Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 423 327 is really poisonous

Chapter 423 327. It’s really poisonous

After the great success of the first and second E3 exhibitions, the organizing committee failed to negotiate venue issues with the Los Angeles Convention Center.

This year's E3 was held at the Atlanta World Congress Center. It was smaller than the previous two editions, with only more than 30,000 visitors.

However, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the players participating in the game exhibition at all.

Despite the hot weather, players attending the gaming expo were still enthusiastic.

They were dressed in a variety of game character costumes, holding their favorite game props in their hands, with excited smiles on their faces.

The main reason is that——

Although the scale and venue of this E3 electronics show are smaller than in the past, the number of game companies participating in the exhibition is the largest. Not only are regular guests from previous years, such as Sega, Rentian, EA, etc., but also Many world-renowned game manufacturers also came to the scene.

For example, Sony, Konami, Namco...

The one that attracts the most attention, apart from the long-established big game manufacturers, is pokeni.

P Club's popularity in the Omi region is really unusually high.

From the moment Qing Zhiyuan got off the plane and followed the staff into the main E3 venue, he was surrounded by enthusiastic cheers. Even the media reporters focused their cameras on Qing Zhiyuan.

This young president was good-looking and extremely photogenic. Coupled with the reputation and popularity accumulated by P Club, he immediately became the center of attention.

Although many local young people do not know Qing Zhiyuan, they know the POKENI signboard held by the staff in front of Qing Zhiyuan.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was surrounded by people.

"What kind of games will POKENI bring this year?"

"Is this the first time for POKENI to participate in the E3 electronics show? Can you tell me why you chose to participate this year? Why have you never considered accepting an invitation to E3 before?"

Qing Zhiyuan just smiled calmly when asked by the media, "Everyone just has to wait and see what kind of games pokeni will bring this year. We will announce it at the pre-exhibition press conference.

It’s a bit too early to say it now, hahaha.

As for why we came to the E3 electronics show this year, it’s because we were not prepared before and we didn’t have a game that we could deliver.

This year should be considered a more reliable one. "


After hearing Qing Zhiyuan's words, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Last year pokeni exhibited blockbuster games such as "Princess Mononoke" and "The Witcher 2 - Demon Egg" at the Tokyo Game Show.

Is this still called [unable to take action]?

Then whose game can you beat?

Is this year's pokeni going to lift the game to the sky? !

In short, pokeni's appearance and Qing Zhiyuan's words directly raised the suspense. P Agency has not even held a pre-show press conference, but it has already fermented to the point of explosion.

The main focus of everyone's attention can be said to be full of gimmicks.

The organizers never thought that although this year's event would be small, there would be so many game manufacturers coming.

After Qing Zhiyuan entered the main venue, many game manufacturers couldn't help but look over.

In addition to Omi's game manufacturers, there are also many old faces and acquaintances.

Mr. Hayao Nakayama of Sega was particularly enthusiastic towards him. After he came up, he patted Qing Zhiyuan on the back and followed him forward.

"Qingsang, I didn't expect pokeni to come too."


Qing Zhiyuan smiled and nodded and looked at the old man.

Zhongshan Sang is now more energetic than when he last saw him, and his overall condition is much better. He has also dyed his hair black. From the appearance, he does not look like a 65-year-old man at all, and even more Like a middle-aged man in his 40s.

It seems to be to show that Sega can still play and has courage, so this time Hayao Nakayama is quite concerned about the E3 electronics exhibition and arrived at the scene in person.

Thanks to Pokeni, Sega still has the possibility of turning around.

Due to the hot sales of many Pokémon in the past year, Sega's handheld console has been directly elevated to the altar, becoming the number one selling game handheld console in the world.

Rentendo was defeated, and Gunpei Yokoi, who was responsible for the development of the handheld game console, resigned as a result.

So for Nakayama Hayao, it can be considered a mixed blessing.

Although it failed in the console market and SS was completely crushed by PS, at least it made a comeback in the handheld field.

So Nakayama Hayao was very happy after meeting Qing Zhiyuan, and didn't pay too much attention to the fact that they [turned to Sony].

"Looking forward to future cooperation."

After saying hello to Nakayama Hayao, Qing Zhiyuan said goodbye to him with a smile, then turned around and a bunch of people gathered around him again.

Kutaragi Ken of Sony held Qing Zhiyuan and talked for a long time.

In addition to Sony, there are many game manufacturers and operators, dealers and publishers in the Omi region, etc., all of whom have come to Qing Zhiyuan, hoping to cooperate in the future.

