Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 121 Sleepwalking! (Please Subscribe For 5 More Updates)


The call on the other end suddenly stopped, and the audience in the live broadcast room all looked at Jiang Ye in shock.

"Live broadcast, will Lao Lin be okay? What should we do now?"

"Is there anyone in the same city as Lao Lin? Aren't there a lot of them in our live broadcast room? Hurry up and take a look!"

Some viewers thought of the police who always appeared at the right time, but at this moment Jiang Ye sent out a video invitation again.

The video was finally connected, but it was a woman who appeared in the live broadcast room, and of course Lao Lin also appeared.

"Hello, are you Mr. Lin's wife?" Jiang Ye asked the woman at this time.

The latter nodded and said: "Yes, my husband doesn't know what's wrong. He keeps saying he saw a ghost these days, but where did the ghost come from?"

Jiang Ye's eyes were firmly fixed on Lao Lin's side. After his wife finished speaking helplessly, Lao Lin pointed to the stairs of the duplex building in the house with great certainty and said, "I'm not lying to you. He has run away now. Just now." He is on the stairs, jumping and trying to run towards me!"

"Old Lin, what's wrong with you? Where did this ghost come from in our family? If you continue like this, what should I do? What will happen to our son? What will happen to your mother? You are the backbone of our family. If something goes wrong, If something happens, the sky of this family will fall!"

The woman couldn't help crying, but Lao Lin kept pointing to the stairs of his home, his pupils widened and Ju was trembling.

"Right there, he was right there just now!" Lao Lin was still insisting.

Jiang Ye paused and said: "Mr. Lin, please don't be nervous. You are too emotional at this time. Come... try to calm down. At least you are safe now, right? And I can I can tell you for sure that the head you mentioned is gone now."

"No, even if he leaves now, he will come back later."

"Believe me, if he really comes back, then you will be able to completely solve your problem. Mrs. Lin, let Mr. Lin calm down first. I have something to ask you later~". "

The woman at the other end of the video nodded and put her phone in the living room for the time being, while the couple went to another place.

The living room was so quiet that any sound would be transmitted into the live broadcast room.

After a while, before Lao Lin's wife came over, an audience member said: "The thing that Lao Lin encountered was quite alarming. It disappeared as soon as the video was turned on."

"It seems that our anchor has a great deterrent effect on those ghosts, but looking at Lao Lin, he is really scared."

"Fortunately, he met the anchor. Otherwise, if it had been two or three days later, he would have collapsed from fear. By then, the caller might not be him, but his wife.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were talking, and then Lao Lin's wife finally asked for it.

She was holding the mobile phone, and her expression was full of haggard.

"Mrs. Lin, how is Mr. Lin?"

Jiang Ye asked with a smile, and the latter said: "I finally fell asleep, but his sleep was very light during this period. I once secretly took him to a psychiatrist to help him with treatment." I took some tranquillizers and could sleep for an hour or two.”

"Hey, I don't know when this will end, let alone how long he can persist. Now he basically doesn't want to go out all day long. He stays at home every day, or runs to the area near the lake. People in the village asked if anyone had died. But everyone clearly said that a man named Yang Tianming drowned in the lake. Now he is famous in the area, and everyone calls him Crazy Lin."

The woman wiped her tears silently as she spoke. Jiang Ye waited for her to finish and asked, "Mrs. Lin, do you also think Mr. Lin is crazy?"

"I...I don't know, what he said is quite true, but I really didn't see it. He said that when he was washing dishes, the bowl in his hands turned into a head, and he saw it in the closet as soon as he went to sleep. The door opened, and there was a head staring at him from inside. In order to prevent him from seeing it, all the wall cabinets in the house were removed. I had never encountered it before, but he repeatedly stressed that it was done. I feel anxious sometimes now.”

"Mrs. Lin, think about it carefully. Before Mr. Lin encountered these things, did he have any strange symptoms?"

Jiang Ye started to guide, and Lao Lin's wife thought about it carefully, raised her head and glanced at him, and said with doubts in her eyes: "It doesn't seem strange, he likes fishing, and runs away whenever he has free time. Why? In addition, I often argue with him that he only knows how to fish and doesn't know how to spend time with us.'

"Did you have any quarrels when Mr. Lin went fishing in that lake?"

"We had an argument. He didn't say a word and went out with his fishing gear. When he left, I cursed him viciously and said it would be best for you to die in the lake. Wuwuwu ...I was really angry and that's why I scolded him like this. It's... I usually speak very venomously, but I never really wanted anything to happen to him!

When talking about her husband, Mrs. Lin also burst into tears.

"`々Then before that, if you scold him, will he talk back?"

"Yeah, every time I talk about him, he says I don't like him smoking, so he quits. I don't like him drinking, so he quits too. Even when I go out to have dinner with friends on weekdays, I give him a stern look. , he never went there again. Apart from making money, his only other hobby was fishing. Why should he be deprived of even such a hobby?"

"Yes, I admit that I am very controlling and always like to control him tightly, but I... just want him to spend more time with me and my children."

The woman seemed to have missed the point, but after listening to it, Jiang Ye said: "That means he was the only one who didn't talk back to you when the accident happened, right?"

"This...seems so. I scolded him again when I went out that time, but Lao Lin didn't say anything to me and just left with his things. Oh, by the way, he brought the fishing gear that day. Hao (Li Nuohao) doesn't seem to be his own. Although I like to talk about women, I always keep his tools well and clean them for him when he comes back. Store it well, so I can tell at a glance whether something is his.”

After Mrs. Lin finished speaking, Jiang Ye's eyes narrowed: "Then you didn't ask about the fishing tackle?"

"I asked, but Old Lin Fei said it was his. The fishing tackle I mentioned was clearly engraved and marked, and I didn't replace it with new ones. It's not yours at all. Old Lin said there was something wrong with my mind. I said it was because I was afraid that you might get confused by someone else's fishing tackle. Lao Lin didn't argue with me, and I didn't keep asking where the fishing tackle came from, but now that I think about it... No, that fishing tackle wasn’t the one he brought back that night, right?"

Mrs. Lin seemed to have thought of something as she spoke. Jiang Ye quickly asked, "Which night did you bring it back?"

"Lao Lin was sleepwalking one night just a week before the accident...!"

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