Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 481 385 is simply a shocking masterpiece! !

After Qing Zhiyuan completed the reorganization of pokeni, he held a press conference to announce the company's latest structure and personnel appointments. After receiving the latest list, the media and industry insiders were shocked.

"Huh? Satoru Iwata actually joined pokeni?!"

"Why? These two people have no connection at all. How could they get together?"

"And the organizational structure is also very strange. After Satoru Iwata was recruited into pokeni, he did not hold a position in any department. Instead, he established a separate strategic planning department and served as the director.

So far, Iwata is the only one in the strategic planning department. "

"This is very interesting. After Sony, Sega and Rentendo all reported that they would change their heads, I didn't expect that pokeni would also make big moves."

"Will Satoru Iwata become the president's successor when he joins Pokeni? No, no, it's impossible no matter how you think about it. He is an outsider who has just entered the company and it is impossible to convince the public. Moreover, Qing Zhiyuan is much younger than Satoru Iwata. I can do it for at least another 30 years."

"Well, this shouldn't be a big problem. Maybe Qing Zhiyuan really felt that he was too tired and too busy to work alone, so he recruited Iwata from the company's and personal perspectives, right?"

"It's a pity. What do Iwata think? He is obviously a good president of HAL Research Institute. Now he has well-known products in his hands. The company is running quite well. He is also highly regarded by President Yamauchi. In the future, it should be Only those with great prospects.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​going to Pokeni to serve as the head of the strategic planning department?

And he is also a polished commander. "

"Well, who knows, it's actually not difficult to understand. HAL Research Institute is definitely incomparable to pokeni. Serving as a department head at P Company has a better future than serving as the president of a small company."

"Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? We are not Satoru Iwata. He must have his own considerations in it."


Although the outside media are a little surprised by Satoru Iwata joining pokeni, the surprise is not that they think this guy can really become the helmsman of the group in the future, or become the butler of pokeni.

I just feel that Qing Zhiyuan and Satoru Iwata didn't have much interaction before, so why do you think of poaching Satoru Iwata now?

Moreover, Iwata's relationship with Hiroshi Yamauchi is so good, and HAL Research Institute is Rentendo's second party.

How many companies have dreamed of receiving such benefits, but Satoru Iwata decided to change jobs immediately.

Sony’s Ken Kutaragi has an extremely keen sense of smell, and his first reaction was——

"President Qing Zhiyuan must have made a lot of promises to Satoru Iwata. I'm afraid it's not as simple as the head of the strategic planning department."


What he also couldn't understand was that Qing Zhiyuan was so young, how could he think of recruiting Satoru Iwata?

Looking at the entire game industry, there should be a lot of people who can replace Iwata, right?

If he really wants to recruit a talent who can make suggestions, Kutaragi even thinks that he can set his sights internationally instead of just limiting it to the domestic scope.

However, since Iwata's position has not yet reached the level of CEO, no one has read too much into the normal personnel appointments.

In many companies, there are similar planning departments dedicated to making suggestions and providing data and theoretical support to the company's CEO. You can't think that any director of the strategic planning department is the future successor, right?

What's more, Iwata is indeed older than Qing Zhiyuan, so this possibility was quickly rejected by outsiders and industry insiders.

Compared to the changes in pokeni, everyone is actually more concerned about the trends of Rentendo and Sega.

If you think about it, Sony, Rentendo, Sega, and Pokeni, these four companies together account for almost half of the global game industry. One of the companies needs to be reorganized and rebuilt, and the other three companies need to replace their leading bosses. This is completely It is an event of the magnitude of a major earthquake, which can completely shake up the future of the industry.

Sony's Nobuyuki Dei has been appointed CEO, but there has been no news from Sega and Rentendo.

What is different from Sony's board of directors system is that these two companies are president systems, companies in which one person is in charge. In other words, who the future successor will be is entirely within the whims of Hiroshi Yamauchi and Hayao Nakayama.

No one knows what the future direction of their two families will be.

Qing Zhiyuan is quite happy here. With Iwata Satoru as his assistant, many things in the company have become much simpler.

In the evening, Qing Zhiyuan first went to have dinner with Mr. Nobuyuki Dei, the newly appointed president of Sony.

Mainly, I would like to congratulate him on taking office and hope that pokeni and Sony can still maintain a good cooperative relationship in the future.

"President Idei, please take good care of me in the future."

Although Sony has a group system and Nobuyuki Idei serves as CEO, Qing Zhiyuan still likes to be called president.

"Of course." Nobuyuki Idei raised his glass and smiled with a blush on his face, "I would like to ask President Ao to take care of me in the future."

But there is a bit of bitterness in the smile.

Qing Zhiyuan was also keenly aware of this.

"Mr. Dei, I understand your current predicament. Although you are the president of Sony on the surface, you are still having a lot of troubles." Qing Zhiyuan said with emotion, "So you can rest assured, Mr. Dei, pokeni will definitely be on your side." side."

"Huh?" Nobuyuki Idei raised his head. The 61-year-old man's eyes were a little red.