Qing Zhiyuan also felt it——

The E3 electronics show is indeed a business show. It is not here to promote games. It is obviously here to socialize. Get to know more people, and the future will be easier. Everyone basically comes here with similar ideas.

Among the entire E3 main venue, pokeni is the most handsome guy.

On July 8, at 10 a.m., the pre-show press conference of the E3 Electronics Show officially began.

For the sake of publicity, the first to promote the press conference was Rentian, the legendary game manufacturer of Neon and currently the world's number one in sales.

In fact, in this E3 electronics exhibition, the exhibition area given to Rentian is also the largest and most conspicuous.

As a spokesperson for Rentendo, Shigeru Miyamoto introduced the game "Super Mario 64".

"Super Mario 64" won high praise from the media at the scene for its innovative game design and exquisite graphics.

In the game, players will play as Mario and travel through six different worlds, each with unique themes and challenges.

The open world design of the game allows players to explore freely and find hidden props and secret passages.

In addition, "Super Mario 64" also introduced a "3D control" system, allowing players to control Mario's actions more intuitively and realistically.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the 3D operation method adopted by pokeni, which not only improves the fun of the game, but also enhances the player's gaming experience.

The only difference is that the controller of Rentian's N64 has a single joystick at the bottom of the middle, just like flying an airplane.

It's far less comfortable than the twin joysticks on the PS.

The N64 game console has almost lost half of its value since its release. If it weren't for players' love for Super Mario, it is estimated that many people would not want to buy the N64.

Rentiantian's games, coupled with its exclusive strategy, ensured its own market. However, another part of the market has also been lost.

If this game had been released on PS, its results would have been at least double.

After introducing the N64 game console, we also introduced several new games from Rentian.

Shigeru Miyamoto also revealed that next year, the company will have a blockbuster game that will be available to everyone. It may not be released, but it will definitely be a feast for everyone's eyes.

Players can't help but look forward to it.

In fact, Qing Zhiyuan also knows the name of the game without even asking——

"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"

It can also be regarded as the starting point of Renten Tian’s strongest myth. After Ocarina of Time in her previous life, Zelda became Tian.

Prior to this, The Legend of Zelda was at best an RPG game with its own unique gameplay.

But in Ocarina of Time, Rentian added many innovative elements to make the game 3D and set many standards for future 3D games.

However, the standards for 3D games in this timeline have almost been set by pokeni, so the only thing Ocarina of Time can offer is its gameplay and the influence of the Legend of Zelda IP.

Qing Zhiyuan said there was nothing to worry about.

The future is destined to be dominated by pokeni.

Among the pre-E3 press conferences, several game manufacturers attracted the most attention:

The first one is Rentian, and the highlight they bring is the 3D game "Super Mario 64".

And the second one is Square.

Square's pre-show press conference was held in the afternoon.

Masashi Miyamoto still brings "Final Fantasy 7"

"Final Fantasy 7" was actually released on Neon in January this year, but it won't be available until the end of July in North America.

This time Square Enix also took advantage of the E3 electronics show to promote its products.

This game sold extremely well as soon as it was released. Now the sales volume on Neon has exceeded more than 2 million copies, making it one of the best-selling games on the PS platform since the New Year this year.

Second only to Pokémon Battle Light and Dark, which was released in pokeni in February.

"Final Fantasy VII" has reached the peak of the series in terms of plot, and the game has deeply portrayed each important character.

Each character has his or her own background, and these unrelated people come together for the fate of the planet.

The most popular villain in history, Sephiroth, who is loved and hated, the protagonist Cloud with a mysterious identity, the powerful Barret, and the weak Alice. The characterization of this game is a successful one in the history of the "Final Fantasy" series. .

As a game on PS, "Final Fantasy VII" has received numerous praises for its brand-new combat system, rich game elements, 3D dreamlike graphics and shocking animations.

The launch of this game can be said to help PS consolidate its dominance of home consoles.

Without pokeni, Square would have had a great year this year. Without PlayStation, it would have been Final Fantasy 7 that established PS's dominance in the field of home game consoles, not just "consolidated" it. .

However, after avoiding many game masterpieces released by P, Masashi Miyamoto is very happy to achieve such good results.

Omi's game manufacturers mostly focus on PC games, and the pre-show press conference was extremely eye-catching.

If we say that pokeni in 1995 successfully opened up 3D games with Pokémon 3D World and established the 3D game market.

So this time at the E3 electronics show, it is a milestone in the establishment of 3D games on PC.

