Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 10 She Died And Tore Off Her Face! (Please Collect Flowers)

"That's my grandma, that's my grandma, really... I read that right."

Xiaorui huddled under the quilt and kept her voice low, so as not to disturb her other roommates with her cries.

"Grandma is the best person to me in the world. Every time I go home, she always likes to hold my hand and say, "Grandma's days are numbered, but you haven't grown up yet. Grandma is reluctant to leave, really." Can’t bear to leave.”

"Every time she said this, I never took it to heart. But last year, when I received the call that she was seriously ill, I suddenly felt a sense of loss. I rushed home as quickly as possible, When I held her still warm hand, I realized at that moment that she was really going to leave me."

"For a whole year, she didn't even give me a dream. Until that night, the game Ayu told me made me see her. Really, I wasn't dazzled and I didn't lie to you. I really saw her. At that time, I was so anxious that I tried my best to pry Qingqing's mouth open, but I could only watch as she fell into Qingqing's belly."

"Later on, I was isolated by them. They said that my brain was abnormal and they were unwilling to take me to play with them anymore. Every night they would go out to play in various places, and it would be late at night when they came back. Except for what I did just now, I Apart from possibly quarreling with them, they are no longer willing to say a word to me.”

Xiaorui laughed at herself as she spoke, with infinite grievances in her laughter.

Indeed, no one wanted to believe her words. How could an old man who had been dead for a year suddenly appear in the mouth of a living person?

If she kept taking things seriously, it would be normal for her to be isolated, and many people would even regard her as a psychopath.

Just like Lao Chen at the beginning, in Lao Wu's heart, why didn't he think that Lao Chen might have something wrong with his brain?

"They didn't talk to me for many days in a row. Until one night, the three of them came back from outside again. That night Qingqing drank a lot of wine, and when she came back, she stripped naked and lay on the bed. Ayu and Xiaoling each went to take a shower and fell asleep soon after lying on the bed. In the middle of the night, I was awakened by some rustling sounds. "

"Qingqing sleeps on the bottom bunk of the bed next to me, so I can see everything on her bed clearly when I poke my head out. With my own eyes... really, I saw with my own eyes that Qingqing's face was cracking bit by bit, and the blood... was pouring. It was leaking out of those cracks. But Qingqing was lying on the bed at that time. I was so frightened that I shouted to her. "

"But she didn't react at all, and neither did Xiaoling or Ayu. I got out of bed anxiously and wanted to get something to stop her bleeding. But as soon as I walked to the bedside, Qingqing turned her head. Her body was She didn't move, her head turned 180 degrees. Really... her head turned completely, her face was full of pain, and she opened her eyes as if asking for help. "

"But I couldn't wake her up. I couldn't move except for my hands and feet, and no one listened to my screams. It wasn't until almost dawn that I saw the blood on Qingqing's body slowly returning to her body. That reversal The face that came over slowly turned back. "

"I was tired and shouted all night. When I heard Ayu yawn, I silently returned to my bed. When they woke up, I told Ayu and Xiaoling what I saw last night . But I didn’t expect that Ayu and Xiaoling would say that I was crazy and deliberately discredit Qingqing.”

"At that time, I felt helpless and understood that no matter what I said, they wouldn't believe it. I didn't care anymore and just wanted to ask the teacher to rearrange my dormitory for me. But the teacher didn't agree, and I didn't tell them this. It’s something that no one believes...no one believes what I see.”

The feeling in the live broadcast room also felt Xiaorui's powerlessness and despair at this time. Someone suggested: "Xiaorui, why don't you wake up Qingqing now and let her talk to the anchor. Maybe she will know."

"Yes, let Qingqing, Xiaoling and Ayu all get up and have a video call with the anchor. They will definitely understand what happened to them."

Jiang Ye conveyed the audience's words to Xiaorui, but what no one expected was that Xiaorui kept sobbing.

"I will never see her again, I will never see Qingqing again, she is dead! She stood on the roof of our school dormitory, sat there and slashed her face with a knife, and then cut all the faces on her face. Tear it off!"

"When she jumped off the dormitory building, she was still holding her face in her hands and not wearing any clothes on her body. When she jumped down, her head was smashed to pieces, but...but..."

Jiang Ye frowned and asked, "But what?"

"But her head is completely empty, there is nothing... really nothing at all!"

Xiaorui's words made everyone alert.

A good person should have brain tissue in his brain.

Why did Qingqing cut off his face when he jumped off the building? There is nothing inside the broken brain?

"Brother Anchor, I'm really scared now. Because last night, I saw Ayu's body also started to crack, but she is different from Qingqing."

"How is it different?"

"She was sitting, just as naked as when she was sitting on the bed. Her head didn't turn, she was very quiet. Then the skin on her body felt like there were countless bugs crawling inside, and then Ayu started to stretch out her hands to scratch her face. Just like Like shedding dead skin, Ayu was tearing at her skin all night long, but in the morning, she..."

At this point, Xiaorui suddenly stopped talking, and Jiang Ye quickly shouted: "Xiaorui? Xiaorui, are you there?"


Xiaorui's hysterical screams came from the other end of the phone!

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