Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 104 The Second Encounter With The Ghost Baby! (6 Updates Please Subscribe)

The door to room 626 is ajar.

When standing at the door and looking at the palm-wide gap, I always have the illusion that a hand will pop out, and then quietly reveal the face of a swollen child.

"Hey, Qingfeng, are you listening to me?"

"I...I'm here."

"Go in, don't delay!"

Jiang Ye urged again, Qingfeng gritted his teeth and pushed the door straight in.


As soon as you enter the door, you can hear the clear sound of exhalation.

That's right, I only heard the sound of exhalation but no inhalation, and it was getting heavier and heavier...

Qingfeng turned on the light, and there was a woman sitting on the bed. Her face was covered with tears at the moment, and her hands were squeezing her neck, just like Chen Xiang.

He walked over and grabbed the woman's hand, but the woman was still talking against him.

Those eyes were clearly a signal for help, but his hands were out of control.

"Qingfeng, what's going on now?"

"She wants to strangle herself, just like Miss Chen!"

"Tell her that she is safe and that the ghost child has been driven away."

Qingfeng shouted loudly at the woman according to Jiang Ye's instructions. The woman's resistance became weaker and weaker, but the husband next to her woke up all of a sudden, and the child was frightened and cried loudly.

"Who are you and what are you going to do!"

The husband's scolding came from 003 on the other end of the phone, and Jiang Ye quickly sent a video request.

After Qingfeng answered the call, the other party's husband had already rushed over and wanted to hit him. Jiang Ye immediately shouted: "Sir, calm down first. It would be more appropriate for your wife to tell you this matter!"

"Madam, did you see the door open just now? Then half a head popped out from outside the door? That head was a girl with a hairpin, very small, and her face was covered with edema?"

"Yes, I saw her. I saw her for a long time. I shouted for more than an hour but no one could hear my cry for help! Slowly I couldn't control my hands and wanted to pinch the child... .........She wants me to strangle her child to death with my own hands, how is this possible...how is this possible!"

When the woman's husband heard this, he was completely stunned. He ran over to protect his wife and said, "I'm sorry, wife. It's all my fault that I've been busy with work and ignored your feelings during this period. Please stop thinking about that girl, okay?"

"Go away. I didn't lie to you before. Really... There is a little girl in our family. She is a ghost! If her mother hadn't come suddenly, she would have died at home that day. She would have died. At home!”

The woman's words in desperation allowed (chah) Jiang Ye to capture an important message.

This woman is probably the first person to have encountered a ghost child twice!

"Sir, your wife is not lying to you. This is why my friend rushed to your room immediately. He lived in 812 before and also saw a man with a swollen face and only half of his head exposed. Girls. And in Linbei, hundreds of kilometers away from Shuangjiang, someone has died because of it!"

Jiang Ye said, and the woman's husband immediately widened his eyes.

"How...how could it be? I...I always thought she...she was suffering from postpartum depression!"

Jiang Ye did not respond to the man, but asked the woman: "You met the girl at home for the first time, right?"

"Yes, one night five days ago. I breastfed the baby in the middle of the night, but the baby vomited all over me not long after feeding. I had no choice but to ask my husband to hold the baby, and then I went to the bathroom to clean it. At that time, Halfway through, the door in the bathroom suddenly opened a little."

"There was a sound when the bathroom door opened, but because of the shower, I didn't listen carefully or pay attention. Until suddenly, it felt so cold on my shoulders [that I turned my head and looked over."

"Then...then I saw a pair of hands on my shoulders, half of their head had already passed my shoulders, and her eyes and mine were exactly right!"

"That eye was staring at me and smiling, her mouth was open, and her teeth were as sharp as saw teeth. Half of her head seemed to be buried in my shoulder. Her hands were slowly groping on my shoulders. , touching it left and right. At that time, I was so scared that I wanted to get rid of her, but when I wanted to throw it out, I found that she was always on my shoulder. "

"Then I ran outside without even having time to put on my clothes. I ran into the room crying and told my husband that there was a ghost on my shoulder. But my husband couldn't see anything, so he said I must be having a nightmare. Where did the ghost come from?"

"The girl laughed a few times when she heard my husband's words. Her smile was very cold, hahaha. Just when I was confused, my mother-in-law came!"

Hearing the woman's words, Jiang Ye couldn't help but said, "Your mother-in-law? Did she see the girl on your shoulder?"

"Yes, she saw it, but she didn't say a word at that time. She rushed over and pulled the girl on my shoulder as hard as she could. I could see that my mother-in-law used her greatest strength

But the girl was like a candy that couldn't be pulled away. Finally, the mother-in-law opened her mouth, bit the girl's head, and then pulled the girl off. "

"Then your mother-in-law, she must have passed away long ago, right?"

"When I was six months pregnant with my child, my mother-in-law passed away due to illness. She loved me the most during her lifetime, even more than my biological mother. When she left, she kept holding my hand and said, she was so sorry that she didn't I was able to see her precious grandchildren being born. I thought I would never see her again after she left, but I never thought that she would be waiting for us at home.”

“That night, I saw her bite the girl in pain as she left. When she left, she even looked back at me. There was so much worry in her eyes.

After the woman finished speaking, she began to cry bitterly. Although her husband was holding her, his expression was full of stagnation and shock.

Jiang Ye glanced around the room, and then suddenly looked under the bed.

"Qingfeng, no... Madam, get out of bed and put your hands under the bed!"


"listen to me."

Jiang Ye's tone was serious, and Nanzi got out of bed with a face full of horror.

"Don't look under the bed and put your hand in."


The woman did what Jiang Ye said and reached under the bed that was covered by the sheets. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed the woman's palm.

Her eyes widened with fright, and when she was about to pull away, Jiang Ye reminded: "Don't shrink back, slowly pull her out. She saved you once, but this time you must save her!" "

After hearing this, the woman seemed to understand who was under the bed, so she pulled out hard.

Soon an old figure with gray hair and bite marks all over was pulled out from under the bed.

Her mouth opened and closed weakly, but she kept looking at the woman. Then she seemed to notice something. Looking in the direction of Qingfeng, she saw Jiang Ye in the mobile live broadcast room.

Finally, a relieved smile appeared on her face.

But the woman and her husband had recovered from the shock and shouted at the same time: "Mom!"

PS: There will be an update at 0:00!.

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