Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 430 President 334, you are such a genius

After returning to China, Qing Zhiyuan first spent more than a week completing the first draft and outline of the Matrix trilogy, and made some detailed character settings.

We also arranged for the art department to help produce a short animation.

The content of the animation is very simple, showing the process of Neo dodging countless bullets fired from the front in slow motion in The Matrix.

There is no need to color, it is just an ordinary line drawing, and even the characters do not need to be drawn in too detail.

As long as the storyboard effect can meet the requirements, it will be fine.

In addition to Neo's dodging bullets, some more cool and gorgeous action scenes were also made.

After completing these things, Qing Zhiyuan went to Yuehe Company with a bunch of prepared plans and materials.

Now Tsuda Nao wants to raise a baby, so she has already handed over the company's affairs to Qing Zhiyuan and Hitotsubashi Fumi.

In fact, Tsuda Nao usually doesn't have much control over it, Qing Zhiyuan basically has the final say.

She also enjoys her leisure time.

After reading the storyboard and plan given to her by Qing Zhiyuan, Hitotsubashi Fumi was simply shocked.

"Wow! Qingsang, you are really a genius."

This Matrix project not only has a superb narrative method, but the storyboards are really breathtaking.

Even if Fumi Hitotsubashi didn't watch the animation video that Qing Zhiyuan brought with art, the storyboard alone was enough for her to figure out the specific action scenes.

Moreover, in the movie script, that kind of numbing feeling, the whole world changed from real to unreal from the beginning. At that moment, Fumi Hitotsubashi's brain really buzzed.

It feels like the entire worldview has been overturned.

Moreover, after reading the entire project, Hitotsubashi Fumi-e still has not been able to recover from the shock.

There was even a moment of doubt as to whether this world was real.

Could it be that we are also some kind of virtual creatures?

Or is the real me being cultivated by robots somewhere like a sapling and a flower?

Just to get enough energy from my brain?


You can't think about it any more, or you will go crazy if you think about it any more.

Hitotsubashi Fumie suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with shock.

"This is absolutely the most shocking script I've ever seen."

Qing Zhiyuan smiled and shook his head, and said modestly: "Miss Hitotsubashi, you deserve the award. This is just my little thought."

However, Hitotsubashi Fumi shook her head firmly. She said seriously: "No, Qingsang, this is definitely not an idea. Your storyboards and plans are like treasures falling from the sky. My whole body trembled."

She stood up and exposed an arm, "Look, I'm getting goosebumps."

A faint smile appeared on Qing Zhiyuan's face, and he said softly: "Really? I just hope to bring some new inspiration and creativity to Miss Hitotsubashi."

He had the same feeling when he first watched The Matrix.

I was so shocked that my scalp was numb.

The truth of the world catches people off guard, and after reading it, they will have doubts about reality.

Qing Zhiyuan understands Hitotsubashi Fumi's psychological state very well.

This is how everyone comes here.

I am not a genius nor have the ability to create. I am just a porter of the future.

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Hitotsubashi's eyes, and she said with emotion: "Ao-san, you are not only a genius but also a visionary. Your storyboards and plans are not just to cater to the needs of the market. , but also exploring the boundaries of art.”

While she was admiring, she read through the documents and storyboards she had just read, and she still felt extremely shocked when she read them again.

Yes, this is simply a work of art.

If it can be photographed, no, it will definitely be photographed.

The main Matrix comes out, then the movie trilogy will definitely leave a mark in the history of global movies.

Moreover, it not only contains extremely profound philosophical thinking and rich imagination, but also has wonderful stories and fast-paced plots, which make people's blood rush and get excited, especially those wonderful fighting scenes. Just watching Qingqing After Zhiyuan gave her the storyboard, she could already imagine what an exciting movie it would be.

No one would want to go to the toilet during the whole journey, right?


According to Hitotsubashi Fumi's own evaluation, this film not only has high artistic value, but also has high commercial value.

Whether in terms of depth of thought, plot structure, or expressiveness, it should be a model for commercial action art films.

"So how are we going to shoot this movie, oh no, the Matrix trilogy?" Fumie Hitotsubashi asked.

"My idea is to film it in the United States, and first use the North American box office, and then make it a global release."

"Okay, okay." Hitotsubashi Fumi nodded, "I think so too."

In fact, the writing in the project is very biased. The names of all the characters in the movie are obviously not neon names, but Western names.

This shows that Qingzhiyuan was targeting the North American market from the beginning.

"Can we really achieve such an effect?" Hitotsubashi Fumi was a little worried.

"No problem," Qing Zhiyuan smiled, "Pokeni's 3D technology has been developed to a new stage. By then, film and television special effects and rendering technology will be just a by-product of the game.

You don’t have to worry about the post-production special effects. "

"Oh, that way there will be no problem." Hitotsubashi Fumie laughed happily.

