"Now that I'm working on trials, I have three kinds of jobs here.

"One job is cleaning the floor, and the other is tally the shelves.

"In the end, it's just going to the cashier to collect the money. Keep in mind that you will be punished for not receiving money, or for receiving it incorrectly.

"Punishment is death

," "Now, the three of you have a choice." The

man crossed his waist and said.

The young man and woman glanced at each other, the man staring a little, and the woman's eyes gleaming.

Without waiting for Han Cheng to speak, the woman reacted quickly and shouted.

"We choose cleaning and tallying. The

young man realized it and echoed it.

"Yes, yes, the two of us clean and tally. "

You can't go wrong with cleaning and tallying, you won't die.

It's so much better than a cashier job, and almost everyone chooses it that way.

I have to say that this young woman's thinking is fast and her eyes are shrewd, and she seems to belong to the category of smart people in society.

But she would never have imagined that this cleaning tally was also full of all kinds of pits.

Weird people like to kill, they won't let you simply pass the trial, and all kinds of things will happen.

So sometimes being smart can also be mistaken by being smart.

The head didn't care about the man, and at this time, he glanced at Han Cheng and sneered.

"There are only three jobs, and they choose them first, so you go to the cashier.

"As a word of war, our customers are rude and generally won't pay, and you can do whatever you can to get them to pay.

Han Cheng nodded.

"Yes, I can do it. "


Han Cheng's unusually calm answer made the man stunned for a moment, this one is obviously different from the other three, is he so calm.

But after thinking about it, it's right, I haven't met a rude customer, this probably doesn't know how difficult it is to be a cashier, so he is so confident.

I'll run into a problem later, and he'll cry.

The corner of the man's mouth grinned, he was now looking forward to Han Cheng's expression after making a mistake, it must be funny.

He began to make up the picture of himself drilling through Han Cheng's head.

The picture is beautiful, and he is looking forward to it.

Turning his head, he looked at the young man and woman and said.

"Then you're in charge of cleaning and tallying.

"Remember, cleaning must be clean, no dirt, and no damage to a product.

"It's the same with tallying, each item must be neatly placed and clearly classified, and a single item must not be destroyed.

"If you break the rules, you will also die." The

young woman's face changed slightly, but she was glad that she didn't choose a cashier job.

The reason is simple, cleaning up and tally is much easier than dealing with difficult customers.

Just be careful and check back and forth, and there will be no uncleaned or untidy placement.

If you don't destroy a product, you just need to be careful.

Anyway, compared to the cashier's work, this cleaning and tally are still easier to complete.

The young man thought the same thing, and he turned his head to look at the young woman, and saw that they were looking at him, and their eyes were full of warmth.

"Brother Chen, I have little strength, you should come to clean up, I want to tally. The

young man looked at the young woman's gaze and was embarrassed to refuse.

"Okay, Juanjuan, I'll clean up, you go tally. "

Cleaning requires mopping the floor, which is really laborious, and with the petite body of a young woman, it is very difficult to do.

The young man took it on very responsibly, grabbed the mop, filled it with water and began to clean.

Looking at this hard-working look, Han Cheng's eyes were indifferent.

In a strange world, anyone who soft-heartedly or accommodating others is stupid.

On the contrary, the woman was very scheming, and took the lead in asking for cleaning and tally work, and then chose a more relaxed tally.

Such a scheming woman is very suitable for survival in the last days.

But Han Cheng is still not optimistic about this woman, dealing with weirdness, not only must be scheming, but also have a keen sense of observation, otherwise it will be stupid to be too smart.

On the other side, the woman began to tally the goods on the shelves, facing the human body's remnants and limbs, she just frowned slightly, and then started to tidy it up, without any scruples.

The man who didn't care about his head also took advantage of this time to go to the door and pick up the steel pipe and insert it back into his head.

The steel pipe was also stained with the blood of the backpack man, and it was dripping down at the moment, which was extremely infiltrating.

But the head intubated man had a miserable white smile on his face, enjoying this bloody self very much, as if he had died again.

He dragged the backpacker's body to the back of the store, and after a while walked out covered in blood.

He glanced at the young man's cleaning, this kid was cleaning very seriously, and the floor between the shelves was wiped back and forth with a mop.

There was dirt that could not be removed, and the young man still knelt on the ground with his fingernails.

Under the threat of life, the young man can be said to be meticulous and go all out to clean.

The tiles on the floor he had dragged were all dirty, reflecting the light brightly.

Looks like we can get through it.

But how could the head intubated man let him go, he glanced at the shelves, quietly opened the box, took something and threw it on the ground.

The thing rolled under the shelves as if it were alive.

"Every place is cleaned for me, in the corners, under the shelves, there is no dirt, and if there is a little dirt, it is not a complete task. The

head tube man crossed his hands in front of him and shouted solemnly.

When the young man heard this, he trembled and cleaned more seriously, and in the corner, under the shelves, he had to use a mop to drag it back and forth several times.

After dragging it out, I leaned down to check.

I'm afraid that there is something dirty underneath that hasn't been cleaned up.

But just as he leaned over to look under a shelf, something suddenly sprang out from below and hugged his face.

It was a spider the size of a face, with a back as smooth as a silver platter, and after hugging the young man's face, he desperately gnawed at the man's face.

As it devoured, a human face gradually appeared on the spider's back, and it was the face of a young man.

This seeping scene makes my back tingle.

Han Cheng's gaze tightened, he recognized that it was just a human-faced spider, when the human face was gnawed and the human face on the spider's back was completely formed, then the human-faced spider could completely control that body.

The young man will become a living puppet, no different from the walking dead.

However, this human-faced spider is very fragile, and the strength of an ordinary adult can tear them off and then kill them.

But in this way, the young man breaks the rules, and he will die as well! The young man

tore, pulled the spider in the face, rolled to the ground, and yelled.

"Juanjuan, help me, hurry up and help me. The

young woman wanted to come forward to help, but as soon as she took a step, the woman stopped, her cold face expressionless, and turned to continue sorting out the shelves.

It's as if she didn't know the man at all.

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