Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 106 Broken Urn! (2 Updates Please Subscribe Automatically)

Camel Mountain is not high, and it doesn't take long to walk up it.

Qingfeng and the old lady both stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the mountain.

No one can be sure whether the devil who raised a kid who did not dare to disclose it to the public will remain on this mountain after he is buried.

"Let's go up the mountain."

Jiang Ye reminded them, and they both walked towards the mountain.


The two of them walked up the mountain, and soon there seemed to be a crow calling from the top of the mountain.

Qingfeng subconsciously raised his cell phone. He didn't know why his cell phone was able to clearly take a picture of two crows on the top of a tree on the top of the mountain.

The two crows stood on the treetops, and their cries were particularly sharp.

As if they sensed that someone had discovered them, the cry suddenly loudly called "zero three zero".


The crows neighing all over the mountain became extremely loud. Qingfeng couldn't help but shiver all over and quickly took back his phone.

"Tan Zhou seems to be on the mountainside. Luotuo Mountain used to be the ancestral tomb mountain in this area. Later, the funeral reforms moved the tombs to the cemetery. So you can still see some traces of the original tombs on this mountain. But no one is buried anymore. Of course, Luotuo Mountain is not big. Although it is the ancestral tomb mountain, people nearby prefer to be buried on the mountain next to it, where the real tombs are close to each other. When the funeral reform was carried out, there was no way to deal with that. The tombs on the mountain are undergoing changes."

"The reason why Tan Zhou was buried here is because he was shot to death and cremated after his death, so he was buried here.

The old lady said as she climbed up the mountain step by step. Qingfeng subconsciously looked at the other mountain pointed by the old lady.

That mountain is much larger than Camel Mountain, and there are graves at the foot of the mountain, and you can see the tombstones from a distance.

Qingfeng inexplicably thought of the Junshan Ghost Cave incident in the live broadcast room. He was wondering if this place was also a ghost cave, right?

After thinking about it, he didn't dare to say it.

Almost halfway up the mountain, we followed the old lady to a mound.

Not only did the mound have no monument, but it was completely dug up at this moment.

There is a porcelain jar in the pit, and some residue left after the cremation can still be seen in the porcelain jar. Those residues are not so easy to weather.

Looking at the dug tomb, the old lady's face was full of shock.

Even Qingfeng couldn't help but look at Jiang Ye: "Anchor, who dug his grave? Did someone else dig his grave, so he brought those ghost babies out to harm others?"

"The grave was dug by wild animals. Didn't you notice the wild beasts' footprints around it?"

When Jiang Ye said this, the old lady reacted and said, "The talisman on the jar is gone!"

"There used to be charms on the jars?"

"Yes, there used to be a very powerful old man in Shuangjiang. He lived in a Taoist temple and was worshiped by many people as an old god. The rich people in Shuangjiang all invited him to see Feng Shui and other things. At that time, because Tan Zhou was very good Maybe he was raising a kid, so we were worried and sent a representative to find the old gentleman."

"Then the old gentleman drew some talismans and asked us to wrap them around the urn. Where are the talismans? Why are they gone?"

Jiang Ye is not sure whether there are people in this world who can really exorcise evil spirits, but there are so many living beings, maybe it is not that unusual to have just a few.

Obviously, that talisman might really work.

Just like the ancestor of the Ji family in the Junshan Ghost Cave incident, he was someone who knew something about secret concubines.

"Has that old gentleman passed away?" Jiang Ye asked casually.

The old lady said: "He left within two years. When we found him, he was almost 110 years old. He was the most famous longevity old man in our local area."

"Well, grandma, please go first. Now that we have found the place and the reason, this matter can be easily solved. Just now, I am afraid that there are nearly 300,000 people in the live broadcast room. Many people are afraid. ?”

Jiang Ye's tone finally became more relaxed. As soon as he said it, many people in the live broadcast room echoed:

"Anchor, are you afraid? I live between Shuangjiang and Linbei. When I think about those ghost babies, I feel like there are ten of them outside the window of my house.

"If I hadn't kept in mind what you said, anchor, not to publicize such supernatural things, I would have wanted to post them a long time ago. Fortunately, I posted online, otherwise I don't know how many people would have slept there tonight. Not yet!"

Jiang Ye smiled and nodded, looking at the old lady: "Old man, no one will see you off after you come down the mountain. Qingfeng has to stay on the mountain and can't leave for the time being...

"Okay, I have stayed in this world long enough, and I have met my granddaughter and I have no regrets. I'm leaving, I'm leaving..."

The old lady said the same thing twice in a row, but by listening to it, you could understand that these words were full of reluctance and nostalgia.

After waiting for the old lady to leave, Qingfeng asked Jiang Ye: "Anchor, what should I do now? How can I find that guy?"

"No need to look for him, I'm already here, it's time for him to come out and see me."

As Jiang Ye said, the two crows on the treetops on the top of the mountain neighed twice more.

Qingfeng raised his head and glanced at the mountain, but when he looked back, half a head suddenly popped out of the grave that had been dug open by wild beasts.

There were two small knots on the head, but one of the eyes was not smiling, but looking in horror.

Seeing the ghost baby with a little knot on its head [Qingfeng's eyes suddenly widened.

"Don't be afraid. You are also being targeted. It's okay for you to be the representative to resolve this matter. Miss Chen, are you still there?"

Jiang Ye suddenly asked, and Chen Xiang, who was standing in front of an old phone booth in Linbei, said, "I'm here."

"A little boy appeared in the pit in front of you, exactly as you described. Although you died unjustly, your 3.6 lives were doomed. If you hadn't been scared to death by him, you might have died in an accident. . I know that you are very reluctant to give up, but your child will still be in the hands of your loved ones, and someone will bring him up. '

There was a cry of collapse on the other end of the phone. Jiang Ye let out a long sigh and said, "If you come to Shuangjiang now, I can help you get to Camel Mountain as soon as possible. If Tan Zhou is here Do you dare to tear him to pieces in front of you?"

"I dare...of course I dare! Although it was the ghost baby who scared me to death, the ghost baby was just a little older. He was raised like that by Tan Zhou, and he should be the culprit. Yes. I am only in my twenties, and my child has not yet been weaned. Even though I deserve this fate, I still want to tear him apart!"

"Okay, then come this way now and I'll see if I can take you across the border!".

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