Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 427 331 Three wins, winning!

The 1997 E3 electronics show was a grand electronic entertainment exhibition, showcasing the latest electronic games, game consoles and related technologies at the time.

At the exhibition, many game manufacturers displayed their new works, attracting a large number of game enthusiasts and media attention.

In addition, some new game technologies were also unveiled at the exhibition, such as 3D display acceleration chips, which make the three-dimensional images of computer games more realistic.

In addition, Internet-based multiplayer online games have also begun to show strong momentum at the exhibition, heralding the arrival of the online game era.

The successful holding of the E3 electronics exhibition has promoted the rapid development of the game industry.

However, at the same time, the game industry is also facing some challenges, such as software piracy and violent tendencies in game content.

These issues have aroused social concern and controversy, driving the game industry to continuously adjust and improve itself.

In general, the 1997 E3 electronics show was an important milestone, marking that the video game industry entered a new stage of development.

After the pre-exhibition press conference, the players were still a little unsatisfied. They felt that they had experienced a lot in the past few days, and the happiest time in their lives had been spent here.

"Wow, this E3 electronics show is really worth it. I didn't expect to see so many favorite game manufacturers and so many shocking masterpieces."

"Yes, I have been paying attention to Square's "Final Fantasy 7" for a long time before this, and I have always wanted to be able to release it in North America earlier. This time I finally got my wish.

The villain of Final Fantasy 7 is too charming, right?

When I saw Sephiroth's setting, I was shocked. I couldn't connect him with the villain at all. "

Among the current Final Fantasy 7, the most outstanding one is Sephiroth, mainly because of the good setting, a sense of both good and evil, plus the gorgeous shape, and a strong aura when he appears, so in Neon China is also very popular.

Many players in the Omega region have been looking forward to it entering the Omega market as soon as possible.

As for Tifa in the 3D area, since it is still the first-generation PS machine, the hardware support cannot achieve high-definition and exquisite models. Tifa’s glory will not enter the players’ field of vision until the Son of God arrives.

Although the current Tifa is good-looking, it still remains in the official and fan comics. The 3D model of Tifa in the game is actually quite childish, and there is no way to connect it with the beautiful and sexy Tifa in the future.

Everything still has to be left to time.

"My favorite game is NBA97. EA's model is pretty good. When I watched the demo, I had the urge to go up and shoot."

“The most interesting thing is, isn’t it Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2?

Oh no, to be precise, the most eye-catching and sexiest character should be Laura.

As soon as model Rona Maitra appeared on the stage, it felt like the whole scene was ignited.

Those long legs, graceful figure, and heroic demeanor when holding a gun are really unforgettable. I still remember it fresh, as if it happened yesterday. "

"Hmm, this electronics show at E3 is really exciting. Game developers have almost taken out everything they have packed in the box, right?

Although Lara Croft is definitely the most beautiful model, Tomb Raider 2 was completely overwhelmed by pokeni in terms of technology and performance. "

"Hahahaha, it's so miserable. I feel like I'm sweating for the spokesman for Tomb Raider 2 right now."

"Who would have thought?

Before pokeni appeared, Tomb Raider 2 was indeed the most impressive game, whether it was the new 3D production method used in the game, the three-dimensional space puzzles, or Lara Croft's cool moves...

The model’s ghostly figure is enough to become the highlight of this E3.

If there were no pokeni, I guess the headlines tomorrow would be about Tomb Raider 2 and the sexy Lara Croft.

Producer Toby Gard himself didn't expect that a pokeni would appear later. "

"Originally pokeni was the biggest variable at E3 this time. I have never attended it before, but Paradox Games' games are well-known to everyone. Whether it is the Diablo series or the Pokémon series, the release of The Witcher 2 this time is also Describe it as an explosion.

Many players know pokeni's name and are dissatisfied because they were unable to see P Club at the previous two electronics shows.

So when the E3 electronics show invited pokeni this time, everyone knew something about it.

After all, P Company has produced so many excellent games.

However, what everyone doesn’t know much is what kind of games pokeni will bring this time.

If it were compared with games from Paradox, it would definitely be crushed to pieces.

I don’t think Toby himself thought that the new game that P Entertainment would withdraw from would be Border, right? "

"And the most annoying thing is that Borderlands is a shooting action game, while Tomb Raider 2 is a puzzle action-adventure game. The difference between the two is actually quite big, but just because of the expressiveness problem, In addition, it is also sold on PC, so it was pulled out for comparison.

Hahaha, when I think of the awkward and funny expression of director Che Tobi at that time, I can't stop laughing now. "

"The biggest winner this time is definitely pokeni, and it also brings Nvidia to become the winner."

"I'm afraid the biggest loser is the Tomb Raider 2 and Voodoo graphics cards that are used for comparison, right? After seeing the effect, I will definitely give priority to buying NVIDIA graphics cards. Anyway, I will upgrade them in the future, so of course I will buy them. The one with better personality.”