I was even a little excited that I could see and lead such a big production.

Qing Zhiyuan paused, "You have to hurry up and have someone refine the script, and then submit it to the corresponding agency in the United States for review and registration. The sooner the better."

"Okay." Hitotsubashi Fumi nodded.

The two discussed the details again and almost reached an agreement.

The follow-up matters will be left to Hitotsubashi, and it will not be a big problem for her to serve as the chief producer of the film.

"By the way, Qingsang, do you have any requirements for the film's director and casting?" Fumi Hitotsubashi asked before the meeting ended.


Qing Zhiyuan thought for a while. In his previous life, the director and screenwriter of The Matrix were all from Warner Bros. Now it is unrealistic to want the original crew to film.

"I only have one requirement that the leading actor must use Keanu Reeves. You can handle the rest."

"Okay." Hitotsubashi Fumi nodded with deep understanding.

Keanu Reeves is actually quite famous at this point in time. In 1994, he starred in "Speed" which was well received. Keanu Reeves also successfully became an excellent action star, and The elegant and mysterious temperament exuding from her body is actually rare and is liked by many people.

Comparing it to Neo in the script, Hitotsubashi immediately discovered——

This script was almost tailor-made for Keanu Reeves.

But there's no guarantee she'll be able to hire Keanu Reeves.

After all, casting is a matter of great disruption and luck.

Just like "Titanic", which is about to be released this year, Cameron originally wanted to cast Johnny Depp as the leading actor, and he never thought that DiCaprio was good-looking, a little too feminine, soft and thin, but in the end he was unhappy By chance, Xiao Lizi was chosen to play the leading role.

Who can say well about these things?

"By the way, there is one more thing," Hitotsubashi Fumi frowned, "About the budget..."

"You are the producer, you can do the statistics," Qing Zhiyuan smiled, "Set it at 100 million US dollars first. If it is not enough, we will increase it later."

"Okay." Fumie Hitotsubashi smiled broadly.

Qing Zhiyuan and Tsuda Nao are indeed rich.

However, if you want to invest in a movie like this, you really can't get it without one or two billion.

As a producer, Fumie Hitotsubashi expressed that he is very motivated and needs to work hard.


Before ending the meeting, Qing Zhiyuan stopped Fumi Hitotsubashi again.

"Huh?" Ichihashi was already ready to pack his things and go have a big fight, but he turned around when he heard Qing Zhiyuan's voice.

"One more thing," Qing Zhiyuan said seriously, "for martial arts instructors, please be sure to use martial arts fingers from Xiangjiang, China, preferably Yuan Heping."

The success of The Matrix, in addition to the performance of the actors, the amazing script and special effects, there is another very crucial point -

That is to use Yuan Heping, also known as Ba Ye, a Chinese who is known as the number one martial arts instructor in Hong Kong, as the chief martial arts instructor. This makes the fights in the movie smooth and gorgeous, making people enjoy watching them, and at the same time, it has It has quite a sense of beauty.

It not only reflects the extraordinary fighting power of everyone in The Matrix, but also allows audiences around the world to feel the charm of Chinese martial arts.

One thing is to play well, to play elegantly and full of artistry. Except for the Chinese martial arts, I am afraid no one can do it at this time.

Hitotsubashi moved quickly. After the company's royal screenwriter refined the script, she immediately drafted a project and flew to the United States.

About a week later, Qing Zhiyuan received good news from Hitotsubashi Fumi from the United States.

The project has passed the review and has been registered and filed with the Screenwriters Guild, the Copyright Administration and related agencies.

This is actually a complete process for making a movie.

After you file the record first, there will be no subsequent disputes due to duplication of scripts. For example, if you want to shoot a movie, you may have a good idea and story. You often have to go to the relevant departments to file and check for duplication before the movie is shot. .

If there is already a similar subject matter and there is a certain risk of plagiarism, then the filming will not be possible.

In this case, you need to buy the other party's copyright before you can make it into a movie.

It seems like a complicated process, but it is actually a kind of protection of property rights.

Since Yuehe's registration was successful, it means that there was no script with a high similarity in the past.

After hearing the news, Qing Zhiyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that The Matrix is ​​already in the bag.

However, this is only the first step. Choosing a good director and actors and making the movie well are also crucial. Although Qing Zhiyuan said that there are no problems on a technical level, he will still worry about the completion of the film. .

Film is an art that requires people to perform, and many things are uncontrollable.

What Yuehe can do is to put the most suitable candidates together and increase the probability of success.

As for pokeni, all it can control is the post-production special effects.

"What?! Bullet time?"

When Ken Akanishi heard this plan, his brain almost exploded.

What the hell is bullet time?

"Slowing down the time in the entire game, and normalizing the time of only the protagonist, ah... this is very difficult to achieve."

