the more calm it was, the more frightened people felt.

The scene of Lin Shuguang being trapped alone among thousands of soldiers and civilians and fighting alone has flashed through his mind... The bloody nature of this brutal killing also made the people present, and couldn't help but feel a sense of being one husband and one million people. Kai's monstrous arrogance swept away the previous depression.

Professor Wang opened his mouth, and many words were slammed into his throat along with Lin Shuguang's calm voice.

He patted Lin Shuguang on the shoulder heavily, without saying a lot.

As Lin Shuguang said before, who is not raised by his parents?

For such a bad old man, he has to pay for the new blood that so many countries have worked so hard to cultivate, and he is also uncomfortable!

One side is the task, the other side is the fresh life.

Professor Wang became silent. He must explore the world more seriously. As long as he finds something of real value, then those young warriors will not sacrifice in vain!

Lin Shuguang looked at the sky.

The sea of ​​blood remains.

He became more and more puzzled.

In the end, is the world he experienced before and this place the same sky...

But why does the scene where the blood knife triggers the blood sea vortex does not show any performance here?


A torn sound suddenly came from above and clearly reached everyone's ears.

The crowd looked up.

All of a sudden I saw a scene I will never forget.

The sea of ​​blood in the sky was like a broken mirror, turning into countless fragments and blasting out, but before it splashed far, it was swallowed up by the blood-red sea of ​​fire spewing out of the sky, and it burned down on the spot.

"This is?" Wu Feng and the others opened their mouths.

A turbulent torrent fell from the sky, and the whole world became shaken.

"Quick, let's go! The world is about to collapse!" Professor Wang hurriedly shouted.

The others reacted and rushed towards the entrance.

The entire sky vibrated wildly, and countless bursts of air rushed down wildly, and large swaths of dark vortexes swallowed everything around them.

The terrifying scene made Wu Feng's legs go weak. In the end, it was Cheng Jun, who was next to him, who pulled him hard, so he didn't collapse to the ground.

Professor Wang looked at the walking corpses around him with pity on his face.

I wanted to study these corpses well, but I didn't expect the world to collapse so quickly.

Gritting his teeth, he stopped escaping. He picked up the half-dead corpse that was still intact on the ground. Only then did he start thinking about the entrance of the passage to escape.

He doesn't have much strength himself, and now he is holding a huge corpse in his arms, and the speed is even slower.

Seeing this, Lin Shuguang turned around on the spot and grabbed Professor Wang with one hand and the walking corpse with the other.

Walk as fast as you can.

The dark vortex behind him continued to devour the world, rushing from 10,000 meters away to within 1,000 meters in a blink of an eye, seeing that it was still approaching fast.

Lin Shuguang disliked these people for being too slow, and there was still a hundred meters away from the passage.

He resolutely threw Professor Wang and the walking corpse out of the passage first, then returned again, ran to Wu Feng and Chengjun who fell at the end, and grabbed their shoulders.

"Do a good job of buffer protection."

Before the words were finished, Lin Shuguang threw them towards the passage without waiting for the two to look terrified.

"Do not touch me!"

Pei Ruoyi screamed, and her speed exploded. With a package on her back, her speed was not slow at all.

But Lin Shuguang still disliked her being too slow, grabbed her shoulders, and said nothing. In the screams of this girl, she threw her out with no pity at all, and the speed soared ten times.

Since then, he was the only one left in the end.

He looked at the dark waves that were already rushing 100 meters behind him.

I couldn't help but feel excited.

But suddenly!

A blood-red figure suddenly appeared, and the unstoppable wave of darkness gave way in front of it.

Lin Shuguang's face changed.

Subconsciously take a step back.

"That thing... it seems to be coming to me!!!"

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, not to mention that it came out of the divine tree.

Lin Shuguang didn't even think about it, turned around and ran to the entrance.


The blood knife flew violently.

The darkness around it was even completely destroyed by the terrifying murderous intent it carried.

Feeling the amazing power behind him, Lin Shuguang's whole body burst out.


The whole person passed through the passage.

Jump to the ground.

The desolate and lonely scene that entered his eyes made him stunned for a moment.

The [Blood Wasteland] that was originally piled with blood forests has become bare at this moment.

"Team Lin!"

The soldiers of the Special Administration Bureau finally calmed down when they saw Lin Shuguang rushing out last.

Lin Shuguang nodded: "Contact the bureau, we will return."


Lin Shuguang walked up to Professor Wang, who was greeting Pei Ruoyi and the others to deal with the walking corpse.

But Pei Ruoyi saw Lin Shuguang, her hair was disheveled, and her eyes stared at him resentfully.

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