In fact, it is used for comparison this time. It is very different from the previous comparison between Onmyoji released by Kyoto Animation and "Hatsukura Senki" produced by Sunshine Animation.

The two animations were released at the same time and were scheduled to coincide with each other. Sunrise Animation was obviously more famous than Kyoto Animation, but "Onmyoji" gained popularity through comparisons, and it also laid the reputation and foundation of Kyoto Animation.

This actually has a premise, and the premise is that——

The party used as a comparison cannot be too far apart, and it cannot be an alternative.

Audiences can watch both animations and just record one of them.

Kyoto Animation also gained fame by copying Sunrise Animation, because "Onmyoji" came out better than everyone expected.

And this time, although Tomb Raider 2 is also compared with Borderlands, both are produced by famous companies. In terms of overall sales and influence, Pokeni is more powerful, and the topic is definitely there. .

And Tomb Raider 2 should also achieve good results in terms of sales.

However, judging from the on-site performance, Frontier completely crushed Tomb Raider 2, which will definitely have a certain impact.

It's just that this impact will be reflected on the graphics card.

This time at the E3 electronics show, the pre-show press conference conveyed two very important messages to players -

First, pokeni’s technology is really great, and it deserves to be the top game manufacturer in the industry in terms of technology and expressiveness.

Second, the graphics cards used by Frontier are very good. I have never heard of this small company, Nvidia, actually making such excellent graphics cards.

Comparing the effects, when it comes to graphics card selection, everyone is definitely inclined to buy Nvidia's GeForce256.

This is a standard alternative, and there will only be one graphics card in a host.

Since everything needs to be replaced, why not just buy one with better performance in one step?

Voodoo became the biggest loser. Tomb Raider 2 producer Toby was slapped in the face. In addition to these two victims, Rentendo's Shigeru Miyamoto was also photographed in the news and magazines.

The players all burst into laughter when they saw the corresponding reports.

"This E3 electronics show was really exciting. I didn't expect pokeni to slap so many people in the face with his speech in less than an hour."

"Hahaha, boss Qing Zhiyuan has offended a lot of people this time, right? Although they are all passively offended, so many game developers on the scene must hate pokeni to the bone.

Who made you so good at making games?

You are so powerful, why don’t you go to heaven?

Ha ha ha ha. "

"It's too tragic. You didn't see the expression on the director Shigeru Miyamoto's face at the time. It's a bit inappropriate to compare Tomb Raider 2 and Borderlands. After all, they are two different types of games, and the tracks are different. The same, just put together because of the performance of the graphics card.

So when Shigeru Miyamoto was cut from the air, he was really slapped in the face.

Rentendo had Mario Kart before, and now Pokeni has also made a Pokémon Kart.

A comparison shows that Parallel Games' games are very good and beautiful, and they basically completely crush the current Super Mario Kart. "

"No wonder Miyamoto Shigeru's face is so ugly. When I didn't read the specific news, I thought he was sick, hahaha."

"Are you sick? The senior leaders of Rentian are probably suffering from pokein syndrome by now, right?"

Although Nvidia did not participate in this E3 electronics exhibition, or it was only used as an accessory to highlight and express pokeni's games.

However, Huang Renxun became the biggest winner in this electronics show.

After the presentation of P Agency’s “Border”,

Various media reported overwhelmingly, and compared the game effects of Frontier with Tomb Raider 2 in all aspects.

[Amazing comparison: NVIDIA GeForce256 completely crushes 3DFX Voodoo graphics card]

[The advent of GeForce: Will it open a new era of 3D PC games? 】

[The future of PC games depends on 3D, and the future of 3D games depends on graphics cards: NVIDIA GeForce is the best! 】

[Creator of the Era: NVIDIA]

[See how NVIDIA uses GPU to change the times and become the future king of gaming hardware! 】

[Border + NVIDIA GPU = Masterpiece]

One uses NVIDIA's GeForce256 graphics card, while the other uses a Voodoo graphics card. One is a truly independent computing graphics card, and the other is achieved by adding 3D units to support and render 3D effects.

There is a clear gap between the two different graphics cards in terms of underlying technology and surface performance.

Therefore, the media reported it vigorously, making Nvidia suddenly become the leader in the field of graphics cards.

Before this, NVIDIA was still a small company with little reputation, but after this battle, NVIDIA has completely made a name for itself.

Huang Renxun was smiling from ear to ear. On the first day after the border display alone, many dealers called and asked to order Nvidia's GeForce256 graphics card.

The number of orders has more than doubled.

Nvidia, which was still losing money, suddenly felt like it had a bright future.

And for all this, Huang Renxun must thank Qing Zhiyuan.

The president of pokeni is so awesome. Not only did he directly tell him the new graphics card design ideas, but he also directly invested US$100 million, allowing them to develop and produce graphics cards without any worries.

It turns out it was all worth it.

And everything seems to be under Qing Zhiyuan's control, developing and moving forward according to the trajectory he envisioned.

Huang Renxun realized later and broke out in a cold sweat. If he had not agreed to Qing Zhiyuan's request back then——

Then Qing Zhiyuan wanted to shift his goals and investment to 3DFX.