Who would have thought that a person outside the company would understand him better and have more empathy.

He couldn't help but fall in love with the young man in front of him.

Iwata Satoru and Qing Zhigen have already analyzed the current situation of Sony. Nobuyuki Idei's appointment as the new CEO is actually a temporary appointment. He is trying to survive in the cracks. Sony looks very big and a behemoth, but it wants to maintain its position. Living is not easy.

The debt is as high as 1.8 trillion yen, which is quite a scary figure.

And the president of North America, Schulhoff, did not listen to the announcement, and did not take the president of Neon seriously at all. This was also a huge test for Nobuyuki Dei.

Sony is not a monolithic company internally, and can even be described as internal and external troubles.

pokeni has been a partner of Sony for many years. After Nobu Idei took over, he naturally wanted to have a good relationship with them. Only when the place was stable could he be free to do things.

The two chatted for a while. After Idei Nobuyuki drank some wine, he felt a little high and was touched by Qing Zhiyuan's words.

"So, many people think that I am a glamorous president, something that many people only dream of, but actually sitting here is really stressful." Nobuyuki Idei said with a smile, "You better understand my situation."

Understanding is understanding, but Qing Zhiyuan does not intend to help Nobuyuki Dei resolve the problem.

This is a test for Nobuyuki Dei. Every new leader who takes office has his own mission to complete. If Nobuyuki Dei can succeed, he will be able to lead Sony to success. If he cannot succeed, he will be kicked out.

Qing Zhiyuan had a vague hunch that there would definitely be a fight between pokeni and Sony in the future.

Sony's current infighting is not necessarily bad news for him.

Being able to stabilize Nobuyuki Dei's side is actually buying time for himself. The longer the battle between Nobuyuki Dei and Schulhoff lasts, the better.

Because in another field, the battle between P and Sony has quietly begun.

To be precise, it is Pokeni and Yuehe, both owned by Qingzhiyuan, who have joined forces to form a competitive relationship with Sony in the film and television industry, especially in the North American market.

This battle is independent of the game realm.

Early the next morning, after returning to the company, Qing Zhiyuan found Satoru Iwata.

During this period, Qing Zhiyuan and he were always inseparable, going to and from get off work and always plotting something in the president's office.

Those who knew knew that they were discussing official business, but those who didn't knew thought there was some ulterior secret between the two people.

Fortunately, Qing Zhiyuan and Satoru Iwata are both married, otherwise it would be really easy for people to think wrongly.

Qing Zhiyuan said that when discussing major plans with his military adviser, he must communicate clearly at any time and anywhere and as soon as possible. Not only should Satoru Iwata know his thoughts, but also let him fully understand Satoru Iwata's thoughts.

Only when Liu Bei and Zhuge are united can they exert their greatest value, and pokeni can have the strongest combat effectiveness.

"Well, it seems that Sony's internal consumption is quite serious." Satoru Iwata's eyes sparkled and he said extremely excitedly, "You should be able to take action now. President."

Iwata analyzed, "I think the first step should be to acquire Marvel in the United States. I heard that Sony is very interested in buying Marvel. At this juncture, even if Schulhoff has this plan, , but given his competitive relationship with Nobuyuki Idei, he will definitely not get the approval of the board of directors."

Schulhoff, the president of Sony North America, his greatest achievement is the establishment and acquisition of a series of film industries. For example, he completed the acquisition of Columbia Pictures, and his main business is in the film and television field.

Targeting Marvel is also inevitable.

In the previous life, the merger between Sony and Marvel also happened during this period, and then Spider-Man was sold separately to Sony.

Qing Zhiyuan was actually a little excited when he heard about buying Marvel.

This company may not be very good now, but it is an IP treasure house. There will be countless film and television peripheral works and derivatives that can be produced in the future, and each one of them will be a huge treasure if it is unearthed.

If it can win Marvel, pokeni's future big IP will be guaranteed.


"Do we really have the ability and strength to acquire Marvel?" Qing Zhiyuan asked doubtfully.

"Well, there shouldn't be a big problem." Satoru Iwata analyzed. "Compared with ours, the comic industry in the United States is still far behind. There is not a complete industrial chain. Although Marvel's comics have a wide audience, But the scale was not large, and it didn’t make much money, and it still owed a lot of debt.

I have asked someone to analyze it, and the current market value of Marvel is only 400 million US dollars. We have sufficient cash flow and can definitely win it. "

In fact, as Satoru Iwata said, despite the endless glory of Marvel in the future, the period of 1998 was the darkest moment in Marvel's life.

Operational failures caused the company to lose a lot of money. The United States does not have a complete animation industry chain, which also limits Marvel's performance.

On the Neon side, from light novels to comics, and then from comics to animation, derivative peripherals, game adaptations... This is a complete ecological network, so publishers often develop very well, such as Kadokawa Group (centered on KADOKAWA ), Hitotsubashi Group (centered on Shogakukan and Shueisha), Otowa Group (centered on Kodansha)...

These are huge things.

