Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 118 I Caught A Human Head! (2 Updates Please Subscribe Automatically)

The dawn broke away from the layers of dark clouds, and when it appeared, the figures on the mountain road had disappeared.

Daniel was still staring blankly at the distance of the road, his figure not moving from beginning to end.

Jiang Ye looked at the white fish in the sky and said softly: "It's time to go back."

"Well, I'll be right back and take another look.~"

As he spoke, Daniel suddenly turned his head and asked with tears in his eyes: "Anchor, what I did was right, right?"

"From my point of view, your choice is the most correct, and it is also the last arrangement for your mother. Although in her heart, she may not want to be reincarnated but want to stay with you and your father forever. around. But it won’t work after all.”

"I was actually testing it just now. I thought if she really knew nothing about her death, then I would beg you to keep her for two more nights. But as soon as she arrived here, she understood what was going on. , so I know that she was acting with me before, and we both kept the same tacit understanding."

"In that case, don't wait until my dad comes back, so that my dad's heart, which has gradually calmed down, will not be disturbed."

Daniel said, exhaling a long breath.

"Anchor, I'll log off as soon as it's dawn. Good morning, everyone."

Daniel hurriedly said something and turned off the video on his end. Jiang Ye took one look and said: "Everyone is tired, let's end the live broadcast here. "We'll meet again in the evening."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, anchor. The anchor should come early in the evening!"

Jiang Ye closed the live broadcast room and did not check today's reward income.

Why didn't you watch it?

Maybe it was the matter between Daniel and his mother that kept him from paying attention.

I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before falling asleep.

When I woke up, it was already half afternoon.

Jiang Ye walked out of the house. The sun was extremely hot today.

The sunbathing on his body made him feel no discomfort at all.

Watching the people coming and going on the street, Jiang Ye bought a drink and sat on a chair watching the people coming and going.

He drank this drink from afternoon to evening, so much that Jiang Ye felt that his boss must have made a huge loss.

As the sun sets, Jiang Ye is ready to go back and continue the live broadcast.

But when he first stood up, he suddenly moved his nose.

Subconsciously, he looked back at an empty table next to him and frowned slightly.

After a moment's hesitation, he wrote down his phone number, placed it on the long table, and then left.

After he left, a waiter came to clean up not long after.

The waiter also saw the note left on another table, but without looking at it, he pinched it and threw it into the trash can.

Jiang Ye returned home, turned on the computer, looked at the darkening sky, and started the live broadcast room.

As soon as he went online, several reward messages flashed in the live broadcast room.

"I'll open Daniu and give away the anchor Yama's order *99!"

"I'm going to be a big cow and give the anchor life and death beads *9999!"

"I'm going to give away *9999 of the hidden ultimatum from the anchor!"

"I'll open the Daniu and give the anchor psychic jade*9999!"

Jiang Ye was slightly stunned when he saw this series of reward messages. It wasn't because he was scared, but because he didn't expect Daniel to come out so quickly.

"I thought clearly throughout the whole day that it's time to be a good person and embrace the sunshine. But host, don't get me wrong, I didn't get this money by gnawing at my old age. Our live broadcast room can't afford to lose this person. , this money is earned by me running some online businesses, and I don’t like to go out to meet people, otherwise my personal assets will probably increase several times.

Ha ha!"

Daniel smiled and said, Jiang Ye nodded and said, "Then what are your plans next?"

"While helping my dad with his business, I owe him this. After all, without him as a father to support me, no matter how many ideas I have, it will be in vain. I will use the remaining energy to work on my own business. , As for marriage, it depends on fate later.”

Jiang Ye also laughed and said: "If you think so, it's no problem. Okay... Let's start the main topic tonight. There was no call in the middle of the night last night. I'm afraid tonight's class will be over soon. There will be a call."

"The anchor's words sound a bit profound. Is it possible that you still have the ability to predict the future?"

Some viewers couldn't help but joke, and Jiang Ye replied: "Then, let's count down the tens of seconds together. If a call comes in these ten seconds, then all the female viewers in our live broadcast room will use your best A tender voice [How about calling me Ten Little Brother?"


"Damn it, you haven't seen the anchor for a day, have you become so thick-skinned?"

"Girls, please don't be fooled. This guy must have very bad thoughts hidden in his belly!"

"Yes, all male compatriots must unite as one at this time to protect our female compatriots!"

The male viewers were scrolling, but unexpectedly, three or four seconds later, barrage suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room like snowflakes.

Words like "Jiang Ye is more handsome than me", "Jiang Ye little brother", and "Jiang Ye I love you" all drowned out all the so-called counterattacks from male compatriots.


Jiang Ye was satisfied and counted down with a smile: "5............."


The call came, and it really came within seconds.

The live broadcast room suddenly became quiet. Jiang Ye answered the phone with a smile: "Hi, hello, I am the horror anchor Jiang Ye. What is my name?"

"My surname is Lin. You are a horror anchor, right?"

"Of course, Mr. Lin, if you encounter something that cannot be explained by science, or if you encounter something evil and sinister, you can tell me. Here, you can solve all your worries through me.

This line made the audience feel like they were back when they first met Jiang Ye.

The other end took a long breath and said: "Okay, can you give me some time and let me talk slowly?"

"Of course, please tell me, Mr. Lin."

"Anchors don't need to be so polite, just call me Lao Lin. I am a fishing enthusiast, and my favorite thing to do in my free time is to carry my fishing gear and look for the best fishing spots. Sometimes I find a If you have an excellent fishing spot, you can’t help but take it there. Among the many forms of fishing, night fishing is my favorite.”

"Well, so Mr. Lin, what happened to you happened during night fishing?"

Jiang Ye asked, and the other party replied: "Yes, I caught a human head in a lake one night a few days ago!".

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