Horror Anchor Who Emerged From Hell

Chapter 129 Waking Up In The Morgue! (1 Update Please Subscribe Automatically)

"This is impossible. I am only twenty-two years old and I have no physical problems. How could I die?"

After listening to Jiang Ye's words, Xiaoxi immediately retorted.

After all, if anyone, especially this young person, wants to say that she is about to die, how can she admit it?

"I once met an audience member who had a pair of strange eyes because he encountered supernatural events since he was a child, or to put it simply, he had a pair of psychic eyes. These psychic eyes allowed him to see since he was a child. There are things that ordinary people cannot see, just like your eyes can always see some people who have just died during this period. "


"It's nothing, Xiaoxi. Let me ask you something more. Before you met that eldest sister, have you ever encountered any strange things?"

"No, really not!",

"Okay, "263", you're at home now, right?"


"Where do you think the coldest or dirtiest place in your home is?"

"Is this......... in the bathroom?"

The bathroom is often the dirtiest place in a person's home, because it is the place where people excrete, and all the dirt in the human body will be excreted from that place.

Therefore, many supernatural incidents often start in the bathroom.

"Then go to the bathroom and look for it."

"What are you looking for?"

"Don't worry about what you are looking for. You just need to look for it. Open everything you think you can open and take a look. If you don't find anything, then talk about it["

The essence of Jiang Ye opening the live broadcast room is to solve every supernatural incident.

So he started to guide Xiaoxi to search, and the latter followed his instructions and went to the bathroom.

There was a cabinet in the bathroom, and she opened it first.

There was a "squeak" sound, and the cabinet door seemed to be rotten.

The light in the bathroom was on. When I opened the cabinet, I saw that there was nothing inside except rusty water pipes and some dust that I had not found before.

At this time, Xiaoxi suddenly discovered another thing, which was the toilet water tank.

She walked to the toilet, turned on the speaker of her phone, put it aside, and then put her hands on both sides of the toilet.

But at this moment, a hurried phone call suddenly rang in the hall.


The sudden ringing phone startled Xiaoxi, and she quickly ran to the living room. It turned out that it was her other phone ringing.

That phone was an old one she used for navigation when she was driving a sports car.

When she saw the caller ID as "Mom", Jiang Ye happened to ask her: "Xiaoxi, whose phone number is it?"

"Holy shit."

"Let's answer it and see."

Xiaoxi said hello, then answered the phone and asked: "Hello...what's the matter?"

"Xiaoxi, your dad...your dad is awake!"

"Ah? Really? How is he now?"

Xiaoxi asked her mother, but at this moment, her mother said in a voice of extreme fear: "Xiaoxi, your dad has changed. He keeps his eyes open now, and I pulled him Come back."

"What happened? Aren't you always with him?"

"I was staying with him, but I just went to the toilet, and I didn't see your dad when I came back. Then I went to find the nurse, and I searched the whole hospital and couldn't find him. In the end, I couldn't help it. Under the circumstances, we adjusted the surveillance. Your dad...your dad went to the morgue by himself! He was lying in the morgue by himself. When we found him...he was I’m shivering all over from the cold!”

Xiaoxi fell silent for a moment. Her father, who had fallen into a coma after falling from the building, woke up, ran to the morgue, and even lay down in the morgue!

"How is dad now? Did he say anything?"

"He said someone was waving to him, so he stood outside the ward and talked to him. Then he refused to say anything, and now he lies on the bed with his eyes wide open. Xiaoxi, what should I do? Who is your father? It’s not like something went wrong, I’m so panicked!”

"Xiaoxi, tell Auntie not to panic for now and let her tell you everything that happened before and after."

Jiang Ye said something, and Xiaoxi's mother also heard some of it and asked, "Xiaoxi, who is it?"

"A friend of mine knows some strange things. Mom, why did my dad suddenly wake up tonight? Can you tell me what happened tonight? What happened?

Xiaoxi's mother didn't ask any more questions, but said: "About an hour ago, I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom, and then I went to the bathroom in the corridor."

Your dad's infusion bottle had just been replaced at that time, so I walked away. "

"I went there for just a few minutes, and when I came back, your dad was gone. Then I went to call the nurse, and after looking around for help, I adjusted the monitoring and found that your dad actually went to the morgue inside the hospital. When we found him , he kept tugging on my clothes and said there was a woman outside the ward. She stood at the window outside the ward and called him. Your father was woken up by the shout, and then he went to open the door. He said he followed the woman there. .

"What about when dad comes back?"

"After your father came back, the doctor gave him medicine, but he refused to sleep. The medicine seemed to have no effect. Now he is lying on the bed gasping for air. Xiaoxi, is your father going to... "

The woman on the other end of the phone began to cry as she spoke. Xiaoxi held back her composure and said, "Mom, my dad must be fine. When you found my dad in the morgue, did he say anything?"

"He pointed to a gurney in the morgue and said there was someone sitting on it. I said there was someone there, but your dad excitedly grabbed my arm and said, there is really someone, a woman... The old lady, she was still laughing while sitting on the gurney, but there was really no one on the gurney. Many medical staff were shocked by him, but there was really no one on top!"

"Then what?"

"Then your dad has been scolding you, saying that you took other people's things randomly. Xiaoxi...did you take other people's things? Tell the truth, your child is 3.9. Didn't you make some mistake? ?”

Xiaoxi didn't reply immediately, and Jiang Ye's voice came to her ears again: "Do you remember what you took? Or maybe you picked something up, but threw it away without paying attention. of?"

"No, I haven't seen anything except the things I picked up in the car."

Xiaoxi replied, Jiang Ye said: "Then ask your mother, what did the woman your father saw at that time look like? What did the men he saw later sometimes look like?"

Xiaoxi asked his mother, who said: "That one's hair reaches his shoulders, Lao Bajiao's skin is very dark, and he has a beauty mark between his eyebrows. He was standing at the door and crying all the time. Do you recognize him, Xiaoxi?"

Hearing his mother's description, Xiaoxi immediately opened his eyes and shouted: "That eldest sister named Li Xiuqin!".

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