If this really happens, it will be 3DFX that shines at the E3 electronics show this time and achieves success in 3D graphics.

And Nvidia may be wiped out from the world.

Huang Renxun couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine when he thought of this.

Qing Zhiyuan is a fucking god!

Due to the large number of game manufacturers participating this time, the pre-show press conference was held for a total of 4 days.

There are a lot of news reports every day, not only in the Omi region, but also a lot of news spread back to Neon country.

Among them, the most interesting one, the one that sends messages the fastest, is not the so-called traditional paper media, but the official website of P-NET.

This time pokeni not only brought the game to E3, but also took the orchestra to perform at the scene. Not only that, P-net website reporters also rushed to the scene and sent the news back as soon as possible.

This fully reflects the advantages of the Internet. While others were writing the article and publishing it, the corresponding news was already published on the P-net news portal.

During the four-day pre-show press conference, P-NET almost delivered the news via text live broadcast.

At the same time, after the corresponding digital photos were sent back the next day, they were immediately organized into special topics and posted on the official website. The speed was first-rate and the efficiency was extremely high.

Therefore, although many people are far away from Neon, they can still learn about the grand scene at the first time.

Especially pokeni's performance at this E3 electronics show simply stole the show.

No one wants to use the word "preaching" to describe it. P Club's careful preparation and the support of peers made this E3 electronics show like a one-man show held to promote pokeni.

P Agency's "Border", together with Nvidia's latest GeForce256, outperformed the crowd and became the most eye-catching focus at the electronics show.

"Hahahaha, so pokeni is so good at fighting? Not only is it very powerful at home, but is it also so powerful abroad?"

"Isn't that right? Pokeni's current technology should be considered the best in the world. It can be seen from this pre-exhibition press conference.

There was no one at the scene who could fight. "

"If pokeni is taken away, there are actually many good games, but after putting pokeni in, I always feel that other games are overshadowed."

"I remember that at the Tokyo Game Show last year, Square's "Final Fantasy 7" was somewhat comparable to Pokeni's "The Witcher 2", although it was still far behind "Princess Mononoke", it was still pretty good. Game over.

Why is it that when the same game is put into E3 this year, it doesn’t feel so outstanding? "

"Because the technical level of other game manufacturers has also caught up, right? But pokeni is still the most abnormal, and it has directly raised the level of 3D games. Now I feel that I can’t even think about what kind of effective games the P society will make next year. .”

"I don't know what the effect is. I only know that "Border" is a game that I can't afford to play."

"Hahahaha, it's true. If you want to buy a computer for "Border", it also has to be equipped with an NVIDIA graphics card. It hurts just thinking about it."

In 1997, home computers were not cheap.

If you want to play "Border", you may need to purchase a qualified computer, which will cost more than 1 million yen.

As for laptops, don’t expect to be able to play the game Border.

Moreover, many Neon players don’t actually have the habit of buying computers. They prefer to play games on consoles and handhelds.

Neon's computer market has not yet fully developed, and it is not an easy task for Frontier to succeed in Neon's home country.

What's more, the basis of this game is shooting and gun battles, which is actually very confrontational. The type is not what Neon players like. They prefer games where they can spend their brains and time and get a pleasant experience.

It’s not that Neon players are not good at operation, but they are naturally not very keen on gun shooting. In fact, it also has something to do with culture and soil.

If it has not been cultivated, it will be difficult to achieve results.

If we want to cultivate the corresponding market, the border can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

If you think about it, for Border to succeed in Neon, there are two important conditions -

First, the number of computer users must be large enough, otherwise it will not be sold. Especially the LAN battle feature in the game not only requires multiple players to play at the same time, but also requires an online network.

Second, the number of target users must be large enough, and the user group that likes shooting games must reach a certain size to be able to sell well.

It is obvious that the current neon market is not mature enough, at least not in the FPS market.

However, Qing Zhiyuan did not intend for "Border" to become the mainstream of the neon market from the beginning.

That’s why we chose to let an American subsidiary contract to produce this game. The main battlefield must be on Omi’s side.

Not only did pokeni win attention at the E3 electronics show, the game "Border" was selected as the Most Potential New Game Award, the Most Anticipated New Work Award, and the Most Expressive Effect Award...

Lots of awards.

At the same time, off-site, P-NET, as a subsidiary of pokeni, has rapidly expanded its influence through efficient, fast and direct communication methods, becoming Neon's number one news website with the fastest way to obtain consultation in China, and it is also Neon's largest Web portals.

Fame came out instantly.

It can be said that pokeni not only wins on the court, but also wins off the court.


No, plus NVIDIA is also a key investment target of pokeni. NVIDIA has gained a great reputation in this E3 electronics exhibition. The outside world has also listed it as one of the best contemporary graphics cards with the highest cost performance and worth buying.

Nvidia also won.

Nvidia wins the graphics card, which means pokeni also wins.

Triple win.


There is another chapter this afternoon (end of chapter)

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