Horrible! Actually playing this kind of game!

Chapter 78 78 Everyone was dumbfounded

Chapter 78 78. Everyone is dumbfounded

Although Pokémon is a good game, it has had a difficult time becoming popular.

Qing Zhiyuan does not believe that he has a stronger influence than Ren Tiantang, so if he wants to keep this big IP, he has to do some hard work in the early stage.

There are two problems to be solved at present:

First, the handheld platform.

The success of Pokémon is inseparable from Rentendo’s handheld console.

Although Sega has always been very strong in terms of hardware, this unsatisfactory guy did a terrible job on the handheld machine.

Rentendo's handheld console is beautiful and light, while Sega's handheld console is like a heavy brick.

They have to find a way to convince Sega to develop a new handheld product, otherwise Pokémon will not be successful just by selling it on MD.

Second, animation.

The influence of animation on Pokémon is crucial. Even players as far away as China are mostly influenced by Pokémon cartoons.

So Pokémon must be animated.

For this reason, Qing Zhiyuan had to find a reliable animation production company.

Of course, these two prerequisites are inseparable——


Finally, he made some money, but once Qing Zhiyuan added it all up, he found that he was short of money.

at the same time.

July 3, 1991.

Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago.

Pre-show press conference.

With lights flashing all around, Neon Sony's senior development engineer Ken Kutaragi stood in the center of the stage, showing off a new game console product.

"This product is a perfect collaboration between Sony and Neon's famous game developer Rentian."

Kutaragi Ken looked excited, and the white suit on his body seemed to shine.

"As we all know, the development of home game consoles has leapt from 8-bit machines to 16-bit machines, and their performance has been greatly optimized. But the only flaw is -

Limited by the size of the cartridge, it is difficult for the game to make further breakthroughs.

The current largest FC game cartridge capacity is about 8M.

Oh, no, it should be around 50M. "

Kutaragi Ken corrected his statement, mainly because there was a company called pokeni that was crazy enough to add a chip to the game cartridge to deal with memory problems.

Directly expand the 8M game capacity to 50M.

I have to say that the hardware engineers of this company are simply geniuses.

"But such a cassette brings serious problems. After adding a chip, the cost of the cassette itself will be greatly increased."

Two years ago, Rentendo wanted to solve the problem of insufficient cassette game capacity on the red and white consoles, so it invited Sony to develop a component for adding CD-ROM disc games to Super Rentendo.

It is tentatively named Play Station or SFC-CD or SNES-CD.

This thing is also the prototype of the future famous PS.

At this exhibition, this game console was displayed.

"Sony has the most advanced storage technology in the world, and Rentian has the best games and the best players in the world."

Hearing this, there was applause below.

Kutaragi smiled and continued, "The SFC CD-rom and cassette all-in-one machine developed by Sony and Rentendo will become a very important milestone.

Using Sony's CD technology, a cassette with a capacity of 50M can be directly converted into a CD with a capacity of over 500M or even more.

Under this premise, players will experience an unprecedented gaming feast. "

“The inevitable development of hardware is that more information can be compressed into smaller media.

And richer information and capacity will inevitably bring about an overall leap in game quality. "

Kutaragi Ken also used the newly developed PS prototype to demonstrate a small visual game that Sony itself used to display.

Once it was played, all the audience at the scene were stunned.

The game's picture quality, sound effects, and performance are all jaw-dropping.

After the demonstration was completed, Kutaragi had a satisfied smile on his face.

“I believe that the cooperation between Sony and Rentian will bring a brand new change to the world.

Thank you Rentiantian for your support and players for your support. Thank you! "

There was thunderous applause below.

For a long time.

Kutaragi Ken's eyes glanced at the position below the stage. Mr. Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of Renten Tendo, was wearing a pair of sunglasses, smiling and applauding.

Long Mujian felt moved in his heart.

Thanks to Rentiantian for giving him this opportunity, he is really lucky to be able to cooperate with a big manufacturer like Rentiantian.

However, just when Kutaragi Ken was immersed in the bright future of Sony and Rentendo, a jaw-dropping thing happened the next day.

The very next day, also at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago.

Rentendo's president Hiroshi Yamauchi and Philips jointly announced the CDI format multimedia host at the exhibition.

"We will work with Philips to develop a new multimedia game console.

The disc part of SNES-CD will be developed by Philips.

Philips is a very strong company in terms of hardware. I believe that this game console in the future will definitely shine! "

Nani? !

Kutaragi Ken, who was sitting below and watching all this, had his eyes wide open and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Although we have learned some internal news a few days ago, it is said that Rentiantian will abandon Sony and cooperate with Philips.

But Sony still believes that Ren Tiantang cannot betray.

After all, a lot of money and time have been invested. If you defect before the battle, you will not only lose sunk costs, but it will also have an impact on Rentiantian's reputation.

But I didn't expect that all of this was actually true.

President Yamauchi ignored the cooperation between Sony and Rentendo over the years and rashly announced the cooperation with Philips at the pre-show press conference. This was undoubtedly a slap in the face to Ken Kutaragi.

At this time, Kutaragi Ken was completely stunned and at a loss for Rentendo's sudden betrayal.

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