Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 112 Under The Lamp, She Has No Shadow! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)


It sounded like a place. Jiang Ye looked at Daniu's mother with a questioning look in his eyes.

Daniel's mother also frowned in confusion and said: "I have never heard of a place like Longxingguan. From what my brother said, I think Longxingguan is a place. But no matter where I live, The place is still my hometown, even A Liang’s father’s hometown doesn’t have a place like Longxingguan.”

"But when my brother left, the scene he mentioned about Longxingguan was always imprinted in my mind. And he was not wrong. Not long after, A-Liang's father's business became more and more prosperous. Shunshui, you are as rich as my brother said."

"It wasn't until A-Liang was two years old. It was his birthday. At that time, A-Liang's father made some money. On the child's birthday, many manufacturers who depended on our family came over to congratulate him. In fact, they just wanted to find a reason to fight. It didn't matter, but when everyone came, I had to invite people to have a drink or something. I chose a hotel and booked a private room. I clearly remember that A Liang was playing next to me, and the door of the private room was not open, but As soon as I turned around, A Liang disappeared. We searched the entire hotel but still couldn't find him.

"We searched all night, and even called the police. Later, the police received a call from someone else, saying that a child was found on their ancestral grave hill, and he was dressed exactly the same as the Aliang 693 they were looking for. We were there My son thought that A Liang had been kidnapped by human traffickers, but he rushed over as soon as he heard the news, but there was a red mark on A Liang's face inexplicably. "

"The mark was as big as half the face, and the shape was nothing special, but it was very red, like blood. At first, A Liang's father and I just thought there was something stained on the skin, but we couldn't wipe it off no matter how hard we wiped it. Later, we carried A Liang back home. We went to many hospitals and they said they couldn’t cure it, and even laser surgery couldn’t remove the marks.”

"It goes on like this day after day, year after year. Although his father and I have provided him with living conditions that he doesn't have to worry about, he has always felt low self-esteem because of that mark. He is now over 30 years old and still has not married a wife. My favorite thing to do all day long is to stay at home.”

"I often go to my brother's grave and ask him where Longxing Pass is and how A Liang ran to that mountain that night. But he never entrusted me with a dream again, and I never saw him again. he."

A Liang's mother sighed repeatedly as she spoke.

(chad) But bursts of crying suddenly came from the room, which was a natural sound.

He seemed to be outside the door all the time, without leaving, and he didn't even know when the door opened.

Jiang Ye followed the angle of the video and saw Da Niu leaning against the door and hugging his knees, crying.

His shadow stretched very long under the light.

"Why is this kid crying when he's almost thirty? It's also a crime. He is so good-looking, tall and handsome, so why is there such a thing on his face? Treatment

If it can't be cured, even plastic surgery will be of no use. His father and I have watched him get older and older over the years, and we are so anxious that we have no choice but to do more good deeds. His father no longer cares about the family business, saying that no one cares about the use of earning so much money. So he often runs out to help children in poor areas. I know that he still has not given up and is not willing to change the current situation of our only son A Liang by doing good deeds.

"His father has been there for a while, Mark...I don't know if it's because the signal there is not good, or what happened, but he hasn't called me for a long time."

Daniu's mother smiled as she spoke, her graceful and kind face showing loneliness, worry, doubt, and unwillingness.

Various complex emotions appeared repeatedly on her face. Jiang Ye looked at her and then at Daniel, who was leaning against the door and crying.

The audience in the live broadcast room was still a little confused and said: "Hey, Daniu Hao doesn't have to be so confused. His family's financial conditions are so good, but the key is that he can't cope with his own psychology, right?"

"Yes, I originally thought that Da Niu would be a carefree and free-spirited person, but I didn't expect that he is also so sensitive deep down."

Jiang Ye was still watching. Daniu's mother might feel a little distressed when her son cried. After all, in the hearts of elders, no matter how eldest a son is, he is still a child.

She walked over, reached the threshold, patted Daniel's shoulder gently, and said, "You're still crying, right? Your friends are watching, so you're not ashamed?"

Daniel raised his head and glanced at the live broadcast room, his eyes also showed pleading.

This expression made other viewers suddenly feel strange. Why is Daniel looking at Jiang Ye like this?

But Jiang Ye said with a smile: "A-Liang, it's fate that we can meet each other. Although you took the initiative to find me tonight, in fact, you have already made a decision in your heart, right?"

"That's right, Daniu Hao. If the anchor is so powerful, he might be able to cure you, and it's very possible that the marks on your face are from a bump. In the Faceless Incident, the anchor was able to give those people their longevity. Get it back, this must be a trivial matter for you!"

The audience was also comforting Daniel, and Jiang Ye continued to smile and said: "Auntie, do you remember how to contact the person from the goddess's family?"

"Oh, their family is still living in the area of ​​my parents' old house. Xiao Jiang, do you want to know how the goddess died? Can you help my A Liang?"

A Liang's mother asked with some pleading, Jiang Ye smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, aunt, this matter is taken care of by me. But A Liang will definitely know how to find it himself, you just stay at home, thousands and thousands of Don’t wander around.”

"Okay, as long as you have an idea, Auntie will listen to you."

A Liang's mother smiled happily, and Jiang Ye said to Daniel again: "A Liang, why are you still standing there? Get up, get the car keys, and go to the goddess' house.

Daniel glanced at Jiang Ye, froze for a moment, then nodded, opened a drawer, took out the car keys, and went out.

His mother sent him to the door of his house, but at this moment someone in the live broadcast room suddenly sent out a series of exclamation points!

"Shadow, Auntie has no shadow!!! How could Auntie have no shadow!!!"

This sentence is like a huge boulder suddenly falling into a calm lake, causing thousands of waves to rise.

Then every audience member reacted and stared blankly at the woman under the lamp in the live broadcast room.

Although she was over fifty years old and had gray hair, her aura was full of nobility when she stood there.

But slowly, her face became pale.

And there was really no shadow of her under the lamp…………!.

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