The program director, Ken Akanishi, was slumped in a chair at this time, holding his chest with his hands, his head drooping, and his facial features were squeezed together throughout the process, almost making him sweat.

It can be seen how much he resists such rude, shameless and terrifying demands in his heart.

If it weren't for the president sitting across from him, all he wanted to do now was curse.

"Why not move the program development of the game "The Matrix" to the United States?" Akanishi Ken was a little puzzled. "Obviously the final game project will be handed over to that country."

Qing Zhiyuan has already confirmed this with Breivik, and the reason why it was handed over to the American subsidiary for production is also very simple——

The movie will be released in North America, and since we already have the foundation for "Border" and the shooting part, it is more appropriate for the game to be produced there.

“However, the engine must be developed here.” Qing Zhiyuan said, “The engine is shared within the company, so don’t reinvent the wheel, and letting you develop this function naturally has its role.

It can be used in other games in the future, and it is not just for "The Matrix". "

The game engine, as the name suggests, is just like the engine of a car. It is the core part of the game. To be more precise, it is a development tool.

As long as Neon's engine can be constantly updated and iterated, new changes will be made based on the hardware, and it will remain world-leading...

Then pokeni will be invincible.

Repeatedly developing two different engines and using different programming methods is a bit wasteful.

It was also for this purpose that Qing Zhiyuan handed over the engine to Akanishi Ken for development.

"You just pull out a new engine project team to specialize in making engines. Our company's first PC game engine, let's call it——


Qing Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "Trailblazers are welcome. The implication is that as a pioneer in the world's gaming field, our technology will always maintain a leading position in the world.

Exploring for the sake of game for all mankind.

We should move forward courageously and constantly explore new areas. "

Ken Akanishi was about to cry.

I don’t want to be a pioneer, I just want to get the job done honestly.

President, you just make it more difficult for us every day, and you don't care whether the children can keep up with their studies.

Is this really good?

Ken Akanishi feels like his head is going to explode over the past few years.

I will be tossed around again every once in a while, and I can hardly take a breath. I originally thought that the company's 3D games are now on the right track. There should be no such demand for qualitative changes, and they can slowly iterate and evolve, right?

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated Qing Zhiyuan's creativity.

However, due to the pressure from the president, Akanishi Ken could not refuse in person, but nodded, "Okay, then I will bring Ozawa together to form a new engine project team, which is to develop a dedicated engine for the PC. Bar?"

"It is best to package them together. The engine can not only support game development on PC, but also smoothly support game development on PS, and package them into different formats."

Ah this...

Akanishi Ken felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have asked this question just now.

"Let's do our best."

Different underlying compilation modes make it difficult to transcribe and transplant, and who knows whether Sony will update it in the future?

Returning to the Matrix, Akanishi Ken carefully studied the plan given by the president.

Moreover, Qing Zhiyuan also directly played the video on the TV.

After watching the slow motion of the man in black dodging bullets in the game, Ken Akanishi was stunned.

"Isn't it? Do you want to do this?"

"It is not necessary for the camera, but the game mechanism must be able to achieve this. When the male protagonist uses the bullet time skill, all the surrounding time will slow down. This time speed can be adjusted by planning and configuration.

The protagonist's actions are normal. "


Ken Akanishi gasped.

The president made it sound like it was easy, but in reality it was completely different.

"This can't be realized..."

Akanishi Ken crossed his hands and thought hard, "Now there is only one main process in the game, and it is not difficult to change the time. We just need to make the original play frequency and game clock faster.

But the problem is that there is no way to make partial changes.

Either they all speed up together, or they all slow down together.

It is actually quite difficult to separate it. "

Qing Zhiyuan smiled proudly. He already knew that Akanishi Ken was going to use this as an excuse.

"This problem is easy to solve, Akanishi-san, didn't you just explain the plan clearly?

The reason why it can't be done is because our current game has only one main process. There is of course a problem with using the same clock for management and counting.

You don't need to separate the content in the game separately, you only need to create different process channels.

Supporting multi-process coordinated processing, there can be a general clock to control the whole world, but different clocks must also be provided for separate management.

As long as you complete these contents, the bullet time in the game can be realized.

The rest is left to the planners and the programs over there, so there is no problem at all.

The advantage of splitting different process channels is that different behaviors in the game can be realized in the future.

And this thing can have many, many changes in the future, Akanishi-san, this function must be implemented. "

Qing Zhiyuan said firmly.

The most obvious desynchronization in the game is that we can do Breath of the Wild in the future, and Link Time is very famous.

And it can also make other games with [time] as the core gameplay.

If a game like this has no flaw in the plot, the first one to appear will usually become a classic.

"Okay president."

Akanishi Ken gritted his teeth, President, you are really a genius! ! !

Damn it! ! !

Why is the president so powerful? !


There is another chapter in the afternoon (end of this chapter)

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