In 1998, it can only be said that Marvel was still in the midst of a severe winter. The era of Marvel's superheroes would not come until spring, when future computer CG technology is sufficiently advanced to enable awesome real-life special effects photography.

I'm afraid only pokeni can have such technology now.

Once The Matrix is ​​released, the whole world will know how awesome Paradox's computer CG technology is.

If Marvel were to give it to any other company, it would be many years later if it wanted to shine, but if it was given to pokeni, it would be like a duck in water.

In short, given Marvel's current operating conditions, acquiring them should not be a big problem, otherwise Marvel would not have sold off many of its big IPs.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. I've given you full authority."

"Okay, President." Satoru Iwata puffed out his chest, with a confident smile on his face.

What he proposed himself is quite confident.

Qing Zhiyuan also laughed silently.

As long as he wins Marvel, what Qing Zhiyuan thinks of is the global operation model of big IP. By then, whether it is movies or games, they will definitely sell very well.

Just at this time,

Akane Ayase came in to deliver coffee to the two of them. After just a glance, Akane Ayase felt creeped out, put down the cup and left in a hurry.


The two men smiled like villains.

Who did the president recruit?

After talking about Marvel, Satoru Iwata continued to suggest, "And the president, about Sega."

"Huh?" Qing Zhiyuan raised his head and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong with Sega?"

"Sega's current situation may be the best time to acquire them."


Qing Zhiyuan was shocked by Satoru Iwata's suggestion.

I originally thought that this guy just said that we should cooperate with Sega or something, but since the future successor of Sega is not clear, Qing Zhiyuan has not taken any action until now.

But I didn't expect that what Satoru Iwata proposed was to acquire Sega?

"Sega has good hardware development capabilities, and I have checked that our company has participated in Sony's PS research and development before. The PS patent is shared with us by Sony, and we also have the controller patent.

Under such circumstances, if Sega can be acquired, relying on Sega's technology accumulation and our hardware-related knowledge reserves, we may be able to develop a next-generation console that is powerful enough.

Also, I actually think that the handheld aspect should also be updated.

We have equity in NVIDIA. I think NVIDIA's capabilities in 3D chip design and R\u0026D are also first-rate. What if NVIDIA is also involved? "

After Iwata finished speaking, he looked at the president silently.

Qing Zhiyuan has actually thought about this issue before, but has not been able to make up his mind.

But after listening to Satoru Iwata's analysis, he was actually quite moved.

Yes, we also have PS intellectual property rights. Sony may not have considered us to have sufficient independent research and development capabilities before. In addition, pokeni has always been focused on the game market and has not shown any desire to enter the console field.

Only then did Kutaragi Ken have any doubts.

However, today is different from the past, and the overall landscape of the gaming field has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Rentendo is declining, Sega has long been at the end of its power, and it is hard to say whether there will even be a Sega game console in the future.

Sony's dominance is actually problematic.

In any industry, when a company becomes a monopoly, the first thing that comes to mind is not to continue to update and iterate to improve competitiveness, but to use the monopoly's platform advantages to unite with the younger brothers to lock the car doors to prevent others from getting on the car.

This was the case in the previous life. After Sega's DC failed, it completely withdrew from the console market, and Sony began to drift away. If Microsoft hadn't strongly developed Xbox later, Sony would have never thought of developing and improving the next generation of console products.

Iwata Satoru's entire set of strategic plans are complementary to each other. If there is no change of coach at Sony, then with Norio Ohga's control, Marvel will face huge pressure if he wants to compete with Sony, unless pokeni has a high premium. It's basically impossible to compete with Sony.

But if Nobuyuki Idei and Schulhoff fight internally, the situation will be completely different.

And precisely because of Sony's change of managers, their support for the console market and their vigilance towards Sega and Pokeni are not that strong.

At least judging from the current situation, Sega has declined. No matter how hard it continues to struggle, it will probably be at the end of its strength. At most, it will come to an end after one generation of console products.

As for pokeni, it seems that it does not have R\u0026D capabilities.

This happened to be a good opportunity for Qing Zhiyuan.

However, Qing Zhiyuan frowned, do we have the strength to end up like this?

The console war is quite expensive.

He originally only wanted to make steam, but Satoru Iwata's words made him a little excited.


Handheld consoles can actually be developed. In the previous life, Sony was defeated by Rentendo in the handheld console field. In fact, Satoru Iwata contributed a lot to it. It was precisely because of his introduction of NDS that Sony's PSP was caught off guard. Then all the way to the NS, it can be said that Rentian has absolute say in the handheld field.

And now——

Satoru Iwata is here.

It seems that everything is going in the direction of the previous life, except this time it is changed to pokeni.

If pokeni doesn't do it, it will be left to Sega.

Satoru Iwata’s idea is simpler and cruder——

Make pokeni yourself or give it to Sega. It's better to just buy it from Sega.

Shocking handwriting.

If I could really take down Sega...

I'm afraid there will be a big earthquake in the entire industry, right?


There is another chapter in the afternoon (end of this chapter)

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