Interplay brought a game like "Fallout" that included 3D elements, but was actually still a 2D action-adventure game masterpiece: although it looked far inferior to Pokeni's Diablo 2, it still won warm applause at the scene.

id Software brought "Quake". The space in the game was created using a real three-dimensional space, which added a lot of exploration and fun to the game. At the same time, it also made many innovations in the system method. It uses the previous two-dimensional sub-graphics, but uses a true three-dimensional rendering method to achieve it.

Although pokeni has already used advanced 3D technology on PS and produced a bunch of 3D games, "Quake" is still the first one on PC.

It has epoch-making significance.

In addition to these games, Eidos brings Tomb Raider 2

In the game, players will play Lara Croft, a brave and fearless female explorer, who will embark on a journey full of dangers and challenges.

At the beginning of the game, Lara receives a mysterious letter stating that her grandfather has disappeared.

In search of her grandfather, Laura comes to an ancient city full of puzzles and traps. Players need to help Lara solve these puzzles in order to move forward.

Over the course of the game, Lara Croft will encounter a variety of enemies, including zombies, beasts, and evil foes.

Players need to use various weapons and skills to defeat these enemies.

In addition, there are many hidden treasures and secrets in the game waiting for players to discover.

As the game progresses, Lara gradually uncovers the truth behind her grandfather's disappearance.

It turns out that my grandfather once discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization, which contained a powerful artifact.

This artifact was coveted by evil forces, who kidnapped Grandpa in an attempt to use the artifact's power to fulfill their ambitions.

In order to save her grandfather and stop the evil forces' plans, Lara must go deep into this dangerous site and start a desperate fight with the evil forces.

In this process, Laura not only has to face various dangerous enemies, but also solve many complex puzzles.

In the end, Lara succeeds in finding the artifact and defeating the evil forces.

The most popular and recognized game at this E3 should ultimately be "Tomb Raider 2".

After the success of the previous game and the popularity of the character of Lara Croft, Eidos seized the opportunity to announce the sequel and also selected a real-life model as the spokesperson for Lara Croft, Rona Maitra, a mixed-race Indian-British woman.

As soon as the model Rona Maitra appeared on the scene, she caused screams in the scene, and countless photographers focused their cameras on her.

No one thought that during this pre-show press conference for Tomb Raider 2, Eidos would invite Lorna Maitra to serve as the on-site model, and directly adopt Lara Croft’s classic look:

The cool and tight clothes outline your perfect figure, and holding guns in both hands adds a bit of heroism.

Overall, Rona Maitra is handsome and beautiful and won the hearts of the audience as soon as she appeared.

It was as if this was not a game conference, but a movie conference or some kind of fashion festival.

Rona Maitra directly stole the attention of everyone present, and at the same time wasted countless film rolls of a large number of reporters.

Good guy.

Seeing this, Qing Zhiyuan couldn't help but mutter to himself——

It turns out that the earliest coser stations started in this era, right?

I still underestimated the E3 electronics show.

He sat on his seat with his hands folded, thinking carefully about the game he had brought this time... After some searching, Qing Zhiyuan discovered a helpless reality——

We really don’t have any eye-catching cos.

Think about it, where does Pikachu's sexual performance go?

ah! How abominable.

It's a pity that the company's games with outstanding female characters did not participate. Otherwise, he would have wanted the cosplayers of his games to shine at the electronics show.

At least I have to compare with this Laura.

Got it, I’ll arrange it next year.

During the live demonstration, Eidos demonstrated various special gameplay and game effects in Tomb Raider 2. Lara Croft can not only use various means of transportation, drive a car, sail a boat, etc., but also use different weapons to Fight.

In addition to promoting the Tomb Raider game, there is also a very important purpose——

To promote the new Voodoo graphics card developed by 3DFX by showing off Tomb Raider 2.

Thanks to voodoo graphics, Tomb Raider 2 was able to capture everyone's attention.

When I saw the 3D effect brought by the Voodoo graphics card, the scene was filled with excitement.

"Wow, it turns out that PC can also produce powerful 3D game effects."

"What kind of graphics card is this? I will buy one when I go back. Otherwise, it will be a shame if I can't play Tomb Raider 2."

The emergence of Voodoo graphics cards made people realize that PC games may also usher in a new evolution and also enter the 3D era, and names such as "Quake" and "Fallout" have given PC games their own exclusive influence.

Overall, after the first day, the media reporters seemed to only have Laura’s long legs and the poisonous name Voodoo Graphics Card in their minds.

"I wonder what kind of games pokeni can bring tomorrow?"


There is another chapter in the afternoon

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