Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 127 Girl, Why Are You Pulling My Hair? (5 More Updates Please Collect)

When Xiaoxi talked about her first incident, her tone was full of tears.

Although she was trying her best to suppress it, she was extremely scared deep in her heart.

The fear was not just because of this supernatural incident.

In all the incidents that Jiang Ye encountered, their fear was not the first time or a single night, which made them extremely scared.

There are too many people in this world who occasionally encounter things that they cannot explain, but after a period of time or a few months or years, they never encounter it again, and the fear will only slowly disappear.

"What did you do with the photo of the deceased in the end?"

Jiang Ye asked Xiaoxi, and she said: "I didn't send her there, I was really scared. But I did one thing at that time, that is, I went to the hospital where the elder sister got on the car. I drove back to the hospital. Although I was very scared at that time, I wanted to figure out some things more."

"I went back to the hospital. In the previous communication, I asked her what her name was and what disease she had. When I asked her, I didn't ask her what disease she had. Anyway, I was vague about who the patient was, because I always thought it was one of her relatives. 837"

"I went to the hospital and found the inpatient building of the relevant department based on her disease. At the nurses' station on the first floor, I asked the nurses if there was a patient named Li Xiuqin in this building. If you ask such questions, the nurses will help to check. But after they checked, they looked at me strangely, as if to express their condolences, and said that the patient Li Xiuqin was no longer in the ward. She was declared dead this morning because she was too ill to be rescued!" "When I heard the news, I had already expected this possibility, but when I heard it with my own ears, I still couldn't help but feel scared. After going downstairs from the hospital, I hurriedly wanted to burn the portrait, just as if it was for the elder sister. But I didn't expect that when I went downstairs and returned to the car, I found that the portrait in the car was gone!" "I remember very clearly that I didn't take the portrait with me when I got off the car, and I put it on the passenger seat. The car windows were also closed very well, and it was impossible for someone to steal it, but the Qingzhao was really gone!" Xiaoxi said, Jiang Ye asked her: "Did you see that elder sister again?"

"No, but I went to see her. On the second day, I drove to the elder sister's village. I saw a mourning hall in the village. I stood outside the mourning hall and watched the elder sister's relatives kneeling in front of the coffin and crying. The photo in front of the coffin was exactly the same as what I saw the night before. I also asked an old lady, "What happened to this elder sister? Why did she die at such a young age?"

"The grandma told me that when she got cancer, her family had no money and she kept putting off treatment. Later, she was waiting to die at home. She couldn't bear it. She went to the hospital a few days ago, but she still couldn't survive. After I understood, I asked The eldest sister’s relatives, can I offer some incense? I was driving. I had pulled over this eldest sister before, and her relatives didn’t object to my worship. At that moment, I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.”

"After that, the eldest sister never came to see me. I drove again after a few days, and everything became normal."

When Xiaoxi said this, she finished talking about the first incident she encountered.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Ye asked her: "When did the second thing start?"

"Also one night, I happened to send a customer to a bus pick-up point. At that bus stop, there were many buses stopping at that place, leading to the airport and the high-speed rail station. There were many customers who took a taxi. Going to the airport and high-speed rail station will cost a lot of money, but if you get on the bus at that bus station, the next fare is only two yuan, which will save you dozens of dollars."

"That night I picked up a girl from a community and arrived at the bus stop. It was about eight o'clock at night. After the girl got off the bus, a bus stopped at that time. . I didn’t even notice that when I was about to leave, I suddenly found a face printed on my car window.”

"I was shocked when I noticed that face. It was an old lady, probably sixty or seventy years old. She didn't slap my window, and she didn't call me. She just leaned her face against mine. Grinning at me from the car window."

"I was frightened by her, so I lowered the car window and asked her, Grandma, are you okay? Grandma said, girl, do something good. It's not easy to get a ride this night. Can you send us home? Go? After hearing this, I saw two old ladies behind my grandma. Although I was a little hesitant, I still agreed to them. "

"But as soon as they got in the car, I realized that there were five of them. They were all old ladies, and they were all about the same age. My car could only carry five people, including me. So I said as soon as I saw it, I said grandma, this is not okay, the car is overloaded, but those grandmas didn't listen at all. They got in the car and squeezed each other. The old lady in the passenger seat was okay. I said, girl, let’s drive. If you don’t take us home this late at night, we won’t be able to go back.

"I said that if I was caught by the traffic police, I would be fined and deducted points. The old ladies didn't say anything. They were all sitting on their seats with their eyes looking out the window. In desperation, I could only drive the car and follow the instructions they provided. We drove to the right place, but halfway through, I felt something was a little unusual.”

"It only takes 20 minutes at most from the bus stop to the place those grandmas mentioned. But after I drove for more than ten minutes, I found that the distance to my destination seemed to be getting farther and farther. I thought I was driving the wrong way. I turned on the navigation, and it showed that there were still ten minutes left. At that time, I said sorry to the grandmothers. The grandmother in the passenger seat smiled and shook her head and said, don't worry, girl, drive slowly, we are going home now. The road is always very long, but as long as I can get home... it will be good!"

"What the grandma said at that time sounded very weird to me. But I didn't think much about it. I followed the navigation route and arrived there in ten minutes. I watched the grandma going to the village in the city where she lived, and she kept going. When my son waved goodbye to me, I felt relieved. At that time, I was just glad that I was not caught by the traffic police, so I wanted to leave this place of trouble and trouble quickly. "

"I drove back on the road to the city. It was still just after nine o'clock in the evening. Wait in the bustling places in the city, and there would be many passengers going to entertainment venues. But I didn't get there. On the way to the city, I kept feeling itchy on my neck. Finally the itching became so severe that I couldn't stand it anymore. "I just reached out and scratched...you know what I caught."

"There were stubbles of white hair. I stretched out my hand and grabbed a handful, and then I grabbed a bunch more. I looked back and saw that the old lady sitting in the passenger seat had obviously got out of the car, but she was still sitting with me. On the back seat of the car, he smiled at me and said, "Girl, let's drive... Why are you pulling my hair all the time!".

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